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Posts posted by zeealex

  1. aye, been eyeing up the possibility of modifying the present M107 into an M107A1 and also the older 1990's era M107 with the raised rail.

    Made a woodland colour scheme for the DSR-1 today... aaaand got a little creative... 

    (HIGH RES)





    Special thanks to cunico, the guy was a total sport and gave me perms to release this image into the wild. the Amazing Crye Gen 3 and Mechanix Gloves are his :)

    • Like 13

  2. A quick Q:Could we get the Silenced version too? M-82.  With explosive ammo? With a Ghile-camo on it? Thanx.


    A silencer on the DSR -1?

    unlikely to make an M107 suppressor, as apart from anything it's pretty impractical, but if Misty can config it so it has switchable muzzle attachments then I don't see why not, it's pretty much just a cylinder with a hole in it. 

    Ghillie camo, I've been contemplating it, but it may drive up the vert count quite a lot, and generally, M107's aren't ghillied. Explosive ammo, not too sure.

    DSR-1 suppressor, yep, can do, was on the list of shit to do anyway. 

    @cosmic10r thanks! :D

  3. thanks all, general time frame depends on configging, poor misty has more weapons to prepare for everytime he looks at them xD not too sure on backpacks, but I do plan on a box of sorts. 

    @kimukun, thank you! i'm glad you like my work :)

    on a general OT but not OT moment, i think the DSR is happy to be getting UV'd


    at this general speed, it may be done by saturday provided no one needs me to weight stuff :)

  4. for very basic proof of concept facial rigging (eyelids, nose, and lips) i've found its quite easy in O2. just set the weight to near zero and paint 4 verts down each vertical loop of edges surrounding the bone. if that made any sense at all. I can give up one of the older head models if you want to look at its (very) basic rig. 

  5. I would like to confirm two things today, both, I hope, are positive :)

    1) the DSR-1 model has been recovered, so work can continue ASAP

    2) yesterday, when testing the stability of Max 2016, i was able to make an OICW XM29 (1998) which i'd hate to see go to waste:


    A few more tweaks, then I'll be able to complete a LowPoly. 

    • Like 11

  6. excuse me for being frank here, i don't care who's off topic, i don't care who started it, it stops, right now. or I won't be developing any more addons, simple as that, i'm tired of putting effort into a community in which a lot of people choose to act like a bunch of fucking six year olds. 

    it's no where near like the quiet community I came from where respect was actually seen on a daily basis. 

    • Like 10

  7. jesus i leave this thread alone for 5 minutes... lol kidding

    Okay, i'm back up and running for the time being, not done damage control on the drives quite yet, will plug in the secondary HDD tomorrow morning and see if it's still working and if the DSR 1 is salvagable

    for now, work on the barrett continues as normal. 

    • Like 3

  8. Hey guys, sorry for the late reply.

    Thank you all very much for the kind words! I appreciate them a lot! :)

    With regards to handanim, I would have to ask a scripting guru, but it may be possible to strongarm it into a script.

    @malcom hey buddy! Thanks! It's been a while, it's not kryptek it's actually a blurred M81 camo with snake skin overlayed on top :)

    I can definitely look into the DSR variants and the two Barretts for sure no promises! :)

    Now, unfortunately the PC died, again... Wooo, not, the hard drives, I think, are salvageable, so data loss should be minimal. However I've just had to fork out over £450 for parts, if anyone has it in their hearts to donate to a broke student like me to help foot the bill, please do, I'd appreciate it very much, however theres no major pressure on anyone to do so, I hate begging at the best of times but this kinda punched me in the face a little.

    The PC shouldn't affect the release of the M107 as I thankfully have the raw files on an EHDD, and the config will take a while, you will certainly have it in the next RHSUSF version, however I can't say with certainty about the DSR.

