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Posts posted by zeealex

  1. Hiya, I love your work.

    Could it be possible to get a class list for all the uniforms? It'd be super helpful for some work me and my community are working on.

    FEM_NATO_F - short sleeved female NATO soldier

    FEM_NATO_long_F - long sleeved NATO soldier

    FEM_NATO_Rolled_C_F - long sleeved soldier (rolled sleeves)

    CSAT and AAF follow those naming conventions, just replace NATO with CSAT/AAF :)

    Is there any civilian uniform of the femal boby in this mod?If not,would you made some in the future?

    yarp! Working on a couple very slowly due to other projects, but they will be there at some point :)

  2. Essentially yes, high resolution textures that are hopefully more versatile and more believable.

    The original UV had other elements in it that werent relevant, those have been removed so the uv is much more efficient.

    Thing is though it might not be in an update, it might be an extra expansion.pbo, I've managed to perfect the eyelid weights now.

    More on it all nearer the time a few other commitments have come up, so i'm not able to dedicate as much time as usual to the addon. Not that its a major issue

  3. thanks for the testing scruffy! glad there are no more bugs (hoorah!)

    While I'm here, I'm also working on a brand new base head rather than the current ones I'm using now, lower poly(better performance), higher detail, no permanent smiley face, hopefully, they'll be easier to rig too.

    ciao! :D

  4. bit more done to the hammerhead, just needs some vertical stabs, landing gears, a tail and an interior! :D


    The F/A 91 Hammerhead uses two main flying states, a general flight state, with it's engines adjacent to the body, and a takeoff/landing state, with it's engines bowed below the body.

    The hammerhead features unique engine vectoring technology, where the engines and their platforms act as the main control surface for the craft, due to the high speeds that the hammerhead reaches, the resulting drag caused by the vectored engine platforms when in a turn slows it down, causing a much smaller resultant turning circle. Giving the pilot a significant advantage in a close range dogfight.

    The Hammerhead also features an artificial gravity chamber inside the cockpit, negating the effects of G-forces on the pilot.

  5. Danke Valken!

    Okay A few things to add, one is complete, the other two are WIPs,

    We have a black IPDF slammer:


    The Hammerhead Nuclear Jet:


    ^ That's only the base.

    And the Haymaker double barrelled hybridized chaingun:


    It's hybridized with a railgun, by the way, and the scope links up with a camera at the front of the gun, which I'm hoping to have an automatic targeting system implemented. the downside of the Haymaker is, it's huge and blocks your view, and you can only carry one belt, so you have to rearm every time you need to reload. so it's handy to arm your sentinels as ammo monkeys.

    Everything will make more sense when it's textured :P

  6. Alrighty. Someone make this beast for CSAT. Lets just say they bought her blueprint from Shukoi as their main fighter for their forces.

    S-47 (Su-47) Berkut

    Real Life Pics





    Here are some model pics for newer, well put together parts comparison.

    http://homepage.ntlworld.com/s-c-brown/s37%201.jpg (169 kB)

    http://999.secret.jp/model/other/gazo/su-47-03.jpg (159 kB)


    And yes, it would look fresh and well built as the rest of the things built in the 21st century and up to 2035 would be new gear.

    hmmm, I'm actually tempted to take on a project like this myself, seeing as it is one of my favourite aircraft... leave it with me, it might be a while.

  7. The two pbos are to break it up and make it easier to modify and repack, modularization was something I had on my mind, for the exact reason you stated, it makes it easier to manage for anyone who wants to add and use the assets of FEMAL3. It could be easily done now that I know more about Arma3's own modules and classes, as Arma 3 has it's own female identity type which I can use instead of my own custom identity type, it would only take a minor config change in one update to the two modules then BAM! the pbo's are modular.

    I'll modularize it for beta 3 :)

    I don't think someone would work on those uniforms with the same dedication and love of yours we all appreciate

    heheh thanks, that makes me feel all funny inside :)

    Sol Exodus (formerly ATLAS) is an on the side project I do if FEMAL3 is annoying me for whatever reason.

    Post note: that modderX could be me if I wasn't so far from learning anything about modelling and texturing XP

    hey, we've all been there ;) if you need any help with, I could try and give you a hand, I'm still very familiar with my newbie mistakes and how to avoid them, I can definitely help out with configs and whatnot if you ever need help with that too :)

    the entirety of what I know with both photoshop texturing and 3dsmax is purely from messing around for hours on end :P

  8. So this mod is going to be modular ? I see you released an only uniform version on Steam.

    Just asking, as it means more work for you but, well, it would be great for the users and other modders out there :D (simpler mod to manage).

