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About Largos.

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Dezkit may I ask why you removed most of your other aircrafts from the steam workshop? While I'm well aware this question may not be relevant to this exact addon, and is something I'd usually pm about I thought I'd ask it here because others may be wondering the same thing.
  2. Optimizing such a complex and large scale game is an extremely challenging, and timely project which is why it hasn't been completed. I can almost guarantee you BIS is trying to tackle this problem, even with teams working on new features such as the helicopters DLC.
  3. Largos.

    [WIP] USAF Air Asset MOD

    And so it begins...
  4. Largos.

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Wrong section buddy, put this is mod request, not mod complete.
  5. Largos.

    [WIP] USAF Air Asset MOD

    Did you decide to incorporate the 2 dimensional thrust vectoring into your F/A-22?
  6. Largos.

    'Balancing' of the Slammer UP

    I have to agree, the standard slammer is the slowest and has no commander gun while the UP is just as slow and is the lightest armed and lightest coaxial gun. The slammer tanks also have the worst anti-infantry shells, the MTP-HEAT has little splash damage. After all this the T-100 is far faster, has the highest caliber main gun, and has a commander gun. I don't see what they were going for when they did the slammer. If they went for realism then it'd have the same armament as the Merkava Mk4 60mm internal mortar, 120mm main gun, 2x 7.62 mm guns, and a .50 cal. If they had decided to go for balance they would've given the slammer amazing armor or at least a commander gun. "Wait a second that's what it is" the only thing is someone thought that wasn't balanced and decided to shrink the main gun and the coaxial gun. I don't understand why on earth you would fit a 105mm on a slow heavily armored mbt? They could've easily just put a shortened barrel and added a couple new ammunitions since the HEAT-MP-T lacks splash damage and doesn't seem to be all that multipurpose in arma at the moment.
  7. Ok buddy first of all I don't appreciate you down talking the posters in my thread. This thread also isn't supposed to be about the whole "The futuristic arma 3 idea is stupid" and finally if you're going to be insulting people at least make it comprehendible.
  8. ^He's right, good find I must admit though I'm a little bummed that the F-35 isn't coming. I was kinda looking forward to doing some VTOL hovering on multiplayer severs...then again I could still get my VTOL Some other cool possibilities http://www.rolanddynamics.com/media/vipera12.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-2pRkkhj9an8/T3iUaQ-KUfI/AAAAAAAABGY/Spof69-EOnU/s1600/Blockout1.png -I actually think this is what we will get. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-ED6GNDNkIBQ/UQAjdqG6E-I/AAAAAAAABAE/nGl_i4OsJXk/s1600/DropShipSketch8_Web.jpg- Perhaps a little too futuristic but hey look where we were 20 years ago, who knows where we'll be in the next 20. https://0-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/tg/image/1368/12/1368123534735.jpg
  9. Largos.

    Development Blog & Reveals

    NATO's new CAS Bird is the A-164 Wipeout File evidence thanks to dreben052. I took the liberty of putting in the new CSAT truck and jet in there too. It's in here if you want to take a look for yourself C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\Addons then go into the language_f_epc
  10. Like the forever empty pistol holster that a dev claimed will be looked into almost a year ago... http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=369
  11. Largos.

    Development Blog & Reveals

    This is what the scrapped version looked like, I can't imagine it'll be all that different. http://www.clanbrancaleone.eu/clanab/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Arma3-tank-screenshots.jpg
  12. Largos.

    UAVs: Feedback and wishes

    [quote=DarkDruid;2633309 [*]Fixed: [uAV] Being renegade after crashing Greyhawk Does this mean no more Skynetâ„¢?
  13. Largos.

    [WIP] IkaR F-16

    You got that right; let's not dig up inactive threads to give people false hope guys.
  14. Largos.

    CSAT faction question

    CSAT is likely to be a close replication of the SCO which is basically the opposite of NATO. CSAT also gives Iran a much stronger and more powerful role because it is currently only an observer. While Russia is a leasing group in this alliance our relations seem to be improving so their participation in this war is a good question that is difficult to speculate. Hopefully all this leads to a pacific DLC with some really impressive units.