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Posts posted by zeealex

  1. thanks guys.

    as for voices, i tried, several times, and failed, voice configs are an entirely new beast. 

    New Male head

    Just did this one in the past hour for a friend

    will be available in the next version of Identizee -Men under the name of "vasquez"

    configuring him for the game as we speak



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  2. okay so I got a little tired of working on the MTVR for RHS (it's coming along nicely) and decided to look at arnott's head again, something about it bugged me. 

    I've reproportioned it a little to give her a stronger jaw and more even face, and then someone on the steam workshop page reminded me about the old scarred faces, so i'm presently pondering as to whether these scars are too much or just right.



    also re-UV'd the neck so i can add more detail there, it might look strange for a while 

    i'll be moving on to redoing the other ethnicities soon, they've not got a lot of love in recent versions and they need it. 

    • Like 6

  3. Just pitching into this thread;

    okay so say I release a mod, aaand someone gets an error, they report that error to me, I can't reproduce it because, maybe i left the drive letter in a texture path or something, and it works fine on my end as a result, if people have opted to switch off error reports, they won't see this error, instead they'll see an invisible asset. 
    so what happens is perhaps some slight confusion, some people are saying there's no error but the asset is invisible, some people are saying the engine can't find the texture. 
    Logically in that situation I would take a look at the texture but sometimes the error isn't so simple as a missing/dead filepath as a result that could confuse me as a modder and displease you as a user because it takes me a while longer to fix. 

    The reason it forces you to press okay is so that you acknowledge that there is an error somewhere and it's not been missed, as non obtrusive error reporting might cause you to miss the error, not quite get the entire filepath in time etc etc. especially if it's being tested in an MP environment and there are people signing in and using the chat system, it can get bogged down in all of that rabble, the black box error doesn't show the entire message and again, it's on a timer so you might not get it all in time.

    The best option for me as a modder is to have a 'don't show again for this session' button, so i see the error on startup or when I place an object, but i'm not bugged again about it for the rest of the session, I've told the engine "I know" it won't bug me. to be fair that normally happens anyway, i don't often see the error again once I've pressed okay. 

    I would much prefer the engine to bug myself and users of my addons until i can fix it, in a way it encourages me to speed up the process, because I know it's inconveniencing people by being there so I wanna try and get out a fix ASAP, at present I'm currently also recieving this iteminfo error and wondering how to change my configs to avoid this.  

    But i would much prefer the errors to show than to not and to get mixed reports of what's happening, and as a result this slows down my process of fixing it, leaving confused and rather unhappy users of my content... not fun.

    by all means, you can disagree, but sometimes, especially with texture path and more critical errors, it's really necessary, as then it's made known that somewhere there is an error and it's not the engine being a dickbag. and so we know who to direct the hate at later on :P

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  4. I assume you got confused by the term MLOD; it just means a model that you can open and doesn't crash the object editor. ;) 

    i can give you the model, textures and configs, commented so you know what's what. with a little notepad crash course as to what's where and why this does that. it's a very old model, i'm currently in the process of reworking the bodies from the ground up alongside a friend, and as a result the old models have no real sentimental value anymore. 

    Obstacles presently are the skeleton, without a proper female skeleton with average female height and female like anims, they look out of place. along with that things need to be proportioned EXACTLY to fit the arma 3 male headwear and animations and that as a result can cause some severe head deformations, and disproportion, it doesn't look rad that's for sure. 

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  5.  yeah, gosh, the incessant muttering of "fuck that hurts" after bumping your car into anything larger than a flower almost drove me mad



    I don't know if french fries on pizza is a swedish thing or if it's worldwide, either way it should be. My favorite is a pizza with kebab, lots of onion, garlic (sauce and/or otherwise), jalapeños, all topped off with a generous layer of french fries ^_^ occasionally I enjoy a calzone too


    and you're welcome, thank you for your work  :wub:


    Oh man, that particular line was the most annoying, it just sounded so five-year-old like and didn't even sound american, there was a very thick accent. 

    french fries on pizza? never tried that, it's certainly not a british thing that's for sure, but you swedes sure know how to party so i'll have to try that one day! My favourite is BBQ chicken, mmmmh, so nice. 

    thanks again! :D



    Hey Zee, had to log back in to say that you're doing an awesome job between this pack and your contributions to the RHS team as well as various mods I see you pop up to help out with.  You're truly an asset to the community, don't ever think otherwise.


