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Posts posted by zeealex

  1. Well that was a fast release  :P One question though, I thought 4k textures were troublesome for arma to handle, causing all kinds of issues regardless of the user's hardware. Gorgeous model and textures though. As for camos, have you considered snakeskin?

    In my experience, 4k diffuse maps are fine, but other maps like the normal map and smdi need to be in 2k or less

    A couple of minor issues, the NSW variant isn't showing a foregrip, probably a simple scripting issue, I am presuming it's a "stubby" VFG?

    The penetration values don't seem overly bad a slight tweek, and they should be not too bad at all.

    Are you using the RHS config with RHSUSF installed? if you have RHSUSF installed, you can replace the default PBO with the one in RHS_Config, and that will give you access to RHS forgrips in the under barrel slot :)

    I can tweak those values for sure :)

    • Like 1

  2. Thanks all! Glad to hear you like it!

    Wow these look great, Thanks a lot for this zee!


    Same goes for the screenshots,

    I don't think I've seen those uniforms/gear before, Could I get the name of the mod they're from please?

    That, my friend, is VSM gear pack by my homie vanschmoozin, great guy, great gear!

    Looks very nice! :)


    Steam workshop BTW ?

    Yup! It was just so late last night I couldn't think about anything other than sleep! :)

    Oh beautiful! That is a fancy MP-7 :D


    So were you planning on releasing this today anyway-or was it pushed forward because of the comments about the weapon in your other topic? ;)

    It was all planned, dear ineptaphid, it was just convenient someone spotted the artstation page :)

    Okay so I can do the other AORs and ATACS, no problem

    Urban digital sounds cool too :)

    I may set up a poll like road runner suggested, might give me a good idea as to what direction to swing it in.

    Thanks again all, hope you enjoy it!

    • Like 3

  3. 50somp7_by_zeealex-daifrd2.png

    50 Shades of MP7


    MP7A1 and MP7A1-NSW




    howdy y'all! 

    I've been working away at this little side project for a while and thought I'd like to release it standalone for arma 3. 

    Long story short, the MP7 is one of my all time favorite weapons, it's a girly gun, and i am a girl, so it's a me gun... anyway, I wanted to pay a proper homage to it in my own way, with an arma 3 mod.

    The MP7 Pack has Two MP7 variants at present, the MP7A1 and the MP7A1 NSW, with the Wilcox rail in place of the integrated grip. 

    The MP7s currently have these color selections each:

    Ranger Green
    Flat Dark Earth
    Woodland Streak Camo
    Woodland Snakeskin
    Desert Snakeskin
    Winter Camo

    And also has the Rotex II Suppressor in the following colours:
    Flat Dark Earth

    The pack also has an optional RHS config that enables the use of Foregrips with the MP7 NSW. (REVOKED FOR 0.9)

    Known issues:
    The Iron sight aiming isn't fab,
    without the RHS config the MP7A1 NSW has a strange grip anim,
    reload animations are slightly off timing,


    drebin052 - config help
    MistyRonin - Initial configs
    Reyhard - Anim and initial configs
    Jeza - Screenshots
    Vanschmoozin - testing
    Jarrad96 - Ballistics info
    Spartan - Ballistics info
    Lappihuan - Config help
    Uro - Config Help
    My wonderful supporters and donors:
    Julia Pliquett
    Stefan Keßner
    Janek Bender
    Lars Jørstad
    Eira Fagurfifill
    Steel Shimsky


    Required Addons:
    CBA A3 (or ASDG joint rails)
    (Optional) RHS US Armed Forces (for MP7A1 foregrips)
    0.9 (CURRENT)

    -RHS config temporarily revoked pending some extra information needed

    -fixed weapons not showing in VA
    -added custom Icons
    -added two new camos, Woodland and Desert Snakeskin
    -fixed some config errors and optimized classes
    -fixed damage
    -fixed magazine weight being too high
    -MP7A2 now has correct name. 

    -Initial release. Bugs expected. 
    -RHS config should now function correctly
    -Suppressors now have worn paint
    -Winter Digi Camo
    Known Issues:
    -Due to trying to keep the filesize down not all camos have matching suppressors, as they require a new model, and can't be hiddenselectioned.
    -Steam Release













    what I need from you is suggestions for what colours to use next! 

    let me know what you think!

    • Like 33

  4. no need to be uptight about it dude, you have to understand the license agreement is there for a reason, if you don't like the fact that you can't just hand them off to an already strained group of people just to suit your interests without you and them running into legal trouble, then you shouldn't have bought the models, that's the whole point of the license agreement, is that when you purchase those models you agree to the license, and that license is non transferable

  5. If I may for one moment

    As much as I don't want to sound disrespectful, I value opinions and questions as much as the next person provided they're actually worthe taking on board, in this case, all of them here in the past couple of days were, the faces are too shiny, that camo isn't textbook and yes there needs to be more variation.

