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Posts posted by zeealex

  1. It is-that was answered on the HR  RHSD thread for all you keen eyed scope enthusiasts. i believe it is  because Zee put in such great work on that scope that it is only right that she get to show it off a bit :)  And I have no problem with that either-it is a very fancy scope

    haha, that was misty having a joke, there were a couple of reasons, firstly, I didn't want to do anything without anyone's permission, the leupold isn't mine and I'd prefer to use my own work were possible to avoid disrespecting people's wishes, secondly, the Leupold would take a lot of fiddling to import it into the renderer, and it didn't have PBR-capable maps, so it would look strange, the premier was on hand, so I popped that on instead, thirdly the m24 looks REALLY weird without a scope so I stuck one on XD

    Woodland Camo:





    and for those that don't know.. Tangent Theta bought Premier and as a result warranties all the current Premier Heritage scopes as well as having access to that technology for scope development...

    Canada Eh?

    so THAT's why the premier 5-25x and the Theta look so similar! 

    • Like 9

  2. You gotta remember though damian, the reserves usually get the shit stuff, stuff that works, but barely, one experience with one variant of the AK doesn't mean all of them do that. You're not an expert on the firearm after such a short time using it, you've had enough time to muster an opinion of your personal experience, but that's it.

    The AKMS you were given was most likely old, badly treated by soldiers and reserves alike and as a result not in the best of conditions I'm sure if you were to turn back time to say five years ago, it wouldn't be the same story.

    I'm sure there are many more accounts of AK's being picked up from the mud and still working than your single experience as a reserve troop.

    But regardless, if it can rust, it will rust, end of story, feel free to retexture it if you don't like it though :)

    Just my 2 pennies worth

    • Like 1

  3. yeah, keen eye Shady! :D

    in case you haven't caught it on the RHS thread:

    She just needs some camo!

    This one might get a ghillie version, but no promises, its vert count is a lot lower than expected so I can expend a lot of polies on some nice burlap strips :)

    oh and a MARS/MIRS version will also be available ;)

    • Like 11

  4. Right on the M24 SWS  :) Don't tell anyone, but the scope is actually a M8541A, the one the USMC use. Although Zee is aware that the M24 is used mainly by the Army, she couldn't help but promote her beloved scope in that render  :D 


    We are still trying to figure out what will we able to deliver in the 0.4.2  :)

    Actually it was because reconfiguring the leupold would take a lotta time and the premier was at hand so I just 'meh' :P

    Did somebody say PASGT?! Don't tempt me pls. :D

  5. wow, what an amazing way to wake up today! :D 

    I'm really, really pleased you guys like it, there was a 5 man team on this making it as good as it possibly could be, Wilco with his reference images and information, it wouldn't look nearly as realistic as it turned out without them :) Misty on configs, Reyhard on model and anim configs, Baker configging ammo, I made the Models, the textures and the stupid questions + requests to the other guys. Also looks like LAxemann snook in with some sounds as well, will have to confirm it. 


    Dear Zeealex,

    I want to thank you, eternally hug you through the sincere thoughts I'm about to drop.

    Zeealex, you're a magician, a genius, a master, a prophet... your almighty and precious hands gave birth to a legendary, beautiful creature, an amazing piece of art that ended our thirst, our tears.
    The accuracy, quality and awesomeness of your model is just insane... chemical weapons kind of insanity.
    It's outstandingly good, incredibly sexy, seductive but dangerous at the same time, almost science fictional due to its inhuman perfection...
    I can see a lot of passion inside your heart, a lot of devotion to this beautiful, old, classic, immortal community... I can see it, I can feel it.
    However, I also know that you struggled hard to get there, to deliver your majestic contribution to us, to turn our hopes and our dreams into reality... thank you very much for that, only God knows how much I appreciate that.
    Your pure, raw, holy skills should be sanctified and remembered until the end of this planet... Really.
    I don't think i can handle this... It's too good to be true and, honestly, I would thank you again and again and again until I'll stop breathing...
    Finally, I'm sure as hell that I could possibly annoy you with excessive appreciation, so I'll shut myself down for a minute...

    You've just made history right here man, keep up the good... Oh, sorry, GREAT work.

