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Everything posted by fusion13

  1. Hello I was wondering how I could shut lights off around the map, all at once and have them stay off :D! Thanks Fusion :dancehead:
  2. A Couple quick Scripts for use in Training servers etc What this consist of "God Mode" "All Vehicles" "All Weapons" "Teleport" "Heal Self" "Heal Others)" Information I made this "quickly" this is for server side execution only, this is a addAction menu meaning, once the UID is entered into it, once you join the server you will be able to scroll and see a Action called "Tools" this will then prompt a menu when clicked that is always activated when scrolled. NOTE WITH THE LOOP THE FIRST LIFE WILL HAVE TWO MENUS!! Also the newest update will have a extra folder called "fusionsmenu" in the main directory then we will go on to doing the "admin" folder to it! Lets Get into it now First script inside of the fusionsmenu folder make a folder called "admin" inside admin make a file called "activate.sqf" inside of activate.sqf if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["YOUR UID HERE USE COMMAS FOR DIFFERENT UIDS"]) then { ; act = player addAction ["Tools",{execVM "fusionsmenu\admin\tools.sqf";}]; }; loop.sqf while {true} do { waitUntil {alive vehicle player}; [] execVM "fusionsmenu\admin\activate.sqf"; waitUntil {!alive player}; }; NOW THE IMPORTANT PART INSIDE OF THE INIT.SQF MAKE A LINE WITH THE FOLLOWING CODE execVM "fusionsmenu\admin\loop.sqf execVM "fusionsmenu\admin\activate.sqf" Now The Goodies Now we will make a file named "tools.sqf" inside of the folder "admin", The tools.sqf now houses all of the weapons, vehicles, and tools! tools.sqf _pathtotools = "fusionsmenu\admin\tools\"; _pathtoweapon = "fusionsmenu\admin\weapons\"; _pathtovehicles = "fusionsmenu\admin\veh\"; _EXECscript1 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtotools+'%1"'; _EXECscript3 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtoweapon+'%1"'; _EXECscript5 = 'player execVM "'+_pathtovehicles+'%1"'; if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["UID HERE"]) then { //all admins if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["AND HERE"]) then { //Admins Go Here aswell adminmenu = [ ["Fusions Menu",true], ["Tools", [4], "#USER:ToolsMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"], ["Cars", [4], "#USER:VehicleMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"], ["Weapons", [5], "#USER:WeaponMenu", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"], ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"], ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"] ];}; } else { adminmenu = [ ["",true], //["Toggle Debug", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[_execdebug,"playerstats.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"], ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"] ];}; ToolsMenu = [ ["Tools",true], ["Teleport", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"teleport.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["God Mode", [3], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"god.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["Vehicle God Mode", [3], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"cargod.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["Heal Self", [4], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"heal.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["Heal Player(s)", [5], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript1,"healp.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"], ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"] ]; WeaponMenu = [ ["Weapons",true], //Add Weapons Here Gave some examples :D ["MX", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"mx.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["MK 200", [3], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"mk200.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["LRR", [4], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"lrr.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["EBR", [5], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"ebr.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["GM6", [6], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"gm6.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["P07", [7], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"phgun.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["Next page", [12], "#USER:WeaponMenu2", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"], ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"] ]; WeaponMenu2 = [ ["Weapons 2",true], //Add Weapons Here Gave another page because it could get a little confusing :P ["MX", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript3,"mx.