    However, i'm also in agreement with das attorney here, i'll admit fault by not openly saying it wasnt my goal to be realistic with that particular camp, however as das has said, there seems to be a major fixation in everything being to the book realistic.

    The problem with this is things like face paint and the discipline surrounding it is that it may vary from unit to unit, let alone country to country, look at the peruvian special forces for example.

    Mexico might have different rules compared to the US, the US might have different rules to germany, germany might have different rules to thailand and so on and so forth. Fact of the matter is, if realism was the ultimate goal here i would have so much work on my shoulders i would sooner exhaust myself than release the mod.

    Also, whats to say that that individual i screenshotted in particular wasnt a terrorist? Or a guerilla? Or militiaman? On the basis of arma 3 being set in 2035, that USMC gear might have been surplus by then. I cant imagine a terrorist group would really care about camo rules somehow, it was already stated that the paint was more as a morale thing than total stealth.

    Arma 3 is a game, i respect you want realism in it, and i've already supplied a more realistic face option that provides perhaps what you're looking for, however as an artist its fair to respect also that i do like a certain degree of artistic license. I mean, have you seen vanilla arma 3 lately?

    'Realistic' options will be available, if you dont like the unrealistic ones, the simple solution is to not use them.

    • Like 8

  6. 1) Dear RHS team, I am unsure but I remember reading somewhere that it is OK to release mods that retexture your assets as long as they give credit and don't tamper with your files - would that be correct? I have been working on a "GREF style" faction that uses RHS assets, namely a 2016 version of the AAF. Just wanted to check if it is OK to redistribute. Pictures here if you are interested.


    2) On the matter of GREF, since you have all the source files, are you planning on adding some more exotic armored vehicles, there seems to be a lot of love for replacing the BMP-1s turret for example in Syria with a ZU-23-2 AA gun (something the Greek army has done too).

    retextures using hiddenselections are fine so long as you list RHS as a dependency and you don't repack RHS content. BTW, those AAF hummvees are dope!

    for point 2 I'm actually planning on doing that when I continue work on the MTLB.

    I already did it in the old project run, however the MTLB's need a lot of love:


    • Like 13

  7. yep too smooth, the pores need to be more noticeable

    the pores are quite extensive, well, compared to the older versions. I think it's more to do with the specularity and perhaps image compression in this particular case.

    Just checked mason's .rvmat and her specular power is too high, will turn it down and we should see a more diffused shine similar to that of oily/sweaty skin



    A nice African American female face like Gabrielle Union would be sweet!! ;)

    *cringes with anxiety* I'll try :P



    I like the idea of the Camoface, and the quality of the textures is really good, but the Application of the Camo looks like some random civilian said "Yep, i am gonna get some Paint on my Face to look like a Warrior".


    It is breaking multiple rules of camouflage: 

    1. Straight Black Lines in a 90 degree angle, very very bad on camo.

    2. You can see some Skintone, in basic training you would get killed for that.


    There are 3 Types of facecamo pattern i am aware of:

    1. Z type Camo, the Face is painted in multiple Zs that will blend together in a very irregular pattern.


    2. Multiple overlaying Spots to get a smooth transition from color to color.


    3. Complete Green Face, with diagonal brown lines, they're not supposed to be exactly straight but somewhat irregular.


    This is not meant as an offense its just a nice hint.

    There is actually a more realistic camo pattern there, I just need to fix the lips as I took too much camo off them and it looks weird. 


    (do excuse the slight purple hue of Marmoset's shaders there.) 

    The Skull one wasn't meant to even touch the realms of realistic, I was just dicking about with it ;) and hey, it's something that doesn't stick out too much like a bare face would. As Daisy said the skull one was more Morale/Intimidation than stealth if anything at all. 

    in regards to the streaks of bare face, I wanted to have a 'lived in' look on them, like the camo paint's been scraped off by twigs, leaves, sleeves, gun stocks and sweat over time, if this isn't realistic i'll tone it down a tad. 



    The camo looks a bit unprofessional, as per above, otherwise great work. I'm really looking forward to the next update. 


    If I may have some suggestions, I'd like to see a blonde, Eastern European-looking face. Everything you've got in the pack so far looks American, which isn't a bad thing considering which side the players are on 90% of the time, but I'd love to see a face (or two) that could work for the Russians.

    Hmm, I need to do an eastern european one for anothe project, so I'll try for sure. 

    • Like 4