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About raven6-2

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  1. raven6-2

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    We wait with bated breath, boss man. Hope things work out for you whichever way!
  2. raven6-2

    Tier 1 Gear Pack

    Been using this mod for a while. Fell in love with the MarCiras vests :) Quick question: Any plans to add black PCUs in a future update(more grey-black than full black, I guess)?
  3. If in the future, would it be possible for you to make the PCU uniforms, specifically hooded one, use the Kryptek Typhon camouflage? Also, minor issue: Skin shows when weapon is lowered, character is crouched, and you turn the head to the side. It clips through on the right-hand side.
  4. raven6-2

    Arma 2: Namalsk Crisis

    Love Namalsk, first thing to say. Currently, I'm making a mission built on it and I'm having issues with creating a controlled blowout. I want it to trigger a full-on EMP blowout when my team of Independents reach the northern gate of the A2 complex. Issue is, the site explaining the lines that would cause an EMP blowout don't help. Placing them in a Functions module just gives me a pop-up. usually.