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Everything posted by Crielaard

  1. I dont think we have hit any limit of arma. The active radar missiles (not semi active tuna ;) ) should be well possible to script. Even easier than IR missiles. Even propper semi active radar missiles should be possible when a good radar systwm comes out. (Which I know is being worked on)
  2. DOWNLOAD HERE Version 1.0 This manual is based on Multi-command handbook 11-F16 volume 5. Most information is left out due to the limits of Arma’s air operations, avionics and area of operations. This brings a 290 page manual back to little less than 50 pages. The manual is designed to provide pilots the needed information to make the right decisions during any phase of a tactical mission. This manual provides no authority or sanctions to depart from the established training procedures and directives, nor is it directive in nature. The details within this manual are based on John Spartan's & Saul's F/A-18. But are easily adaptable for any fast Jet. Table of Contents Foreword .......................................................................................4 Preparation ....................................................................................5 Establishing priorities .......................................................................5 Prioritising tasks ..............................................................................5 Mission objectives............................................................................5 Flight leadership .............................................................................6 Wingman responsibly .......................................................................6 Mission planning ............................................................................ 6 Debrief ......................................................................................... 7 Formation ......................................................................................8 Basic formation ............................................................................... 8 Tactical formation ........................................................................... 9 Tactical turns .................................................................................12 Air to Air ........................................................................................14 Principles/Concepts Of Basic Fighter Manoeuvres (BFM) ..........................15 Offensive BFM..................................................................................17 Defensive BFM .................................................................................19 Air to surface ..................................................................................20 Manual Bombing Delivery ...................................................................21 Strafe ............................................................................................29 Loft bombing ...................................................................................30 Pop-Up deliveries .............................................................................. 31 Two ship Employment considerations .....................................................34 DOWNLOAD HERE https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11221288/3Cdo/Combat%20fundamentals.pdf Extra documents: F/A-18 Turning performance Graphs GBU-12 Release parameters Manual Dive bombing table Manual level bombing table
  3. Crielaard

    How to aim GBUs in all CAS aircraft

    Long post and memorisation which, as I posted before, is easily combined in 1 page with a picture: https://db.tt/zF5ax5Pa Thats all there is to it. Fly in the published parameters and release. IF you do get in a situation where no designation is available, I want to refer to my Combat Fundamentals manual Chapter Dive bombing which will give you high altitude and shallow dive anlges, which will keep you out of harm's way. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?178073-Fighter-jet-Combat-Fundamentals-Manual Note the altitude and and safe stand-off range in these videos
  4. Crielaard

    Fighter jet Combat Fundamentals Manual

    Yup I know. :)
  5. Crielaard

    Fighter jet Combat Fundamentals Manual

    Its easy enough to script is so it eitherway works. Thats the power of arma.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/B3HDT4Nqbz4 demonstration of a VFR Carrier circuit 2km Initial 250m @ 300km/h Downwind 200m @ 200km/h Final 160km/h on glideslope 3rd wire landing, full power to idle on arrest DISCLAIMER I'm a former Air Force pilot. I have never done carrier landings in my life. Circuit and speeds are based on USN NATOPS. Speeds are based on Arma's F/A-18 flightmodel.
  7. Crielaard

    Questions about control of UAV's in MP

    Yes it will show all As far as I know there is no easy way to restrict them. You could 'createvehicle' them through a script. Yes Not sure how to get that result
  8. Crielaard

    Fighter jet Combat Fundamentals Manual

    WDP is indeed a great tool. I even used it IRL life believe it or not... This actually gives me an idea... Lets see if I can script that for Arma aswell.
  9. Shadow is actually working on a realistic radar system. However... an ECM system like the Growler or Prowler don't have much use. Or no use at all. The Area of operation is no greater than 25x25km. Which is allready too close to BVR engagements which instantly renders ECM like that useless. The only nice thing would be to connect it with ACRE and/or TFR to scan freqs and then jam them.
  10. My Combat Fundamentals manual has been released. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?178073-Fighter-jet-Combat-Fundamentals-Manual
  11. Crielaard

    Everon2013 for @A3MP

  12. Crielaard

    G forces

    well, believe it or not...hitting a bump, I have had 2G on my G-meter IRL. Anyway. Thanks Rock, we'll talk on TS. And Thanks JP for the links. :D
  13. I was about to work on a script that finds how many G-forces are working on a vehicle. Preferably even in all directions. It shouldn't be too hard to srcipt, just time consuming. But before I start working on it, am I not reinventing the wheel? Did someone ever do this, or something simmelar? I'm trying to figure out the G-forces working on the vehicle (and it's crew). What I need it the speed (That's the easy part) and the speed it's moving arround it's axises. That's where it becomes complicated for me. I know I need the vectorUp and vectorDir command to get the position arround the axisis but that's just giving me the sine and cosine of the angles. And these numbers are all connected to eachother. Here it kinda stops for me...
  14. Crielaard

