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Everything posted by kennyleif

  1. But you can check if FRIES works when a heli is standing on the ground, engine off, right?
  2. How does Fastrope work? I put the module FRIES module down on map. When i sit in a heli (Vanilla), with AI pilot, and I sit in the back, i get no options with Interaction key? What am I missing?
  3. It might have been asked before. But is there a way too script a Ai casualty with different wounds etc?
  4. Okay. Isnt it possible to just set elevation for a ammo box? Because I need to have a script running on the ammobox for Loadout Transfers.
  5. What would be the best way to place crates on the LHD in specific positions. Ex ammo crates for loading up for missions etc...
  6. Has anyone found out if it is because of the update, that Microdagr and Lasers/Lights button wont work. Microdagr is only showed in big.
  7. What i'm asking is, does the upload button in a3s transfer the a3s folder plus all of the mods in the build, or JUST the a3s folder? I'm trying to work out the problems you pointed out.
  8. Does, uploading with upload command, upload the a3s folder or the entire mods, because thats gonna take forever.
  9. AND Something different. I removed the last "/" from the ftp url, so it is (WITHOUT / in the end) I finds the A3s, shows whats files i am missing, but cant download. Shown below.. Connecting to repository: repos Starting Checking for Addons on repository: repos Starting Checking for Addons on repository: repos Starting downloading from repository: repos Downloading whole file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@3cb_baf_vehicles\readme.txt java.io.FileNotFoundException: File not found on repository: / at fr.soe.a3s.dao.connection.FtpDAO.downloadFile(FtpDAO.java:451) at fr.soe.a3s.service.FtpService.downloadAddon(FtpService.java:422) at fr.soe.a3s.service.FtpService.access$1(FtpService.java:407) at fr.soe.a3s.service.FtpService$1$1.run(FtpService.java:288) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Download finished with errors: Starting Checking for Addons on repository: repos
  10. And i got this with Major sheppards settings above, running with debug: ArmA3Sync Installed version = 1.5.69 JRE installed version = 1.8.0_60 DevMode = false Checking for updates... Connection updates repository Success ArmA3Sync Available update version = 1.5.69 Checking repositories... Connecting to repository: repos Failed to retrieve file / .\resources\temp\repos\changelogs (Den angivne sti blev ikke fundet) Starting Checking for Addons on repository: repos fr.soe.a3s.exception.remote.RemoteSyncFileNotFoundException: Remote file /.a3s/sync not found on repository. at fr.soe.a3s.ui.repositoryEditor.workers.AddonsChecker.run(AddonsChecker.java:89)
  11. Got this trying to connect in total commander as described above. Connect to: (11/12/2015 17:14:27) hostname= username=3rdeud startdir= 220 TCAdmin FTP Server USER 3rdeud 331 User name okay, need password. PASS *********** 230 User logged in, proceed. SYST 215 Windows_NT FEAT 211-FEAT 211 END HELP SITE 214 Help message. OPTS UTF8 ON 500 Syntax error, command unrecognized. CWD 250 CWD command successful. Connect ok! PWD 257 "/" is current directory Hent mappe TYPE A 200 Command okay. PORT 192,168,1,2,226,98 200 Port ok. LIST PORT failed, try PASV mode! PASV Something, i'n not clever enough to describe is failing, and nothing shows in the ftp side in total commander. Just blank
  12. I can connect in browser to the ftp, but not with A3s. Using:
  13. Hi Arma3sync team. Maybe you can help me out, Im trying to set up af repository on our gameserver, and so far, no luck. I'm running to two kinds of problems, and I have tried contacting server support, wich provided me with the correct url. When i'm using the provided URL, it can't find the a3s folder, when trying to sync with it. The a3s folder is there, and also all of the mods. The provided URL is Before i tried the provided URL, i used this: left out port number on the ftp ip). Then i got a different error. When i sync now, it finds the mods, shows me what i am missing, but when i try to download, it says "error in dowload" or something like that. In the rpt file i can see that it says that i couldn't find the files i was trying to download. However i checked, and the files was there. Can anyone help??
  14. Ahh okay. So it has to be synced with player. If its groups of players, does the module have to be synced with everyone? Or just leader
  15. Is it just me or is the boat room still not working?
  16. Im having a bit of a problem. I cant see my blueforce symbol above me in the tracker. I have a tablet. Can anyone help?
  17. Gotte get something cleared up. my group is playing with basic medic setup, and the "set medic class" module. We recently discovered that its for some reason not working anymore, and only medic is able to use epi. Is this not working anymore on basic?
  18. for 2 måneder siden, oprettede vi klanen 3'Rd Emergency Unit Division. (3RdEUD). En enhed i Arma 3, for spillere der gerne vil spille Arma 3, på en realistisk, seriøs og simulerende måde, men samtidig have meget underholdende og intense missioner. 3RdEUD er en lille enhed, bygget op med inspiration fra Navy SEALs. Vi er engagerede, og seriøse på missioner, og udfører alt inden for "Special Warfare" spektrummet. Hvis du søger ind hos os tilbyder vi: - Simulerende militærer operationer - Fedt og stærkt fællesskab hvor der er plads til alle - Anderledes struktur end andre enheder. Vi kører med flåde rang og struktur. - Ansvar - Følelsen af at blive hørt og set. Selv den helt nye soldat får plads til at komme med input. - Uddannelse og lektioner, inspireret af virkeligheden, men bygget op så det passer til Arma 3. Der er STOR forskel - En plads i en enhed, hvor alle, uansett rang er lige vigtige. - Mission hver søndag, og træning hver torsdag. Fri træning derudover. Vi forventer tilgengæld: - Du minimum 16 år. - Du skal være klar på at engagerer dig i et tidskrævende spil. - Lysten og muligheden til at tage og få ansvar - Lysten til at lære - Det forventes du kan være seriøs under missioner og træning. Vi har masser af sjov derudover. Lige nu er vi 5, og vil rigtig gerne op på 8 spillere. så vi har 2 hold. Så hvis du tænker vi kunne være noget for dig, så giv os en chance, tjek vores youtube kanal ud og send os en mail med lidt info. Så tager vi kontakt til dig og tilbyder dig en chance i Danmarks elite enhed i Arma 3. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWLnitVTmZa-OipP--UmRUQ Mail: 3rdeud@gmail.com Hjemmeside forventes oppe inden for en uge! Venlig Hilsen folkene i 3'Rd Emergency Unit Division
  19. kennyleif

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey Guys. My unit is using your m4a1 pip 320 for Ace huntir. I Might have overlooked something, but is it true than you dont have a sight that works with NV on this weapon?
  20. kennyleif

    RH M4/M16 pack

    I would also like to know i you could make the HUNTIR grenade shell from Ace3 usable in your weapons?
  21. Hey Devs The HuntIR, how do i make it compatibel with other weapons than Armas original? Currently using Robert Hammer, and RHS Regards
  22. So this means that the basic medical system has been fixed? Cant find it in the changelog?
  23. Then is it possible to roll back to previous version, would that fix the basic medical system, until at hotfix is out?