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Posts posted by zeealex

  1. jesus I can't win with you people! I've got one side telling me the old versions look weird and then I redo them by hand and then I get told the new versions look weird! XD


    it's mainly the colour and lighting being off I think, I don't render with a full lighting and material system as it slows my rendering down to a crawl. I fix the colours and contrast based on the .rvmat before they get converted to .paa format. they do look better when viewing them ingame in realtime, for instance, they don't death stare at you anymore.

  2. well, I think it's time I showed you where I'm at with the overhaul.

    here's a comparison of old oakes vs new oakes, the model shares the exact same same facial shape, but the texture really changes its look.


    ingame shot of Oakes V2:


    and yes, that graphic is correct, her face is indeed rigged, and not comically like older attempts.

    hope you like it! :D

  3. I wouldn't have the foggiest, server's aren't really my thing, but if you need the key, let me know.

    Successful rigging session today... got the new female base head's mouth moving almost perfectly, she talks, blinks scorns (with a couple of quirks) and she does it without looking ridiculous! win! Rigging will be immensly painful though so expect the next major update to take time (i've got a fair few faces to do XD)

    as for the NVG problem, it looks to be a bad number in the .rvmat, all the paths are fine and there's nothing in the .rpt that says something is missing, I'll track it down and see what I can do.

    you can expect a minor update that will fix the rvmat add insignias and put the bikey back in a few weeks.

    P.S I've also made a new chinese head that doesn't look like a goddamn cartoon... hallelujah!

  4. Thank you. Just wanted to say that your mod is awsome and that i really appreciate what you are doing. Hope you have a wonderfull day or night.

    Thank you :) thats good to hear! Have a wonderful weekend :)

    @TheEvanCat, that would be so awesome if you did, the CSAT modification project is a personal fave of mine :)

    @Divaya, damn, i'll check and get those fixed up when i'm home.

    i'll see if I can add the insignia selection onto the uniform when i'm there too, kilk 2 birds with one stone as it were.

    I suppose I could also add a nee preview render of the New models when i'm home too, they're still a major WIP yet

  5. well, I was thinking of actually having different armour variants of this sentinel class armour, for instance, the recon soldier has a 'ghillie' cloak over the top with high blend camouflage, the heavy has a bulkier version with much more armour, commanders have a heads up display on their helmet(already imported) and a datapad on their arm.

    The sentinel class armour is much more modular, I feel like I can do a lot more with it than I could with the original design.

    I'd probably use the old gear for the guerrilla/security forces rather than remove it.

    seeing as the armour is very nearly done and imported, I'll test it in A3 and take some screenshots. :)

  6. well I can keep them in if need be, it's not a major problem... I'm going to probably keep the helmets in, and just recolour them and overhaul the bodies, but the body armour model I've done I feel is a massive improvement over the current model it's more practical, and won't clip very much.

    I've got a preview render uploaded if you want to see, or you can wait until it's in game with an RVMAT.
