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Posts posted by zeealex

  1. No, but as a member of the modding community he is more than entitled to remind you of the rules you are breaking. 

    Its like your friend or your mum telling you not to drive a car without a license because its illegal, sure, they're not cops, they can't arrest you, but they are aware of the rules and can warn you if you are breaking them BEFORE you are punished by the police, or in this case, moderators.



    • Like 6

  2. Hey all!

    It's a little off topic, but as you know Manchester came under a terrorist attack yesterday evening, in case you don't know, Manchester is a 45 minute drive away from my old home city and friends of friends were attending the concert, no one I knew personally, but still, it hitting so close to home hasn't been great. 
    so in the unlikely event that you've been pondering giving me donations for my work, please place your money here instead:

    They need it more than I do, and all Patreon proceeds for this month will be going into the fund. 




    • Like 16

  3. did some further testing today after resolving a couple of minor issues and I noticed one thing straight off the bat; the head's colour tone isn't jaundiced like V2's heads were, and it now pretty much matches the vanilla A3 heads.

    couple more dev shots without a helmet:







    • Like 23



    -RHS config temporarily revoked pending some extra information needed

    -fixed weapons not showing in VA
    -added custom Icons
    -added two new camos, Woodland and Desert Snakeskin
    -fixed some config errors and optimized classes
    -fixed damage
    -fixed magazine weight being too high
    -MP7A2 now has correct name. 

    drebin052 - config help
    MistyRonin - Initial configs
    Reyhard - Anim and initial configs
    Jeza - Screenshots
    Vanschmoozin - testing
    Jarrad96 - Ballistics info
    Spartan - Ballistics info
    Lappihuan - Config help
    Uro - Config Help


    Julia Pliquett
    Stefan Keßner
    Janek Bender
    Lars Jørstad
    Eira Fagurfifill
    Steel Shimsky


    If I missed anyone give me a shout!

    Woodland and Desert Snakeskin Renders




    For those who are substance painter users, I will be putting my snakeskin material onto gumroad for free following some much needed tweaking. 

    Steam version will be updated shortly

    • Like 10

  5. Hmm, 'interesting' and 'respectful' discussion there, Damian...

    Back on topic; Interiors, to me would be absolutely lovely, I don't drive tanks much but i think it would feel a lot less claustrophobic and a lot more cool if there were an interior to look around, it would make things much more immersive and much more cohesive I guess?

    would be nice, but not exactly a deal breaker if the rest of it is good enough. 

    • Like 4

  6. The barrett is safe, thankfully that thing was on an external disk. 

    Vasquez isn't gone, there's a PBO of the male heads on my mediafire, I had it for internal testing, but I won't be able to modify those models any longer. 

    I may dump that test version here, but it isn't as featured as i would've wanted it to be. 

    • Like 6

  7. it is wildlands :3

    okay bad news... my work disk died and i lost pretty much everything... cause stupid idiot over here didn't back up. 

    good news... I don't give a fuck because I made a new base head that blows the previous version out of the water! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND there may or may not be a collab with another modder regarding bodies, i'll see how that goes before confirming. 

    say hi to Jenny


    • Like 26

  8. On 2/7/2017 at 0:44 PM, Yourmother said:

    Hi Zee! I'm with the AAM guys (known as Quiet amongst them) who've re-textured your female bodies for use with our Australian units. Having used them for the first time today, I gotta say, I'm really pleased with them overall. They look good, they function well, and add something I didn't even know I was missing from Arma. That said, I do have a couple of minor points I've noticed, and would like to mention.


    Firstly (really minor, I know), the hair on the models clips through some headwear, most notably the balaclavas. If you've got a helmet on over the top, you can't see that (obviously), but I thought I'd mention it in case the issue was unknown.


    Secondly, I (and my squad-mates) have noticed some issues with the neck region. It's kinda hard to explain it in words, so I've taken a couple screenshots that will hopefully illustrate the issue.



    Once again, really appreciate the hard work you've put in, and thanks for letting us make use of them!


    I am aware of both and am working to fix the clipping on the uniforms. it'll be a quick fix in OB i would imagine! 

    as for the hair clipping with the headgear, that's to be expected, but I am working on a solution of sorts with a friend of mine, so stay tuned! 


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