    Amazing write up here, it's probably one of the best things I've heard in a long time, I'm so pleased that it has made you feel this happy to see it, use it and hopefully love it. It was a long, and quite frustrating process, and i may detail this process at some point :)

    Here's to hoping many, many other people love it the same way you guys do :)

    @Ineptaphid, the DSR is planned for release in gref, i just need to complete a few things for it like a... uhhhhm... Tangent Theta :P

    • Like 3

  6. The M107 is in the update as well? I think that update is the best I have ever seen-so much stuff.I must read the full changelog now. thanks for your work on it mate-cant wait to pop some heads from 2 towns away ;)

    yep, yep yeppity yep she's there :D thanks dude, I hope you enjoy it :)


    Is that delicious Premier Heritage scope contained in today's 4.0.1 RHS update Zee?

    of course, My baby isn't complete without her scope! It's named "M8451A SSDS" as that's its official USMC designation. 

    there's also a night ops version with an AN/PVS27 as well :)

    • Like 2

  7. Looks beautiful! :DDD A few questions though:

    What's the DSR chambered in? 7.62? 300wm? 338LM?

    Also will the DSR and the M107 be in the same PBO, or will they be standalone?

    Also, do you plan on making them compatible with ACE3's advanced ballistics, or at least having the information needed available?

    Keep up the good work, these look amazing :D

    Hey, thanks for the kind words, it'll most likely be .308 winchester, and I've definitely planned compatibility with ACE ballistics as I think it would be a fab idea, but realistically, I'd need to talk to Mistyronin about making that happen.

     Modularizing the weapons into seperate PBO's is a possibility but it's whether its something you guys would like, and whether it's feasible. but some people might want the M107 without the DSR and the more stuff I wanna add, the bigger its getting and conflicts with RHS might occur so it is something i'll look into. 

    @Shomu, M107A1 is planned. but I've not done anything on it yet due to high college workload, but that gets submitted tomorrow, so happy days. :P


    • Like 1

  8. Hi,



    Thanks for the answer mistyronin. The only usefull answer.


    And for the other ones, no need to be unpleasant. Asking about the progression is a way to show some interest for the mod and the work from the RHS Team. In the other hand, nobody will never asking anything about the mod. Actually, RHS Mod is the only one which can give us a good version of the M82. All others are just basics ports with old models and textures. And seeing at the actually quality from all the RHS Team, it's a good thing to ask and show them we appreciate all the time and work they gave for releasing such great content.


    If you're not ok with that, just know that I don't have time to waste with you anymore. Just avoid your bad attitude answers in the future, stay in your side, and let the others alone.


    Thanks again to mistyronin for the answer, you understand that I just asking for knowing approximatly when and not asking for a precise releasing date or asking to release it as soon as possible. Of course when you can, that's just a question.


    Good continuation !

    does this sufficiently reassure you?


    it's also due to go standalone: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/189290-zee-m107-announcement/ ;)

    in other news, hey guys, you know that Elcan I made? well I made it with a broken hand, and I didn't realize until a week later, so you better blooming like it! :P



    • Like 18

  9. sees PASGT and TLBV...



    you, sir, get this, it means absolutely nothing other than sentiment, but you deserve to know how much this pleases me nevertheless



    now I can wear a PASGT while wearing a PASGT, you have made this lady, very happy :D

    as for the floating pistol problem, just delete the pistol proxy from the vests that don't have holster geometry, the pistol will just disappear from sight, but still be in the player's inventory ;)


    • Like 6

  10. Okay, thanks for that info Wilco! :D 

    Okay so If i do manage to get someone on board who can configure ammo, would you like some visual pointer as to what ammo you are using? so say like, green tape around the mag for Raufoss Mk211 and so on? it may break immersion a little but i think it would be a nice visual touch. 

    what say you?

  11. Here is a rather stupid idea;Could we get Paitball ammo for these? You for the nerds,or simply the warsimmers.....

    I would like a B.o.r.s.-optic for this-a laser range finder+a ballistics computer all in one.

    A Tent+a small camo-net in front of the muzzle ,would make a great way to mask a shot.If the material of the cloth is non-see throug

    Sorry dude, but I'm not doing paintball ammo, and I've already explained why I'm fence sitting on a ghillie.

    I would need someone to script the BORS to work, otherwise it would just be a prop.

    @itf war_Lord nailed it, it's from cunico's spec 4 gear :) cunico was very nice and allowed me to use the models for the render :)

    @wilco, I'm glad you could be a part of it too, I wouldn't have gotten anywhere close without you and your DM team! I really appreciate your help and theirs, hats off to y'all :) keep kicking ass out there

    @getbuck, put your money away homie, free mod be free :)

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