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Everything posted by pinaz93

  1. Yes I love old style camouflages too ;) However how can I make para units more "unique"? Any ideas?
  2. Nice work, I really love this map and I can't wait for the update ;)
  3. Sorry if I post a lot of screenshoots (some are unnecessary, I think, like these), but I love to take good screenshoots and share them :) Today I have made a long flight over Isla Panthera (part of slovenja, where there is one Triveneto base, at Lesce airport) with planes and pilots of the Phantera provisional air group, composed by planes from the 1st and 4th Triveneto Air Force Wings (2 F-35A and 3 F-16C). F-16s just before to taxy to the runaway F-16s taxing and taking off Vulpes-3 (the F-16) and Leone-2 (the F-35) flying over the montains Vulpes-1 and Vulpes-3 flying over a city in southern Panthera Returning home
  4. The A-346 skins are finished! Added and adjusted the warning sights, the one for jet intake and the one for the ejection seat ;) I did some other little fixes, like a greater color band on the tail...
  5. Thank you, if I need something I will ask here ;) However I have worked on the skins for the squadrons, them are still wip but near the finish: -2nd WING (GHEDI AB): -3rd Multirole Fighter Squadron "Dragoni" (Dragons) -4th Ground Attack Squadron "Civette" (Owls) -3rd WING (BOLZANO AB): -5th MFS "Vipere" (Vipers) -6th GAS "Rapaci" (Raptors) -4th WING (RIVOLTO AB): -7th MFS "Vulpes" (Foxes in latin) -8th GAS "Squali" (Sharks) All triveneto air force squadrons together Another wip is jet intake warnings on the A-346:
  6. oh yes I forgot to say that I have already imported the SAW ;)
  7. The triveneto faction (I'm talking about this becouse is the only one near the finish) for now have standard A3 clothing and equipment, but with the ARX160 from massi (probably I will find a new pistol insted of the standard A3 one)... I don't know if I will import something else for the equipment in future... The leo 1 is a good idea for a less expensive armored unit in the other two faction (triveneto will have only a not large number of leopard 2), I will take a look for it!
  8. The northern and southern republics will have the regiments with old names ;)I'm already importing the land rover from massi pack! And I will probably take the AB412 from the huey pack (now "medium utility elicopters" if I don't remember wrong)
  9. I was just trying the static line parachute (DEGA parachutes mod) and I have made some screenshots... The Airborne regiment will come in the near future, I have used normal infantry... I'm thinking if is possible to import this parachute and implement it directly in the C-130, I think that I will ask if it's possible... I really love the static parachute for the the airborne infantry, it's more realistic!
  10. "By the way I think that in all this division of Italy some irredentist group will persist and will fight against all of the three new regions" there are going to be news on this ;) Thanks for the names however, I'm thinking on Monfalcone (Ronchi dei legionari airport, right?) too, perfect position to defend Trieste and Venice ports and the Monfalcone shipyards too!
  11. Vipers ("Vipere" in italian) it's good for F-16s, sharks too but is better for navy's F-18 ;) I will add the skins in the next days! thak you!
  12. Not for now! However, I'm restarting the works now ;) I want to ask you something, I need some names for planes squadrons! Just write some names and for which squadron is (xxxxx, yyyyy, zzzzz for F-16 squadrons, qqqqqq for A-346 squandron and so on, the F-35 squadrons already have ther names and symbols) Thank you ;)
  13. Thank you!However, are you talking about of a kind of training SAM system?
  14. Tomorrow I'm going to move to Germany for two days to meet a friend, so there aren't going to be news until Sunday evening/Monday ;) when I get home I start making other squadrons skins and start to import the land rover! Good weekend to all!!
  15. Hmmm, yes I think that is the best option... I have to change some things in the packages to make them modular but nothing difficult ;)
  16. The first pack are going to be released whit the Triveneto faction, then with the updates I'm going to add the other factions! So the first release are not too far, when the Triveneto faction is done (with most of the assets, maybe something new will come with the updates) I will add here the download link ;) The only thing that I don't know is if release them as separated packages or in a only big pack... I can do something like this: -a pack with the core files (all vehicles and weapons that I have imported) -3 packs for the factions, so people can take, one, two or all of them... Wich way is better in your opinion?
  17. Importing complete ;) F-16C Block 52+ with conformal fuel tanks, Triveneto air force 2nd Wing - 3rd Fighter Sq. "Dragoni"
  18. I'm working on the import of the F-16, I have sone little issues, but is 90% done ;)
  19. pinaz93

    [A3 Island] Alpha: Pianosa!

    I don't know if you see my new work, but this island (with gorgona) will fit perfect for my new factions ;)
  20. pinaz93

    [A3 Island] Alpha: Pianosa!

    What I really want to ses if possible is a concrete runaway for the airport, like the one on Utes island for example, not really big but good for some warplanes ;)
  21. The final composition of the Triveneto air force and naval aviation is going to be: AIR FORCE - F-35A x32 (2 squadrons of 16 aircrafts) on Istrana AB - F-16C block 52+ x39 (3 squadrons of 13 aircrafts) on Ghedi AB, Rivolto AB and Bolzano AB - A-346A x39 (3 squadrons of 13 aircrafts) same bases as F-16C, so the wings will have an F-16C sq and an A-346 sq NAVAL AVIATION (the main objective of the naval aviation is the protection of the fleet bases and of the northen adriatic sea from enemy ships) -F-18C x30 (2 squadrons of 15 aircrafts) ground based in ??? All planes are going to have every squadron skin
  22. Thank you again ;) However I have added some new vehicles (all standard A3 assets) and fixed some other bugs today... Added: -Patrol boat -assault boat -UAV operator -UAV I have also made a test for a Desert camo: and here's the patrol boat, I don't know if I have to retexture it or just use the standard one... In the next days I will start importig the F-16C blk52+ made by firewill, and the LR defender from the massi vehicle pack ;)
  23. Sorry if you've been inactive for a few days, but I took a few days of calm ... however I received SPECIAL permission to import the F-18C by the 7 Seas Studio team when it will be released... I'm really happy about this becouse it's a special permission (they told me to specify this), and I think that no other people will have this opportunity...