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About marez12

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    Private First Class

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  1. Hello, I'm quite new to scripting, and I'd like to know if this is correct: player enterArea = { _this = _this select 0; if (isServer) then { if (isPlayer _this) then { _song = "music\song.ogg"; _sound = [_this, _song, false] call BIS_fnc_spawn; } }; }; Thanks for your feedback!
  2. marez12

    Thoughts about the AI

    I know it would make things less replay-able; but there is a nice design option that is showcased in Combat mission. It's to allow the ai to choose from a couple of paths. And yeah for public server missions it would be definitly a no go, it makes things more linear for sure. But for mission played just once, it would improve significantly the AI effectiveness. Tbh I'd love to see that as an option! Just to give you an idea of what I'm talking about.
  3. marez12

    Thoughts about the AI

    Hi everybody; I started playing combat mission a couple of months ago CMSF2 to be more precise. And I walked through it's mission editor, something blew my mind, with basics command it was pretty easy to set up an AI battle plan, against a player. And I thought why not doing the same for the arma 3 AI? AI modder as far as I can tell want the AI to be as independent as possible, so it doesn't require much to do from the mission maker to set up group and defenses. It's great in a way that it requires less work from a mission maker or a zeus editor to control the AI, and they can focus on other parts of the scenario. Even though so far those mods have been great, I started to wonder if we did focus on the wrong things. I mean would it be possible to just focus on the basics AI individual movement and group movement and then thanks to some commands, waypoints and markers allow them to execute some complex maneuver, or use covers. For exemple: I set up a group with 9 soldiers in it: 1) I set up an attack waypoint. 2) I put markers over position in wich the AI will use to take cover and make fire and maneuver. Like: Position A, Position B... Or infiltration routes. 3) Set up an area in wich the AI will be looking for enemy contact around the attack objectives. Like: An area marker with a line to activate a S&D mission in said area. 4) Let the AI hunker down in said area. This would allow the AI thanks to those simple set up, use fire and maneuver tactics, supressive fire... without too much calculation, like finding a path for the AI to take etc.. An other thought I had about this, is when I saw LAMBS AI mod, and the way we can use CBA object Building position, to make the AI use the terrain more effectively. Like setting an area in wich the AI will be able to take cover thanks to the terrain. Setting up an area marker in wich we place building position so if the AI is under attack it can decide to use this place as cover. I know performant AI is tough to run due to the amount of calculation needed. But i was wondering if it would make things run smoother this way. Thanks for your answers!
  4. marez12

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Hi, I found an intersting way to work with your garrison waypoint in conjonction with CBA. Using the CBA object: AI building position you can make a fixed position for exemple in a trenchline for the AI. However it seems to me that it doesn't work everytime?. Was it something you've forseen anyway? Because it's very usefull in mission making and i'm not sure why it doesn't work 100% of the time. For exemple the AI wil rush out of it's position or won't take place in a position at all. Is there a reason for that? Thanks in advance.
  5. marez12