    I know what you mean about the difficulty of beard making, Im going to school for 3d modeling in game art and while making a rudimentary character I attempted a beard using the extruded planes and alphas, and after much aggrivation my instructor comes by and was like "Yeah, dont do that.  Wait till you have the right tools/program for that."  So if my instructor who's been doing games since the early PS1 days says something is hard I believe him.  Especially in an engine as limited as this.  Regardless, your beard is the best attempt we have seen yet. 


    Anywho, I am looking forward to the revised bodies you're working on and seeing you continue to grow in your abilities!




    And The Force Awakens was the shit.

    Thanks dude, really appreciate the kind words, any aspect of planar hair is a BITCH, i'm saving up for ornatrix to see if that makes things a little easier in terms of creating the planes. as for the textures, i'll just have to persevere :P 

    The revised bodies aren't being done by me, but by a very experienced and amazing friend, i'm astounded at what he's churned out but I really don't wanna show you guys until it's in and ready, don't wanna spoil the surprise as it were. 

    TFA was amazeballs! :D

    but that aside, another badass has arisen:

    CrazyCorky added to donors list, thank you for your kindness! 

    corky also pointed out that i should set up a patreon account, I'm intrigued, thanks for the suggestion homie! 


    • Like 1

  6. Not entirely sure on the tac 300, I could certainly take a wee gander but I can't promise much in that respect right now, i'd like to get a working version of the M107, DSR and M24 out as soon as possible, with alternate skins and then we can talk expansions from there. 

    okay, so the DSR is ingame on a non-standalone config at present, it needs a little bit of work, which i'm gonna look at today, will get back to you guys with screenshots following tweaks


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    More specifically on topic, zeealex, your recent hi-res models look gorgeously detailed and proportioned, whereas your current female faces (as in your most recent in-game image above) have slightly... pinched faces. I hesitate to critique it, b/c I don't even know how to un-PBO a model. But here goes anyway: the cheekbones and eyes seem to be a bit too close together, which also makes the eyes a bit squinty. The lips also look like they're perpetually in 30% duckface mode. :D This is not a sudden or recent criticism -- just a nagging thought I've had for a while now.


    If your recent work-in-progress is any indicator, then we have nothing to worry about, and the rest will be just how to optimize exporting from your model files into game files or something. Again, please don't take this as being down on your work, as I have followed your progress off and on over the past year and am very excited about some combination of body and head model projects coming together Eventually .


    BTW, not that Arma 3 needs it, or that there'd be much demand, but is it possible to construct a ponytail model with physX behavior?

    I completely get where you're coming from, it's one of a few things, they have to be stretched and warped a little to work well with everything available, headgear, glasses bodies etc and I'm not exactly fab with female proportions either, so it looks a wee bit strange, so yeah, i'm with you the faces do look out of proportion, i'll be working on this more over the coming months, dont you worry your wee self :P not sure about the hair though, it might be a stretch even if it is possible, but unfortunately i doubt it :/

    @DeathDaisy, sounds like you're on top of things with the grunting, or lack thereof :D the grunt always kinda annoyed me anyway, it's like sure, i get it you're injured the screen is also pulsing, shhhh :P it's gotta be a lot better than Arma 2's slightly stange, off accent, slightly orgasmy sounding voicing XD

    I diddly do take donations, there's a wee button on the first page, just click and you're good to go from there. donations are highly appreciated :) i am also a little bit of a pizzaholic, favourite flavour?


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  8. hey, no need to apologize, I appreciate your support sometimes it's just good to stay neutral though, I'm sure iNTERBRED worked really hard on his tactical beard mod too.  :)

    anyway, on a more positive note, you didn't ask for it, probably didn't even want it, but Syndrome Squad are back!


    They're really only back to sort some compatibility issues out, but meh!

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  9. I can assure you the beard geometry you show above is for moreau's face and the geometry is my own, the texture uses splices from miller's hair alpha to get it looking right, if tactical beards is using the same technique, I was not aware.

