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Everything posted by anrio

  1. I used this code in init.sqf, but i think this file executes after pressing "next" button. I tried onPreloadFinished at the beginning onPreloadFinished { waitUntil {!isNull findDisplay 53;}; ctrlActivate (findDisplay 53 displayCtrl 1); findDisplay 53 closeDisplay 1; onPreloadFinished {}; }; but it still doesn't work
  2. Viba, is it possible to skip a briefing (map and tasks,notes, etc.) that is shown after a loading screen, with findDisplay? I've found, there's no such briefing without 'briefing.html' in a mission's folder, but i need it for debriefing. 'Briefing = 0' in description.ext doesn't work
  3. STALKERGB, thanks for manual! But i have a problem with my own backpack. I made a radiostation as bp and a unit who can carry bps can't pick up my bp: there is no actions on it. Also when i write "this addbackpack "class" into unit's init, unit may drop this bag but he can't take it again. here's my config: Can you help me? I made bp without any units and unit's config and can't insert proxy to my model
  4. I think it probably has... i wrote hint str (getArray (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf sold >> "hiddenSelections")); to the init of unit named "sold" and i received a hint "medic":crazy_o:
  5. I use your "p85_ussr_sol" in my project and can't repaint any soldier. (i want to use my own desert camo) this setObjectTexture [0, "img\test.paa"] in unit's init doesn't work How can i do it?