    Arma 3 potential

    Introduction: Over the course of 12 years spent on this amazing franchise (Arma: Armed assault, Arma 2 and Arma 3) I've had time to enjoy the game in a lot of different settings, from pure milsim to roleplay and just fun. But I created this topic because something bothered me for the last years, growing up with this game I saw the amazing potential Arma 3 has and I began to wonder if we could do something more. From what I've seen on the MP side of thing, this game could be anything, a Battlefield, a squad a Hell let loose or a CoD, but yet we do things without going far into it. In the following topic I'm going to explain my point of view over this matter, and maybe ideas that I've got to deal with it. First of all I want to talk about the modding, the issue with the current state of mods in arma 3, 2nd I want to talk about what we can do about this issue, new game mods, or maybe new way to share mods. I/ The issues with mods When I play vanilla game, it's quite easy to go in a mission, because there is no need to install something new a mod, but when a player wants to have a different experience, he will have to download mods. But their are so many issues with the current states of the modding community that players are often discouraged or scared to download mods, even for mission editor it's quite a pain to make a mission with mods if you want to share it with the arma 3 community. In this part, I will go over the reasons of the issues with the modding community in my opinion. a) Too many mods for the same thing. When the modding tools first came out on arma 3, we were all like, it s going to be amazing it was amazing, but now it is too much. When you create a mission with russian or american forces, you have to think about what mod set you are going to put in it, RHS, CUP? Do I take the basic AK's or AR4 platform displayed by those mods or do I take Niarm's Weapons? Those issues are not a plague just for mission creator but for communities as well, when you want to plan a session with different communities you have to talk about wich mods you use and it's quite a pain sometime because a community will use a certain mod and the other community will use an other mod doing basically the same thing. It's a shame because when you think about it the aim of those mods are probably the same somehow, but yet we have to make a choice. This is a big issue and probably the main issue of why we can't bring a huge amount a player, because with so much dispersion we can't agree on everything. And this is how I'm going to my second point in the modding issue, the current way to share those mods is quite unattractive and even scary for new players. In the end you can end up with a 100Go of mods because you have to download 2 mods doing the same thing but you want to play 2 different missions. b) Too many tools. As I stated before the way we display, we share our mod, is not the best in my opinion, for new players they've got 4 different way to download mods or a mod set wich are not always easy to use. Communities are also scattered because of this issue, some use Steam, other use Play With Six some ask their player to download them manually or over a site. For a new player, if he wants an other experience over the one proposed by vanilla arma 3, he will have to choose a way to download his mods and install them. Bohemia did a great job with the Steam Workshop, but even there, we are faced with the lack of unity I talked about in point a. In the end the modding community is so scattered that is difficult to do big things, I love the modding community though, they came up with amazing things, they brought us mods that are amazing to play with but it's a shame that the community is so scattered. (And I'm probably not the only one thinking that). II/ What we could do about it Yeah, we are there to many mods, but what could we do about it? I'm going to talk about things we could do in my opinion to correct this issue. a) What to do first with the game itself and the mods Arma 3 is a powerful sandbox game, where we can do almost whatever we want, as I said in my introduction, it could be a battlefield a xCom, or something entirely new, a good way to start things in my opinion would be to create game mods based on often played game mods, and easy to access for new players. Maybe we need to fing a way to reduce the amount of key needed to play those mods like we had in project Argo. Is there a need to have 4 speeds or 9 stances to play a TDM or a capture the flag? Is there a need to have a compass or a watch to play those game mods? Maybe a first step would be then to make things easier for new players, to reduce the difficulty of the game first. This game as a learning curve very steep and for new players having access to game mod like this would be huge, we've got a lot of good things to work with in vanilla arma 3 to engage new players and to attract new communities. Reworking the backbone of the arma 3 multiplayer would be a good step to secure new players in my opinion. b) Unite mods Now that we managed to work on the vanilla game, we could extend those game mods to work with mods. But as I stated before, there are too many mods. What could we do about this? Maybe first of all create a base modset for each way to play the game (Casual, Milsim, Hardcore, Roleplay). Maybe unite them by settings, and choose the best for each settings (Modern, WW2, Vietnam, HALO, Star Wars...) or mix them in order to have the best of each one in one mod set. We could (it's just an example) use RHS uniforms and vehicles, and use Niarm's . Deleting the RHS weapons from the modpack or use RHS weapons and add the RPK, and make it work with RHS. Add different faction currently dispayed in the modding community like the German or Swedish forces in this mod set. So the mission maker would know what to use and the players won't need to download 10 different modpack to play a modern warfare setting in arma 3. (The same could be done for WW2 as well) c) Communicate This is the part that maybe would require the most work in my opinion. 1) To new players Uniting those mods is just the beginning, for new players that would like to play on certain settings, we have to make it simple for them to no scare them off. Communication is very important on this part. Make a topic maybe on this forum or on the steam Forum with a link that tell them: Want to play hardcore WW2: Download: Hardcore settings, WW2 Want to play Vietnam casually: Download: Casual Settings, Vietnam Want to play in vocal download TS3 or discord Etc... It should be as simple as that for new players, no other action required and I think this is where the Steam Workshop shine in my opinion, because it is very easy to use and I think it would be the best way to share the mod packs. 2) To the general public This is where youtube shine, we've got a lot of youtuber in the arma 3 community, and presenting things as simple as possible would be the best way to attract new players. The forums come 2nd in my mind, also a great way to present what has been done, and how easy it is to join the arma 3 community. 3) To the arma 3 community Teams and communities beeing scattered would benefit a lot from something like this, as I said, playing together would be so much easier knowing that the other team plays with the exact mods, settings... The job here would be to convince them to move on those packs. (And it won't be easy). This is in my opinion what could be done in order to improve the game stance, and maybe help new players to find their way in the game. Fiew last words: If you read all the way to here, I might have captured you attention about this. And personally I'd like to work on it, if you feel the same or maybe you want to share your opinion feel free to talk about it here or in private. Maybe something can be done after all!
  6. Oh I understand but well it s already an overhaul compared to the basic one imo. When you command there is an order to make a unit watch a location is this what you are talking about?
  7. Hello, I wanna say you ve done an amazing job with your mod! I follow your work since the start. I have ideas and I was wondering if it can be theoretically implemented. It s pure theory but, I always thought the AI lacked a lot in therm defense capabilities. I mean that they are not able to effectively defend a sector or a position, they always run around in a stupid manner. Is it possible to add some kind a waypoint that make the AI watch a certain position or make them take position to get a view on it? I think it could be a way to implement a AI script that makes them able to defend a location like: -Put a waypoint: Guard on a building to make them move inside or next to a structure (like a trench) -Put a waypoint: Watch Thus the AI would put themself in position to guard the sector while taking then watch the sector in question (we could put something like amarker if we want a wider area for them to stay in like multiple buildings.). Also an other waypooint like a Fall back waypoint that would make the AI behave a certain way to fall back to a position. Wich could be a great add to your mod to make the AI a lot more dynamic.
  8. marez12

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Tactical I ve never seen such thing with RHS.
  9. marez12

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks for the answer on the 9K11, well it s a bit weird to use, but it's challenging. An other question about roquet launchers and Anti tank ammo, are you planning one day to implement fragmentation when hit by a RPG, I mean when you hit a vehicle with an RPG you disable it sometime, but the crew is never in a big danger, are you planning to change that one day? It's done with the AP ammo with machine guns, I was able to kill everyone in a M113 with a RPK so I guess it can be done so you can kill the crew with an RPG or a shell comming from a tank.
  10. marez12

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hello, I ve got an other question, does anyone know how to propely use the 9K11 anti tank missile? I might be the first to ask but it s a bit unclear how it works.
  11. marez12

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    hello! Amazing work, your update is great! I ve got one question thoug, is the VHS the base line for the katiba rifle in the vanilla game? Because it looks like a current version of it!
  12. Well AIC for some reasons doesn't work aswell, I can't use the menus
  13. hello, I get the error in every session, I can't right click or anything. I runned the mod with CBA and nothing else.
  14. marez12

    The ZoomReduc Mod

    Update: -Faces of War Is compatible, you just have to download the last version of the vanilla folder and it's going to work with Faces of War
  15. marez12

    The ZoomReduc Mod

    Hello, Unfortunatly due to a lack of time for me to continue I couldn't update my mod, but now I'm back and I will focus my work on 3CB weapon and Faces of Wars mod