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Everything posted by Largos.

  1. Dezkit may I ask why you removed most of your other aircrafts from the steam workshop? While I'm well aware this question may not be relevant to this exact addon, and is something I'd usually pm about I thought I'd ask it here because others may be wondering the same thing.
  2. Optimizing such a complex and large scale game is an extremely challenging, and timely project which is why it hasn't been completed. I can almost guarantee you BIS is trying to tackle this problem, even with teams working on new features such as the helicopters DLC.
  3. Largos.

    [WIP] USAF Air Asset MOD

    And so it begins...
  4. Largos.

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Wrong section buddy, put this is mod request, not mod complete.
  5. (To-199 Neophron) As some of you may have noticed in the recent let's play video with Eurogamer they introduced a new fixed wing fighter for CSAT that will debut in the third campaign. This thread is designed to spark discussion on the new plane and other possible planes in the release. First the Yak-131 The Yak 131 is an armed single seater aircraft from the Yak 130 family which includes the Yak 130(Training) Yak 133 (Recon) and Yak 135 (VIP Transport). The Yak 131 was originally planned to replace the Su-25 Frogfoot but ended being scrapped due to lack of pilot protection. So far BI has fitted it with a 30mm cannon, a "UAH" rocket pod, 2 "Soln-9s" or possibly "Solar 9s" (The video compression was screwed up and made it very difficult to read) Which appear to be sidewinder missiles possibly related or counterpart to the AIM-9X as there are no current air-air missile systems I know of that relate to those names. There also appears to be 4 air-ground missiles which I won't even attempt to try to read. http://defesaglobal.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/yak-130.jpg Some discussion topics I want to bring up about this is if BI is concentrating on a CAS Jet for Opfor do you guys think they'll just add a variant for air-air which while we are moving towards more multirole types of jets like the F-35 the Yak 131 is a little bit "chunky" or "unathletic" for dogfighting. I would be thoroughly surprised if BI actually did make another fixed wing besides the confirmed Yak 131 and the unavoidable(as close to confirmed as it gets) F-35. There is no evidence of another CSAT jet or leaked photos like the other fixed winged aircraft but I was pleasantly surprised by the new CSAT trucks so it could be possible. The T-50 golden eagle would be a perfect candidate for this role. http://www.aviationtrivia.info/Sukhoi-T-50.php Also what so you guys think of the advanced technologies that could be added with these fixed wing aircrafts. The F-35 boasted it's remarkable HMDS (helmet) on "60Minutes" that can "see through" the plane using cameras mounted on the plane. This would be a pretty cool vision mode and doesn't seem like it would be too difficult to include. It would also be pretty cool to have working cockpit radars and factor in stealth technology which might result in shaky or delayed locking and decreased radar detection. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9b/F-35_Helmet_Mounted_Display_System.jpg By the way this is my first thread start, tell me how I did please. The final products from BI (Planned release for March 20) To-199 Neophron A-164 Wipeout (Future A-10) With these confirmed what will become of this texture? http://www.rapidfiregames.com/sites/default/files/pics/arma3/ss-024.jpg
  6. Largos.

    [WIP] USAF Air Asset MOD

    Did you decide to incorporate the 2 dimensional thrust vectoring into your F/A-22?
  7. Largos.

    'Balancing' of the Slammer UP

    I have to agree, the standard slammer is the slowest and has no commander gun while the UP is just as slow and is the lightest armed and lightest coaxial gun. The slammer tanks also have the worst anti-infantry shells, the MTP-HEAT has little splash damage. After all this the T-100 is far faster, has the highest caliber main gun, and has a commander gun. I don't see what they were going for when they did the slammer. If they went for realism then it'd have the same armament as the Merkava Mk4 60mm internal mortar, 120mm main gun, 2x 7.62 mm guns, and a .50 cal. If they had decided to go for balance they would've given the slammer amazing armor or at least a commander gun. "Wait a second that's what it is" the only thing is someone thought that wasn't balanced and decided to shrink the main gun and the coaxial gun. I don't understand why on earth you would fit a 105mm on a slow heavily armored mbt? They could've easily just put a shortened barrel and added a couple new ammunitions since the HEAT-MP-T lacks splash damage and doesn't seem to be all that multipurpose in arma at the moment.
  8. Ok buddy first of all I don't appreciate you down talking the posters in my thread. This thread also isn't supposed to be about the whole "The futuristic arma 3 idea is stupid" and finally if you're going to be insulting people at least make it comprehendible.
  9. ^He's right, good find I must admit though I'm a little bummed that the F-35 isn't coming. I was kinda looking forward to doing some VTOL hovering on multiplayer severs...then again I could still get my VTOL Some other cool possibilities http://www.rolanddynamics.com/media/vipera12.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2pRkkhj9an8/T3iUaQ-KUfI/AAAAAAAABGY/Spof69-EOnU/s1600/Blockout1.png -I actually think this is what we will get. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ED6GNDNkIBQ/UQAjdqG6E-I/AAAAAAAABAE/nGl_i4OsJXk/s1600/DropShipSketch8_Web.jpg- Perhaps a little too futuristic but hey look where we were 20 years ago, who knows where we'll be in the next 20. https://0-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/tg/image/1368/12/1368123534735.jpg
  10. Largos.

