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Posts posted by zeealex

  1. 21 hours ago, gfresco said:

    Holy moly. Been away from ARMA 3/online for a while and the progress you've made is stunning, Zee. I'm glad to see the option to incorporate female characters is being expanded! The heads are flawless so it seems the final hurdle, no help from B.I on this one, is getting working female bodies/skeletons? It'd be nice to be at the point where it'd be easy to add female characters to factions added with add-ons but I suppose we're still a ways away from that. Still, the progress thats been made is stunning I still have the very first release installed on one of my laptops & its quite the comparison to the latest SS's posted here.

    oh wow, you'll have to send me some screenshots of that first vers! i'd be interested to see a direct comparison! I've still got the original files but they won't pack :(

    It would be lovely to get proper female skeletons ingame, AFAIK HorribleGoat is still working on his one which adds in that skeleton. so maybe it's not far off :D 

    Thanks man! :D

    • Like 1

  2. Oh so you're the guy who sent that donation! Thanks man! You're amazing I really appreciate it! :D was it meant to be that much? just out of interest, I don't want you getting into trouble if there was a mistake. 

    I can make women, they'll be dicky as heck (arma 3 skeleton) but I can make them due to workload I can't give an accurate timescale right now but i'm hoping to get started on some more ladies. Children will need new skeletons and therefore animations, so that's a nogo on my end unfortunately :/ 

    • Like 1

  3. shut up they have boobs!

    I'm hoping soon Arma 3 will have a good female skeleton to work on

    anyway, test screens with M81 camo


    Needs some adjustments, I had to adjust her boobs about 4 times because they clipped with vests so they look a bit weird, 5 minutes in O2 fixes that and also her hand weights are FUBAR rn

    but compared to the old version i'm gonna take the liberty in saying it's greatly improved.

    The Project it was originally part of is here if you're curious, all made by moi! :D

    • Like 4

  4. *whispers back* stripper clip  ;)


    One thing I wanted to add as well, as someone who's not a modder and is also guilty of making the odd request here and there, one of the other things that these requests lead to is "Oh great you're doing one of those." which invariably turns into "So you said you were doing one like that, is it done yet? Do you have an update on it? When will it be ready? Are you still working on it?" which can be frustrating to no end when you start bringing in entitlement (where's my mod?) and obligation (why aren't you working on it?). All of which can squeeze the life / enthusiasm / ambition out of whatever it is that you're doing.

    oh was it? I kind of assumed modern day = probably meant magazine. silly me :P

    as for your latter point, agreed entirely, someone asked me a question, I missed it because if you read the thread the answer would be there, and i posted a new WIP and they demanded an answer to their question. completely disregarding the progress i'd made. it does suck the life out of it, it's like a parent nagging you to do the chores.

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  5. he said he wasn't having a go at you in particular, it is just an unfortunate nature of such a large community, ideas and suggestions are great! but as a modder myself being hounded with different things from different people can grate on you after a while.

    think of it this way this is from my own perspective:

    you do something one person says "HEY GREAT WORK now i want you to do this this and this" and then another comes along "it looks good, can you do this?" and another, and another, and another, by the end you've got about 8 requests for different, and you would like to do them, but you only have one pair of hands. 

    you start to feel bad for not being able to fulfil said requests straight away (mine at the moment is civilian women due to skeleton restraints) you start to lose esteem, motivation, etc. you're getting good comments but there's normally a request attached to it somewhere. and it goes the same way, over and over and over again, every time you post a WIP. it starts to grate on you, and when you say no because [insert reason] some requesters get a right strop on, try to argue it, and that causes a further decline in your mood.
    sometimes requesters don't even comment on the work, they just WANT something, i know RHS gets that a lot, and it does get on you after a while that what you're doing is never going to be enough to satisfy the huge appetite of such a large community, everyone wants something different, everyone wants it now, but they don't realise we're modders, not super human octo-limbed mutants with all the time in the world on our hands, you feel me? 

    I often wonder if sometimes people forget there's actually a person on the other end. 




    Now..people want , people always want but they wont do themselves, which can be very frustrating at times

    just to touch on this very quickl, it's often quicker, better and more fun and insanity inducing to learn the tools and do it yourself, rather than ask a modder to do it for you. that was certainly the case with FEMAL3. All well and good complaining, and asking around, but take the initiative once in a while 



    Yes, I agree, but he pouches on this vest look like they're sized for bolt-action type ammo clips,

    *whispers* it's a magazine, not a clip

    • Like 7

  6. With ACE: extremely easy you could just do it with the ACE Self Interaction Menu.


    Without ACE: relatively hard, i would suggest simply making the hair as a weightless headgear Item and the Player can simply switch between it and the normal Helmet/Cap.

    i'd probably do the latter anyway for compatibility with other female mods :)

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  7. Thanks! With helmets its honestly not bad only the bun clips but as you said the caps are another kettle of fish

    There will be a hair and no hair head and also as part of my collab with my homie [insert name] there will also be a very unique solution which hasnt been tried before in arma AFAIK

  8. Really outstanding work.

    But that M107A1 muzzle break is just so ugly. I don't know who at Barrett thought that this was a good idea.

    I prefer it over the harmonica one, it can fit the old one as well AFAIK, its just they had to design it so it could fit a QD suppressor, I think it also takes a chunk off the kickback as well.



    I actually really like the look of that prototype-it's got a kind of subdued sci-fi look to it.

    I'll be making the prototype and old form factor M82 and M82A1. 

    when i say 50 shades, i mean 50 shades :P

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  9. Thanks Guys!

    I was actually thinking about doing a CTRG version, would look pretty dapper.

    @SuicideCommando That's the new suppressor ready M107A1 Muzzle brake, and yes, that does mean suppressors are confirmed, i'll be doing Barrett's own QDL suppressor. 

    So I was watching star wars VII for the 14th time today and spotted a very familiar shape... did anyone else notice it?


    In other news, the M82 celebrates it's 35th birthday next year, did you know this was its first working prototype?


    Talk about puberty!

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