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"] ]; VehicleMenu = [ ["Vehicles",true], ["ATV", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript5,"ATV.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["Hunter Armed", [3], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript5,"hunter.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["Offroad Truck HMG .50", [4], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript5,"offroad.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"], ["Next page", [12], "#USER:VehicleMenu2", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"], ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"] ]; VehicleMenu2 = [ ["Vehicles 2",true], ["Example", [2], "", -5, [["expression", format[_EXECscript5,"Example.sqf"]]], "1", "1"], ["Exit", [13], "", -3, [["expression", ""]], "1", "1"] ]; showCommandingMenu "#USER:adminmenu"; Place inside admin\tools god.sqf cutText ["Godmode activated.", "PLAIN"]; player removeAllEventHandlers "handleDamage"; player addEventHandler ["handleDamage", {false}]; teleport.sqf cutText ["Click somewhere on the map to move there", "PLAIN"]; onMapSingleClick "vehicle player setPos _pos; onMapSingleClick '';true;"; heal.sqf hint format ["Healing..."]; sleep 2; player setDamage 0; hint format ["Done"]; Yes I know its a little weird that I have the hints but I wanted it to be cooler :P healp.sqf //Healing Others Script _max = 10; snext = false; plist = []; pselect5 = ""; {if ((_x != player) && (getPlayerUID _x != "")) then {plist set [count plist, name _x];};} forEach entities "CAManBase"; {if ((count crew _x) > 0) then {{if ((_x != player) && (getPlayerUID _x != "")) then {plist set [count plist, name _x];};} forEach crew _x;};} foreach (entities "LandVehicle" + entities "Air" + entities "Ship"); smenu = { _pmenu = [["",true]]; for "_i" from (_this select 0) to (_this select 1) do {_arr = [format['%1', plist select (_i)], [12], "", -5, [["expression", format ["pselect5 = plist select %1;", _i]]], "1", "1"]; _pmenu set [_i + 2, _arr];}; if (count plist > (_this select 1)) then {_pmenu set [(_this select 1) + 2, ["Next", [13], "", -5, [["expression", "snext = true;"]], "1", "1"]];} else {_pmenu set [(_this select 1) + 2, ["", [-1], "", -5, [["expression", ""]], "1", "0"]];}; _pmenu set [(_this select 1) + 3, ["Exit", [13], "", -5, [["expression", "pselect5 = 'exit';"]], "1", "1"]]; showCommandingMenu "#USER:_pmenu"; }; _j = 0; _max = 10; if (_max>9) then {_max = 10;}; while {pselect5 == ""} do { [_j, (_j + _max) min (count plist)] call smenu; _j = _j + _max; WaitUntil {pselect5 != "" or snext}; snext = false; }; if (pselect5 != "exit") then { _name = pselect5; { if(name _x == _name) then { hint format ["Healing %1", _name]; _x setDamage 0; sleep 0.25; }; } forEach entities "CAManBase"; }; Now make a folder inside of the folder called "admin" called "veh" In this folder is where you will put all of your vehicle scripts. two examples of a vehicle script atv.sqf _spawn = "B_G_Quadbike_01_F"; _posplr = [((getPos player) select 0) + 2, ((getPos player) select 1) + 2, 0]; _dirplr = getDir player; _spwnveh = _spawn createVehicle (_posplr); _spwnveh setVariable ["Sarge",1,true]; hunter.sqf _spawn = "B_MRAP_01_F"; _posplr = [((getPos player) select 0) + 2, ((getPos player) select 1) + 2, 0]; _dirplr = getDir player; _spwnveh = _spawn createVehicle (_posplr); _spwnveh setVariable ["Sarge",1,true]; Make a folder called "weapons" inside of admin "admin\weapons" I will put two examples of guns here but again make sure the identifiers match in guns.sqf and these!! mx.sqf GearAdd = (vehicle player); GearAdd addWeapon 'arifle_MX_F'; GearAdd addMagazine 'mag name'; // I didnt look up the mag name GearAdd addMagazine 'mag name'; // I didnt look up the mag name GearAdd addMagazine 'mag name'; // I didnt look up the mag name ebr.sqf GearAdd = (vehicle player); GearAdd addWeapon 'srifle_EBR_F'; GearAdd addMagazine 'mag name'; // I didnt look up the mag name GearAdd addMagazine 'mag name'; // I didnt look up the mag name GearAdd addMagazine 'mag name'; // I didnt look up the mag name THIS IS A VERY BASIC MENU that does the job. You don't need anything more or less to be honest. If you have any questions please let me know. I hope this helped someone :D #####ALL VEHICLE CLASS NAMES##### https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sI3szZq9RLob7OVyUhxX32Gc6D04TUro_LOvHJ7V57g/edit?usp=sharing ##########Download########## ####Added Heal Other Players and A COMPLETE MAKEOVER!####