    Development Blog & Reveals

    NATO's new CAS Bird is the A-164 Wipeout File evidence thanks to dreben052. I took the liberty of putting in the new CSAT truck and jet in there too. It's in here if you want to take a look for yourself C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\Addons then go into the language_f_epc
  11. Like the forever empty pistol holster that a dev claimed will be looked into almost a year ago... http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=369
  12. Largos.

    Development Blog & Reveals

    This is what the scrapped version looked like, I can't imagine it'll be all that different. http://www.clanbrancaleone.eu/clanab/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Arma3-tank-screenshots.jpg
  13. Largos.

    UAVs: Feedback and wishes

    [quote=DarkDruid;2633309 [*]Fixed: [uAV] Being renegade after crashing Greyhawk Does this mean no more Skynetâ„¢?
  14. Largos.

    [WIP] IkaR F-16

    You got that right; let's not dig up inactive threads to give people false hope guys.
  15. Largos.

    CSAT faction question

    CSAT is likely to be a close replication of the SCO which is basically the opposite of NATO. CSAT also gives Iran a much stronger and more powerful role because it is currently only an observer. While Russia is a leasing group in this alliance our relations seem to be improving so their participation in this war is a good question that is difficult to speculate. Hopefully all this leads to a pacific DLC with some really impressive units.
  16. How do you figure a Yak-131 could "Swat" a F-35? The F-35 has a higher thrust to weight ration, nearly three times higher thrust output, an afterburner that puts it to over four times the thrust, higher max G, twice the top speed, and a higher max load weight, 360 degree HMDS vision and thrust vectoring. On top of all this I can almost guarantee it has several times the effective engagement range which doesn't do much in arma nor does the stealth body type but nonetheless it still has it. Sure anything's possible, for God's sake a good pilot could shoot down an SU-35 with an A-10 but it's just impractical. CSAT could use a far more advanced air to air fighter, but as others pointed out arma isn't a dogfighting simulator and CAS is the major component of fixed wing in this game. That being said I could live with one CSAT jet but it'd be nice to have a T-50. I did check out that (two and half months since last post) old thread by the way and it seems to have turned into a fight about the A-10 cannon again and was just about the two possible fixed wing CAS birds which left out tech/features and other fixed wing vehicles.
  17. Good call on the AAN news chopper, nice work man.
  18. Largos.

    [WIP] USAF Air Asset MOD

    I can't wait for this mod, especially some of your future plans. When you develop the F-22(Probably going to be awhile since you've got so much on your plate) will you animate the thrust vectoring nozzles like Saul and John Spartan did with the SU-35E?
  19. Smile Two nice screenshots for two cool planes, great work guys.
  20. Largos.

    SMA (Specialist Military Arms) mod

    At last an ACR, probably my favorite gun, but I hadn't seen anyone else make it. Thanks guys!
  21. If you need any inspiration here is a possible Bradley replacement. CV9035 It would look great next to the AMV-Marshall and also NATO is lacking a heavy gun tracked IFV. Also aircrafts are in high demand(Haven't seen anyone working on the F22 which should be all sorted out by 2035) and if your really ambitious it'd be cool to get some warships.
  22. Largos.


    The sound of that 5.56 M34 on the Puma is glorious! Can't wait to try this mod out.
  23. You guys did it again, great mod! The only thing is can you edit the original post to get the SU-35 on the front page? It was definitely worth looking for though.(Pg 70) Is Stillman still active though? He had regular updates in the WIP section and looked like he was only a week or so from release and then all the sudden his thread went inactive and that was about a month ago.
  24. Largos.

    Mexican Armed Forces Mod

    ^ With a large number of sidearms like the FN Five seven. You could also add the AR-15 and a lot of drum mags for various weapons. A mk19 variant would be cool too on the Dodge You might be able to ask around to see if you could get the mk19 from someone else.