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Everything posted by jshock

  1. jshock

    Respawn time parameter.

    I would recommend putting it in the initServer.sqf, then if that doesn't work in an MP setting, try it in the initPlayerLocal.sqf.
  2. jshock

    Respawn time parameter.

    [{your condition to set new delay},#,"New Delay Time Set"] call BIS_fnc_setRespawnDelay; [{time > 300}, 15, "5 minutes after mission started, respawn delay is now 15 seconds"] call BIS_fnc_setRespawnDelay; I'm unsure of the locality of the function, but my educated guess would be on the server, but easy enough to find out after implementation.
  3. jshock

    Respawn time parameter.

    These functions allows you to delay it: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_setRespawnDelay or https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_respawnTimePenalty I didn't see any "setRespawnTime" functions though, could have over looked one easily though.
  4. I made a script very similar to this a long time ago, using the above EH, however, firstly, I cannot find it atm (figures), secondly, there are multiple ropes attached to the box (4 if I remeber), therefore, the EH will execute 4 times, so you need to be sure to execute your code only once out of those four times or else it will spawn 3 extra parachutes :).
  5. When I do need to do something like this, I end up just writing out a few of my own functions and stuff, I've never really used someone's system.
  6. No. Yes. Plenty of unit loadout scripts out there, as well as threads related to that.
  7. Ah, was unaware of that option, and tbh, have zero campaign creation experience :p.
  8. Save all necessary data to the player's profileNamespace, then build a dialog around that.
  9. Does this not work? systemChat format ["All units: %1 Cached: %2", count allUnits, zbe_cachedUnits];
  10. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/titleText
  11. You would use BIS_fnc_execVM to execute a script.
  12. jshock

    Question about locality

  13. jshock

    Question about locality

    No, it's always recommended to put as much weight on the server as possible because with the diversity of computers for all the players, you need to make the assumption that not everyone has a beastly computer. Hopefully, you know the specs for the server, or can easily find out, but the more on the server (or headless client, which is highly recommended) the better, if you bottleneck a server with your code it's safe to assume it would do the same on each client, if your code is done properly with enough care there should be no issues adding weight on the server. There was a similar thread and discussion as far as using createVehicle vs createVehicleLocal (executed across all clients), but I'm on my phone and cannot properly link it.
  14. jshock

    Question about locality

    1-9 are all correct. createVehicle is an "effects global" command, which means that it doesn't matter where it is executed it will be synced across all clients (including the server), that is why when using createVehicle/Unit or similar commands it is recommended to run them either solely on the server or on a headless client if avialble, avoiding duplications based on number of clients currently connected. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicle_array You can see the "EG" at the top left of the page of the command, E = effect, G = global. Similarly with other commands you will see A, which is "arguments", and L, meaning local. The hint command is EL, effects local, meaning just as you stated above, only the executing machine will see it, or run the "effect": https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/hint
  15. I don't think you should reinvent the wheel here, all you need to do is be patient see if you can get an account on the wiki, and then do all the fixing you feel necessary, then all that needs to happen is just have a central page with all these other pages linked, then just link that page around.
  16. jshock

    (Permanently Erased)

    Hopefully you realize that VBS is a real, military training simulation, not the civilian sector equivalent, so yes, I'm sure they will support a manual for that, and even if they don't "truely" keep that manual up-to-date as BIS, I'm sure they have the weight of military personnel (that follow any orders given) to help keep those manuals updated. And again I state the same thing I did in your other thread, looks like you've got some work to do, you are technically apart of this community, so if you feel something needs to be done or contributed, get it done. I'm sure there are people here willing to assist, should you be willing to take others' input.
  17. I don't why are there so many countries in the world? Same answer, everyone wants to do their own thing. As far as your actual statement, sounds like you got some work to do.
  18. jshock

    (Permanently Erased)

    I remember a similar conversation/thread on this subject from a long time ago, I don't remember exactly what was said as to why one would be better than the other (or even if it was worth taking the time to choose), but at least as far as I'm concerned it comes down to the script author's preference with inline vs file functions.
  19. Name the game master module, then in an external script that is ran through through the iniPlayerLocal, get and check the player UID, then use the assignCurator command.
  20. This may be the closest you'll get (but I'm not entirely sure on that): https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/diag_activeSQFScripts Then filter for "<spawn>", you can't be exacting, unless you know the filename (if there is one), but, at least you'll know what "unknown threads" exist.
  21. jshock

    How does scheduling work?

    Params is better used in a script/function that takes input values (parameters), private is better used when (austin's explanation is better). I believe that params also privatizes those variables, so you don't have to params it then private the same variables.
  22. jshock

    How does scheduling work?

    Pretty sure BIS_fnc_param provides those three as well, params is just provided as a scripting command which inherently is more optimized than an external function (therefore making the function version obsolete). Hmm, yea looky here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_param
  23. Replace "_this" with "_x"
  24. jshock

    Combined counter

    total_count = 0; publicVariable "total_count"; fn_callFunction = { total_count = total_count + 1; publicVariable "total_count"; str(total_count) remoteExec ["hint",0,false]; }; Assuming you want every player to see the hint after each increment, if no, simply do: hint str(total_count);//in place of remoteExec line