  3. My new server for testing is not actually showing up on the global server list/I cannot remote connect. All my information: My TADST Config: Parameters: -port=2302 "-config=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\TADST\default\TADST_config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\TADST\default\TADST_basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\TADST\default" -name=default "-mod=@Arma2NET;Arma2NETMySQLPlugin;@life_server" -enableHT Basic Config: Server is Windows 2012 R2 from Vultr If any other information is needed let me know! Fusion
  4. That made it show up now I am getting a crash when loading in. RPT File for crashing server session: http://pastebin.com/S0inQxvu
  5. ADVANCED ARTILLERY SUPPORT This is my first release that actually has a GUI on it, Please let me know what you think. http://youtu.be/oDARsRtMu4o Now lets get into the usage. In the init.sqf add execVM "ASUPP\sup_init.sqf"; Description.ext class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; #include "sounds.hpp" }; #include "defines.hpp" #include "fus_dialogs.hpp" sounds.hpp class a_supp { name = "a_supp"; sound[] = {"ASUPP\sounds\art.ogg", 1, 1}; titles[] = {}; }; DOWNLOAD Thanks Iceman77 for the tutorial of the GUI:yay: God I feel stupid I didn't pack the dialogs and defines for the damn thing :/
  6. Hey all, I was recently on a Altis Life Server and I don't know where to find all the pictures they have, I looked up some of the classnames and found some they had pics for didn't have one in the wiki, just wondering, thanks! REFERENCE: And yes I know you can find those, it was just so you knew what I was talking about.
  7. Thanks, but all of these have the uni with a character model :/
  8. Does this have all of the uniforms you can get aswell? (not altis life, thats a exception) And I am trying to get all the pics for a outside project NOT arma.
  9. I call the open in a addaction, then that i think is called in the open isnt it? I am so old with this now :/
  10. Well guys I am making a small script for a server and I get this error No Entry MYFILEDIR/Controls/list/Box.ListScrollBar Here is my cpp file: class LIFEbaseShop { idd = 30045; movingenable = true; onLoad = "uiNamespace setVariable ['fusD', (_this select 0)]"; class Controls { class background: RscFrame { idc = 1800; text = "Buy Base"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.438125 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.367964 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.12375 * safezoneW; h = 0.308083 * safezoneH; }; class listBox: RscListbox { idc = 1501; x = 0.443281 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.378967 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.113437 * safezoneW; h = 0.231062 * safezoneH; onLBDblClick = "[15001] call BASE_buy;"; }; class canc: RscButton { idc = 1600; text = "Cancel"; //--- ToDo: Localize; x = 0.443281 * safezoneW + safezoneX; y = 0.621033 * safezoneH + safezoneY; w = 0.113437 * safezoneW; h = 0.0330089 * safezoneH; }; }; }; I have been away for a while, so if someone could enlighten me on the changes :) Thanks, Fusion
  11. Hey thanks man, got it working, but now can you look at my functions really quick, just kill 2 with one, why wont my stuff show up that I am adding open_shop = { createDialog "LIFEbaseShop"; waitUntil {dialog}; [15001] call BASE_items; }; BASE_items = { _listBox1 = _this select 0; {lbAdd [_listBox1,_x];} forEach ["Large Sandbag Wall $1,500","Small Sandbag Wall $1,000"]; }; BASE_buy = {// >> Function Start _listBox1 = _this select 0; _selection1 = lbCurSel _listBox1; _text = lbText [_listBox1, _selection1]; switch (_selection1) do { case 0: {if (money >= 1500) then {[1500, "small"] call BASE_addItem;} else {hint "You don't have enough money.";};}; case 1: {if (money >= 1000) then {[1000, "large"] call BASE_addItem;} else {hint "You don't have enough money.";};}; }; };// << Function End BASE_addItem = {// >> Function Start _cost = _this select 0; _type = _this select 1; money = money - _cost; if (_type == "small") then { hint "You bought a Small Sandbag Wall"; large = smallWall + 1; }; if (_type == "large") then { hint "You bought a Large Sandbag Wall"; large = largeWall + 1; }; };// << Function End
  12. Hey all! How can I make a dialog like the shops in takistan life? Also how can I use a case system like case 1 { if (cash >= 400) then { GearAdd (vehicle player); GearAdd addWeapon 'arifle_MX_pointer_F'; cash = cash - 400; hint format ["You just bought a MX (reg) for 400, you now have %1 cash left!", cash]; }; }; Please help :P Thanks, Fusion :dancehead:
  13. fusion13


    Only possible way, But he did not "create" them he made the dialog in the dialog editor, and saved it which copied it to the clipboard and so then he copied it and so forth.