    How to aim GBUs in all CAS aircraft

  15. Crielaard

    G forces

    Spartan's thingy seems to be atleast very close. One strange thing I noticed is that is gives the G's in any direction. Pulling gives you a positive indication Pushing gives you a positive indication Yaw gives you a positive indication Another thing that's weird is that is shows (near) zero G in level flight. That's easily corrected in the script. I tried several manouvers in specific speeds, which should give a certain positive G result. It was correct. But thats merely implemented in Spartan's F/A18. @Spartan Care to share how you pulled it off?
  16. Crielaard

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    Tried it...im hooked. Will wait for the consumer version.
  17. Crielaard

    G forces

    Nice! Thanks both of you
  18. Crielaard

    G forces

    46 views... Guesse it's never been tried?
  19. Crielaard

    How to aim GBUs in all CAS aircraft

    Edit: I just notice this is allready a 3 page thread. I may have missed something while typing my last post aswell. Sorry if I was redundant or impropper Summarized from the F-16 combat fundamentals handbook: CCIP is a visual-computed mode. The FCC compensates for local wind by using data from the INS. the pilot should visually aquire the target and manouver his 'pipper' onto the target. Any pitch angle can be valid and it has some roll tollerance, although smooth flying and accurate parameters will enhance the system's accuracy. So dive- or level attacks are very well possible. CCRP is a computed non-visual mode. Here also the FCC compensates for local winds. The target is in this case not aquired by visual means but by aircraft sensors like FCR TGP or GPS/INS and nowdays datalink. CCRP oncoperates a 'loft cue' for standoff attacks, lofting bombs onto a target. This system can well be used in day VMC tactical situations were greater standoff is desired. Both systems have the same flaw though. They cannot account for winds aloft, windshear, convection, remous and sub/supersonic speed effects and so forth. Hence both systems will be equally inacurate at greater altitudes and slant ranges. And both systems can be used in either level or dive attacks. Lofting and pre planned targets is the pro of ccrp Quick and accurate target switching/shifting is the pro of ccip
  20. Crielaard

    Safe altitude?

    A UAV should only operate when AA threats are minimal to non existent. They are commonly tasked in blocks between the CAS/Strike aircraft and CAP aircraft. Where CAS flies upto 20.000ft and CAP 28.000ft. The UAV will then have enough room for manouvering. Coverness is key for UAV ops. SEAD will also be available. Either by aircraft or artillery. If a major anti air threat is detected the UAV should get his ass OUT.
  21. Crielaard

    Suitable view distance???

    12000/12000 works fine on my new rig.
  22. Crielaard

    =ATM= Altimeter

  23. Crielaard

    How to aim GBUs in all CAS aircraft

    Reading my guide (see Pergor's post) carefully and executing as described you will hit every time. Even if you screw up the parameters you will still be able to hit withun 30 meters. (Lethal radius is 50m) The manual comes with two demo videos. I will release my fighter jet combat fundamentals manuals soon which is based on my RL training manual, translated to whats usable in Arma. It will also come with a simple and effective technique to get your GBU12's on target with 100% accuracy from ANY altitude. Here is the parameters table to get going right now: https://db.tt/zF5ax5Pa About CCIP and CCRP: Many people that never worked with it misinterpet these systems (as the post above) It as nothing to do with altitude or dive angles. It's the measure of target aquisition and attack profile types. Im also working on a CCIP and CCRP script. Untill that time...learn the basics first. As I had to. ;) Regarding laserguided weapons. The reason they are carried is NOT 'So that aircraft dont have to rely on ground units to target them. Its to ensure weapon accuracy on higher altitudes. They still rely on ground units to find targets. And often even to designate targets due to line of sight angle and surface type reason. Plus these targeting pods can fail for various reasons. Stay tuned.
  24. Crielaard

    A-10C for Arma 3

    What's the use of an RWR? Arma doesnt even have a propperly modelled radar system... Agree on the gun :D
  25. Crielaard

    F-35B Lightning II

    Oh yeah. Actually I meaned the actual position of the nozzle. As you may know, it has multiple positions (5?) between the vertical and horizontal position. Would be a great and logical indication. Shouldnt be hard to make, would it.