    Thanks for the fix ;)

    No problemo! I could probably see about making the two independent modules, it would just need the Head_female identity type removed from the unit configs in the uniforms .pbo, if you're just using the uniform itself though, and not the unit, it will work without the heads module.

    Accepted your friend request Sorophx! :D

    And thanks Foxhound and Kecharles! :D

  9. Fair diddles!

    The original idea was to have soldiers using set exoskeletons based on their vest type, I thought having interchangeable exoskeletons would allow for more versatility butbi can use the backpack functionality for ammo and equipment etc.

    There are probably going to be exoskeleton mounted rocket launchers, provided they can be configured properly and chainguns... Cant forget the chaingun.

    Finally got something solid down for the sentinels, they look ridiculous, but its an okay design.

    My mind is known for being all over the place, i'm dyspraxic so I tend to be here there and everywhere at the best of times :P

  10. Would you ever consider making a full helmet to go with it?: http://alexjjessup.deviantart.com/art/Special-Forces-390639631

    That way it's a full covered system?

    I would, the helmet in Alex Jessup's concept looks very similar to an ECH light though, but I would certainly see what I could do about making a full helmet system for them though, even if it deviates from Alex's design.

    As far as I see they are going to be used on CSAT uniform, which suits perfectly fine with that collar !! I hoped you could do the same for all the units. I don't like to see naked necks on futuristic uniforms/vests ;P

    *whispers* I'm getting to that bit* :P

    They'll be added as part of the armour, don't worry :)

    just on the thought, it seems very random, but I'm probably going to configure the exoskeleton as a backpack, and see if I can script in some changes it will make to the overall endurance of the wearer, that way if people want to use a load bearing exoskeleton on a medium, there'll be no qualms. Thoughts?

    and on that thought, I'm going to see if I can finally get something down for these sentinel troops

  11. Okay so I've fixed the flipped normals (yay!) they look MUCH better ingame now, while I was there I sorted out a few major issues with the model (degenerated faces etc.) and added an RVMAT based on Alex Jessup's design. Along with that, I added another texture to distinguish the team leaders of the blackstar army.

    A look at the team leaders:


    A recruitment poster for the insurrection against the Interplanetary Treaty Council.


    To give them some extra background, they disagree with the oppression of the Vulkartai and their forceful removal from their colonies to make way for the fast growing human population, after several peaceful protests fell on deaf ears, the blackstar army was formed as an insurrection against the ICT to aid the Vulkartai in defending their homeworlds and their people...

    I want the entire plot to keep you asking questions as to whether your moral siding is right or not, so there will be twists and turns in motives etc, so expect to ask a lot of questions during the game.

    More screenshots:

    Initial testing of the emissive colour:


    I have no idea why that one polygon doesn't want to emit here, I think it's possibly a serious model error which I'll need to take a closer look at.


    doesn't seem to occur here, I actually kind of like the effect it gives XD

    Either way, an orange emissive has been added to the eyepieces based on one of Alex Jessup's concepts, showing orange lighting being emitted.

    And while I'm here, as I'm sure someone is likely to ask at some point, the identity types have been set for the IPDF and the Blackstars so that they use all races available, so don't be too concerned if upon release one of your guys starts speaking persian; not everyone in the human race speaks English in an american accent ;)

  12. I think I might need a new pair of pants.

    sorry! XD

    That´s awesome... by the way, you should add some of the functionalities of TPW HUD scripts -> http://forums.bistudio.com/showthrea...-for-Arma-3-SP

    They fit well a high tech gear like those you´re modelling, Zee!

    Hope to see Femal3 aliens too lol


    Hmm, that's interesting... I'll see if I can configure it, Thanks! I definitely wanted to add a HUD in at some point.

    yup, female aliens are a must! XD

    okay so I've realized now why the model looks better in 3ds than ingame... I accidentally flipped the normals of the two fins that look to be absent in the screenshot must've happened when I made it, but I'm actually repairing several other problems with the model now as well, oh my primitive years! XD

  13. I would definitely use those masks from Diamond Back and make some variants. And why not, adding a variant for the silverback recon units ?

    Those masks are awesome !!!! :rolleyes:

    I'm very tempted indeed!

    firstly though, does anyone know how to configure headgear to use night vision and thermal imaging? is it possible, or should I just create a blank/empty NVG instead?