  14. I do not I will work on one. ---------- Post added at 05:34 ---------- Previous post was at 05:28 ---------- its not at all the best way to do it but I believe this will work if you call it at the beginning and then when you use a certain item add to the hunger/thrist: hunger_fnc_handle = { if(hunger == 0) then { damage = damage + 10; hint "I need food!"; call hunger_fnc_handle; } else { hunger = hunger - 5; sleep 600; call hunger_fnc_handle; }; }; thirst_fnc_handle = { if(thirst == 0) then { damage = damage + 10; hint "I need food!"; call thirst_fnc_handle; } else { thirst = thirst - 5; sleep 300; call thirst_fnc_handle; }; };
  15. I actually did this. I made a var that was set at 100, and every so often it would go down I achieved this by Calling a function and in that a sleep method and calling it again. And if they let it reach 0 it would start taking health. And if they used an item it would regen it.
  16. well the way I do it is: bankvars.sqf money = 5000; //all others like licenses buySomething.sqf //spawn or give license money = money + 500; hint format ["You have $%1", money];
  17. What I do is I make it locally like Fight says and it works like a charm, when working with money and licenses you always wanna do it locally. SO it should be: if ((WEST == playerSide) && (side _x != playerSide)) then { _x addEventHandler ["Killed", {[100] execVM "BLUaddMoney.sqf";}]; }; if ((EAST == playerSide) && (side _x != playerSide)) then { _x addEventHandler ["Killed", {[100] execVM "OPPaddMoney.sqf";}]; };
  18. Lol I shit my self when I saw how big it was :P nice work tho man<3
  19. Time for Quad SLI 780ti :P
  20. fusion13

    Altis Life weapon shop

    Please re-post with proper tags [/i] it makes it easier to read <3
  21. fusion13

    Unable to load file: Load error

    Not 100% sure, but check your temp folder, if you exported from a certain program or so on there might be a early model in there, or even maybe a full save model. Just check
  22. Maybe try to make it so that there controls are disabled? Idk just a rough estimate
  23. Well if I where you I would put the TEST.paa in your mission folder.
  24. Well guys with the BRS system out well playing BF4 I thought of something, and here it is DISCLAIMER: I DID THIS INITIAL RELEASE IN ~1HR IMAGE: http://gyazo.com/a837457e945d8f03a8d0b124b77e9597 USAGE: Init.sqf: call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "BFKC\bfkc_functions.sqf"; execVM "BFKC\bfkc_init.sqf"; Description.ext: #include "BFKC\fus_defines.hpp" #include "BFKC\fus_KC.hpp" ##NOTE## Change line 37 ( sleep 10; //Change the sleep to the respawn time.) in the bfkc_functions.sqf to whatever you sleep timer is in the description.ext THANKS: Thank you to cobra4v320 (http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?51251-cobra4v320) for the weapon display help, Thank you to IceMan77 (http://forums.bistudio.com/member.php?44603-Iceman77) for his amazing Dialog Tutorial, http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?144954-Dialog-Tutorial-For-Noobs-By-A-Noob Thank you to SpunFIN for his amazing color picker http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20455 DOWNLOAD: Download (Scripts Only) Download Mission Example CHANGELOG: V1 - Initial release, FUTURE CHANGES: Most likely going to re-do the whole layout. UPDATE: CURRENTLY WORKING ON A NEW LAYOUT