    • Like 1

  9. Hiya Guys long time no see! :D

    I'd like to present to you a WIP standalone project currently being worked on and nearing completion: the M107 LRSR/SASR

    you may have seen a similar model on the RHS facebook page, well, it's exactly the same model, but wait! don't panic! I made the model and textured it, and I've been informed I'm free to release my works standalone as and when :) I wanted to release the M107 standalone for those who just want an M107 without having to download 2gb of files, even though RHS is FREAKING AWESOME, not everyone has amazeballs internet. It also means I can really go to work on the textures and add a lot of camo variations, comedic twists and extra accessories over time, without fear of clogging up or going off scope in an otherwise pretty conservative addon. 


    The M107 pack may be the entry point of a new sniper rifles pack too, provided I can get long term support from the gang, there's an AMP DSR-1 in the works, I'll post WIP's below and I'll see what you guys think about expanding the addon.

    Basically all it is that needs doing is the config and a few extra camos, I've had to call in support from my good friend MistyRonin and reyhard, because they're awesome at configs aaand I really suck :P


    -Well, the rifle might help at this point
    -Deployable Bipod and animated backup sights

    -Compatibility with vanilla and Addon scopes

    -A Variety of Camouflage patterns available from the get go
    -Customizable with base textures and wear templates provided as necessary
    -Oh yeah, did I mention the barrel recoils?!

    NOTE: Premier scope in the renders will be available only with RHS: USAF and isn't part of the pack as of yet, it is mine, but I didn't wanna yank the whole thing out and release it all standalone

    - The Rifle
    - Urban, Woodland and Desert Paint schemes
    - Suppressor
    - Deployable Bipod



    Credits so far:
    MistyRonin - configs
    Reyhard - configs
    RHS in general - putting up with me and more to the point helping me get this damn far. 

    Wilco and the muhreen coorrps - References

    Renders (REALLY high res, sorry):






    In Engine (RHS config)





    AMP DSR-1:






    Projected Extensions:


    M110 + suppressor
    Mk13 MOD 0/L96 + suppressor
    Cutsom M14 with VLTOR stock and full side rails. 
    H+K PSG-1
    Stripped DSR + suppressor
    DSR Long Barrel
    Barrett M82 pre A1 (with raised short rail and round muzzle brake)
    Barrett M99
    Barrett M107A1
    Custom M24
    OBR SM Tarnow Bor - A Polish 7.62mm Bullpup Sniper rifle with a full free floating barrel - also called ALEX

    Premier Heritige 5-25x/M8541A SSDS 
    Tangent Theta 5-25x
    Leupold Mk6 6x
    AN PAS 13C Heavy
    AN PVS 10
    AN PVS 27



    • Like 33

  10. slings aren't possible in A3, but they need soft weights that are relative to the character models, and trust me, it would be PAINFUL to do and not very good. 

    we have ESS as a glasses selection, yes, they aren't over the helmets, but they are there it enables players to wear the ESS with any headear selection and we don't have to worry about clogging up the arsenal with a ridiculous amount of helmet variations just for a minor visual difference such as goggle straps.

    Is RHS real?

    I'm terribly sorry to inform you that we are, in fact, an illusion. :)

    • Like 5

  11. Still working on them... Sorry for being creative, won't happen again :)

    There's a long term plan in place regarding female faces and bodies, it's just that I've not had the time, the health or the motivation to work on any more. Now excuse me, I need to crawl back under my rock

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  12. I had a discussion with him on deviant art and mentioned I was doing an arma mod based on his work, he gave some info regarding the mask's stability on a helmet if applied in real life, he didn't seem to have any issues back then. 

    it's one of those though, in my personal point of view, i think it's important to acknowledge and accredit the concepts to Alex Jessup, but I don't think realistically speaking it's like copying a painting at all. it's making a model from concept art, taking inspiration and applying it through different means, it's quite clear I'm not passing off the original concept arts as my own, as i've openly said a good few times it's inspired by alex jessup's work. 

    it's one of those shrouded in ambiguity unfortunately, when does the line of communication of such end? 

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