    Personally speaking Ghost_Warden I'd leave the condescending and frankly insulting remarks at the door, you can have your opinions by all means, but when you insult the work of an already stressed out person and imply accusations of things they haven't done without any looking into how difficult it actually is to make for this engine then you can be damn sure they won't appreciate it.

    Thank you to those who came to my defence on this.

    It is VERY difficult to make hair look decent in arma 3 it wasn't designed to have it we'll say, the alpha maps are rendered too crudely meaning the likelihood of it even being smooth is minimal, normal maps don't render fantastically either. I am willing to come back to MY beard model and redo it after this short hiatus, as I have an idea that may help it along a bit.

    In the meantime I expect my work to be critiqued, not insulted

    This includes remarks directed at the tactical beards mod too, settle this down, its not the author's fault the engine isnt good for this stuff

    • Like 7

  10. As a brit and a remain voter, I'm 1)surprised and 2) disgusted

    I was anyway, not at the fact that we're leaving at the fact that both campaigns stooped so low as they did, it was an insult to democracy, in every way, shape and form. Both sides chose to lie, feamonger, slander, hurt, maim and even kill, then martyrise.

    I am utterly shocked at the way these 'politicians' handled themselves, redacting every shred of truth from both sides of the coin so as to drag this out into a fucking clown act. Choosing to misinform and garner 'celebrity' support as opposed to giving us facts.

    They divided this nation and conjured up animosity and now as a result we are weak and broken, and the EU could help, but oh wait WE'VE GIVEN THEM THE FINGER!

    I genuinely thought I was watching a damn movie, a shit, poorly thought out blackadder style comedy.

    If the definition of 'british bulldog' is a lying, xenophobic, hate filled, scaremongering, vindictive piece of shit, as this referendum very well proved we were (both sides not just leave) then I will forever be a fact driven democracy loving independent of nation cucumber.

    Now my dreams of visiting BI HQ are just that little bit further away...

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  11. I'm guessing long hair is difficult to do? Something such as a pony tail.

    It's difficult to texture and get looking right, i'm not very good with hair, but i'll keep trying ;)

    Jeza your vid is awesome homie! :D

    I liked TFA, it felt very star wars to me, and a much better successor than the prequels, they've managed to nail down the protagonist not being a whiny little bitch this time, and it called back a lot of the original trilogy without being too cheesy and like they were just shoehorning in the references for fan service (a la jango and young boba fett) it's an exciting new stride, and I don't think it's as dumb as people think it is. I'm looking forward to 8

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  12. Looks awesome. :) The "shirt" uniforms still don't work, though. Also, do you think you could include the female voice from RHS into FEMAL3? It'd be nice to have without the need for RHS.


    BTW, do you realize just how friggin' badass does the mask look when worn with the Stealth Helmet from Apex? It goes over the facepiece and looks soo much better than either it alone or the Viper helmet. You should really consider a making full helmet including the Bowman mask. ;) Stealth Helmet works, but it only comes in the goofy CTRG camo and it's DLC content. I'd rather have something in your style. :)


    Also, consider adding TI to the mask. Seeing as a very similar NVGs do have it in Apex, there's little reason not to.

    Yeah, sorry about that, they should've been disabled, however, hopefully in the next major update this will cease to be an issue. 

    I haven't experimented with that, no, i'll have to see how it looks as I'm intrigued, however I have been doing some creative experimentation and will show it off in another thread, I will also be attempting to config the TI as and when I can unbinarized the configs of apex, right now the file's can't be opened except in engine. 

    Thanks all, hope you're enjoying the new heads anyhow! :D

    @Ghost_Warden, I aim to keep going til there are official female heads and bodies, so don't you worry about that, I do however want to point out that I do have a mythosaur skull shirt like the one in your profile picture, star wars fan?

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  13. Ahhh alright I get what you mean, thanks so much too! I was just wondering as there was a custom face in the character profile settings, and thought that i could use a special face that everyone can see when i join a server but that clears things out!

    oh shit yeah dude you can, you set it up just like any other face selection, they're there in the profile menu, :D i just can't do a BESPOKE one that ONLY you can use, am i following correctly? 

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