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Everything posted by driftingnitro

  1. driftingnitro

    3rd Person Passenger Restriction

    The event handler wiki says that mousebuttondown doesn't have a display scope like keydown.
  2. driftingnitro

    3rd Person Passenger Restriction

    Aww, oh well then. Meanwhile I've been looking at the mouse even handler which has the scope over control not display https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ctrlAddEventHandler https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/User_Interface_Event_Handlers#onMouseButtonDown (findDisplay 46) ctrlAddEventHandler [ "MouseDown", { if (_this select 1 in actionKeys "personView") then { if (((vehicle player) == player)) then { player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; true; }; if (((vehicle player)isKindOf "Ship")) then { player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; true; }; if (player in assignedCargo vehicle player) then { player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; true; }; /* //Does not force first person in helicopters, planes, or cars if (((vehicle player)isKindOf "LandVehicle")) then { }; if (( vehicle player) isKindOf "Helicopter") then { }; if ((vehicle player) isKindOf "Plane") then { }; */ true; }; } ]; So I'm trying to change it to control event handler now, but the Control variable just sends me to this. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Control
  3. driftingnitro

    3rd Person Passenger Restriction

    I've been hearing a lot about these new stackable event handlers, would this be a good place to try them? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler
  4. driftingnitro

    3rd Person Passenger Restriction

    Works like a charm with numpad enter but... mouse button five isn't detected by the event handler. It works great with the keyboard though.
  5. driftingnitro

    3rd Person Passenger Restriction

    (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [ "KeyDown", { if (_this select 1 in actionKeys "personView") then { if (((vehicle player) == player)) then { player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; titleText ["", "BLACK FADED"]; sleep 1; titleText ["", "BLACK IN", 1]; }; if (((vehicle player)isKindOf "Ship")) then { player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; titleText ["", "BLACK FADED"]; sleep 1; titleText ["", "BLACK IN", 1]; }; if (player in assignedCargo vehicle player) then { player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; titleText ["", "BLACK FADED"]; sleep 1; titleText ["", "BLACK IN", 1]; }; /* //Does not force first person in helicopters, planes, or cars if (((vehicle player)isKindOf "LandVehicle")) then { }; if (( vehicle player) isKindOf "Helicopter") then { }; if ((vehicle player) isKindOf "Plane") then { }; */ true; }; } ]; All fixed up now, I think.
  6. driftingnitro

    3rd Person Passenger Restriction

    I dunno, I can click buttons pretty fast ;) Anyway, here's the updated one then. Seems like sound logic to me. player displayAddEH [ "KeyDown", { if (_this select 1 in actionKeys "personView") then { if (((vehicle player) == player)) then { player switchCamera "INTERNAL"; titleText ["", "BLACK FADED"]; sleep 1; titleText ["", "BLACK IN", 1]; }; if (((vehicle player)isKindOf "LandVehicle")) then { }; if (( vehicle player) isKindOf "Helicopter") then { }; if ((vehicle player) isKindOf "Plane") then { }; if (((vehicle player)isKindOf "Ship")) then { }; }; } ];
  7. driftingnitro

    Stop time when entering ZEUS in SP

    BI doesn't really have a reason to implement it, I don't know if you've tried https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setAccTime I don't know if it stops zeus from working as well but it's worth a try.
  8. driftingnitro

    3rd Person Passenger Restriction

    On that note, I have no doubt it's faster than waiting for view to switch. but onto the task at hand, I'm not exactly sure how to use the vehicle assignment to check for a boolean. if ((assignedVehicleRole player)=="Cargo") then {hint "blah blah stuff happens in here";};
  9. driftingnitro

    Zeus mp problems

    Units spawned by zeus cannot be selected in the lobby, you can only make them switchable after the player is already in game. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addSwitchableUnit check that out. You cannot edit players with Zeus. You can only make direct changes to a player with scripts referencing that player's unit.
  10. driftingnitro

    Debug with Zeus?

