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Everything posted by Gilatar

  1. Not sure how viable ACOGs would be for the type of operations that the 160th SOAR conducts. I would think being in a helicopter that flies fast, low and in darkness you might as well just use a CCO or EoTech. Besides, I believe the miniguns are intended for area suppression rather than accuracy. Just my two cents, though, I'm have no knowledge on how this is done in real life.
  2. Disregard, this appears to be fixed in the newest version :)
  3. I'm still stumbling around trying to figure this out. Does the hiddenSelections in the vehicle's config.cpp have anything to do with it? I was told there was a line of code I could put in the init line of a unit, but no such thing seem to exist.
  4. I'm wondering about this as well. For the past few updates I haven't been able to attach chemlights nor IR strobes to my person. Tried removing and adding different .pbos with no luck.
  5. I'm only becoming more excited by this as time passes! The model and general progress look very promising, but I have a few questions: 1. I see the main post mentions the option to equip/unequip the MH-60 pilot doors, but will this also include the rear cargo doors, or will they be permanently attached and open like in the WIP pictures above? 2. Regarding the attack variants of the helicopters, like the DAP, for instance, are there any plans to add some kind of laser pointer sight to them? It was previously mentioned in the MELB thread, and I think it would be a fantastic feature if done right. Thank you for all the work and the consistent progress updates!
  6. Gilatar

    ADuke's Kiowa Pack

    I'm looking forward to seeing it!
  7. I enlisted some help from reddit.com/r/armadev and a user by the name of MosesUK gave me this, which works the way I want it to: _vehicle addAction ["Lean Out Left", "scripts\cc_lean_left.sqf", [], 0, false, false, "", "_role = assignedVehicleRole player; (!(_role isEqualTo []) && {_role select 0 isEqualTo 'Turret'})"]; Like I said, the script is very basic since I'm only using camcreate to make a static camera angle for the door gunner. I would much prefer the camera to be more interactive and somewhat moveable, but with my very limited scripting knowledge I don't know how to do that. I will add you on Steam when I get home, and maybe we can figure something out!
  8. Very excited to see this come to life. Keep up the good work!
  9. Gilatar

    ADuke's Kiowa Pack

    You have no idea how happy that makes me. We need more non-ported helicopters in ArmA III :)
  10. Hello! I want to set up a respawn system where each player has 2 respawns, and once they have used their second respawn they go into the standard spectator mode. However, I barely understand ArmA scripting, but so far I have managed to set up the 2 respawns by using BIS_fnc_respawnTickets and putting this in the init.sqf: if (!isDedicated) then {[player,2,false] call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets;}; What I need help with specifically is how to initialize the spectator mode when these two tickets are depleted. I stumbled across this post and tried putting this in onPlayerKilled.sqf and onPlayerRespawn.sqf, without any success: if (call BIS_fnc_respawnTickets <= 0) then {call BIS_fnc_respawnSpectator}; This broke the system completely and just froze the camera in place after the first death. If anyone knows how to accomplish this, or if what I'm looking for is even possible, I'd love to get a few pointers!
  11. After toying around with this for several days, I realized I could utilize respawn templates in the description.ext. respawn = 3; respawndelay = 1; respawnTemplatesWest[] = {"Tickets", "Spectator"}; This way it also initializes the spectator mode the first time you die, but with the respawn delay being 1 second, you can hardly use it before it respawns you and exits spectator. I still would like to use something like Kegety's spectator script or A3G Spectator Cam instead of the default spectator mode, but I have no idea how to script it so that it initializes when the tickets are depleted. I've tried to initialize A3G Spectator with onPlayerRespawn.sqf but it always initalizes on the first death and leaves me unable to exit it. Does anyone have any experience with this? Any kind of help would be much appreciated!
  12. Gilatar

    NORAF WIP Thread

    Looking good! Can't wait to try out the full version :D
  13. Woot, woot! Will be testing this shortly! Thanks for all your hard work, Toadie :)
  14. Gilatar

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    Man, that AR15 looks good. I've said it before, but I'll say it again: this is easily my favourite weapon pack! I can't wait to use a bipod on the 417! :D
  15. Fascinating mood you have created in these preview shots. I'm already getting ideas for missions on this map! I will be following the development of this. Looks like it'll turn into a great terrain with some time :)
  16. Kunduz, X-Cam, ACE ... this month just keeps getting better. Thank you for all the effort that undoubtedly went into this, James2464! Congratulations on release!
  17. If this is indeed an April Fool's - I applaud the amount of effort that went into it. If this is legit - thank you for working on ACE for A3 and announcing it so soon before a possible release.
  18. Fantastic work. Looking forward to seeing it in person :)
  19. Gilatar

    =ARC= Patches / Insignia

    I'm having an issue with the insignias not showing up in the Arsenal. It occurs when using the main menu Virtual Arsenal and when you add the Arsenal to a box. The insignia option shows up, but the field is completely blank. Even with all addons disabled there are no patches. Is this just a bug with the recent patch, or could it be something in my settings?
  20. Gilatar

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Woot, woot. Fantastic to see you guys get recognized for your immense talents :)
  21. Hnnnnghhh. I can't wait. Keep up the great work, Silola!
  22. Thank you! That's such an obvious method of doing it. Makes me feel like a moron! Thanks again :D
  23. Hey, guys. I'm starting to long for more immersion playing ArmA, and if you love being immersed just as much as I do, you'll know that disabling HUD elements is one of the easiest and best ways to instantly be more immersed. My current issue is that whenever I'm the group leader - which in my current realism unit is always - there is this annoying, immersion-breaking group list in the lower left corner of the screen. Obviously I can let someone else take the group leader slot in the lobby and still command the group, but I am looking for an easier and perhaps more permanent way of disabling this annoying little aspect of the ArmA HUD. I've tried fiddling with the difficulty settings and various config files, and unlike crosshairs and other HUD elements, there is seemingly no way to disable it. Is there any other way of disabling this for group leaders? Thanks on beforehand, and apologies if this is the wrong subforum - I'm still new around these parts.
  24. Gilatar

    'Walling' Exploit

    This was something they fixed in DayZ a while back, if I recall correctly. I'd imagine it shouldn't be too hard of a task to get rid of this.
  25. I apologize. I thought that was only if you wanted to publically release it or gain financially from it. I understand now.