    If you are running just that script in the debug console it's not going to know which box you're talking about. You have to name the box itself and call it as a variable.
  11. driftingnitro

    Using Zeus on modded maps

    I don't know about the error, but I know that Zeus modules by default do not load all addons. Make sure the module is using all official addons and custom addons.
  12. driftingnitro

    Zeus Intel Custom Images

    Negative, the file has to be in the mission directory or in an addon that all players and server contain. At least beyond my knowledge, you can't inject files mid-mission.
  13. driftingnitro

    [WIP] Morse Script

    Looks like something neat, might try and use it to simulate a distress signal for evac of someone.
  14. driftingnitro

    3rd Person Passenger Restriction

    On a side note, wouldn't it be more optimized to run the loop only when view is switched? This looks like it would execute on every button press. This script would be running on initplayerlocal.sqf from the start of the game so it wouldn't run as well? Even if it is negligible I like to avoid anything optimized.
  15. driftingnitro

    3rd Person Passenger Restriction

    There it is! I spent 20 minutes cycling through related scripts on the wiki, never managed to come up with this one. Thank you.
  16. driftingnitro

    [WIP] Morse Script

    .-- .... -.-- / .- .-. . / .-- . / . -..- -.-. .-.. ..- ... .. ...- . .-.. -.-- / - .- .-.. -.- .. -. --. / .. -. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . ..--.. / .-- --- -. .----. - / .--. . --- .--. .-.. . / -... . / -.-. --- -. ..-. ..- ... . -.. ..--..
  17. driftingnitro

    3rd Person Passenger Restriction

    That's a new way to write it, I'll give it a shot. But do you know any way to check a Boolean for if the player is a passenger?
  18. I'm trying to figure out how to set the defaults in the Arma 3 profile as well. Considering it's an overhaul I'm assuming I'd need a new template of some kind. Have had no luck finding it yet.
  19. driftingnitro

    Wrought iron bushes

    Among other things, wood pallets are obstacles for tanks too.
  20. driftingnitro

    flyinheight not working for low altitude?

    All vehicles refuse to fly lower than 50m even if you want them too. It's part of the engine in the AI
  21. driftingnitro

    Arma 3 stuttering issue

    Any time my game has stuttered it's because the hard drive is busy or struggling to ready everything before it shows up.
  22. driftingnitro

    Wrought iron bushes

    I like how everyone seemed to ignore the coordinates thing.
  23. driftingnitro

    Zeus Land Way-points do not work

    I can confirm this also happened right after Eden came out.
  24. I'm using a Logitech Extreme 3D pro (My saitek x52 did the same thing however) and the in game control configuration appears to be saying it's using 100% of it's range of motion. However when I try flying an aircraft or use any of the analog controls for anything, it only appears to roll, pitch, and yaw at half of what it's capable of. How can the game detect the motion of the joystick properly in the configuration screen but not translate that in the game. To reiterate, the configuration screen properly detects the 0 - 100 motion correctly, it does not translate into actual in game movement however. I've update Logitech drivers, and running on public release branch or Arma 3.
  25. Currently following this guide: https://youtu.be/Cw80ZWZh1Xw Potential cause: https://youtu.be/Cw80ZWZh1Xw?t=4m19s At this point in the video my tools deviate from being the same as in the video, the ARMA 3 tools as I see them only give me "Work Drive Management" where his "P: Drive (DevP)" is. The window still says "DevP" at the top but I don't get a "Default" option like he does. I only have Install/Uninstall Bulldozer, Mount work drive, and display debug info. Problem: https://youtu.be/Cw80ZWZh1Xw?t=12m8s When trying to commit this step, having followed everything said and shown besides the above potential problem (Having just used "Mount the Work Drive" instead), Object builder gives me a loading screen for "Starting External Viewer" and how many seconds it has until it's finished. It stays at zero estimated seconds until it just says "External Viewer: TIMEOUT - Operation takes a long time". When trying to move forward with the steps anyway. Trying to render in terrain builder results in freezing and "not responding" until I close it. Has something changed in the process recently?