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Everything posted by zelectec

  1. zelectec

    Recon Scout XT

    Sorry when you took my critic wrong, but i tried to provide some objective view here. The model is wrong and not as the real world model. I even explained what is wrong so you could change it. Im fully aware of your model being WIP, but why do you post a WIP when you wont accept critics well? Also the video you show is not really a throwing grenade feature, it throws a grenade out of your body without playing anykind of animation. That is not even close to replace the current throw feature.
  2. zelectec

    Recon Scout XT

    The model looks not so good in my opinion. It is good on itself but based on its real life counterpart the wheels are wrong and only start bending inwards with the outher circle and not the first and inner circle. When you reproduce the real life wheels you could also safe some polys cause you have a weird mesh which is looking high poly but it isnt the real life form. The idea itself is cool, but i see many problems with ARMA 3. First of all the throwing animations of ARMA 3 itself. You have no real clue how far/where your grenade is going and you will never hit a window/door on first try. That means either you have many of such robots or you will end up with not really using the throwing feature. This vehicle has some kind of obstacle-climbing feature but not in the diameter of stairs. So what kind of obstacles are in ARMA 3 that arent as high as stairs? I know only of some kind of betonroads which do have some betoncorner which it could drive upon. Beside this i dont know of anything smaller then stairs and even buildings that are mostly flat build have some kind of stairs, when the evaluation of the terrain is different on some parts. I would choose a vehicle that can climb stairs or to some degree even higher obstacles. Cant look behind a wall? Throw/jump the vehicle inside the complex. It is a neat idea by the way. I would prefer this ;)
  3. Mhh the model itself looked ok but the textures just look horrid. Could you ask someone else for textures since this looks really bad.
  4. zelectec

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks for your answer. Nice to see that all his work will get a use after all this time, but i have to ask. Are you gonna implement the aps with his code too? I got the LEDS 150 still somewhere and some other aps stuff. Would love to see them finally in ARMA 3, but they are mostly for the vanilla vehicles. So i dont know if you guys are only interested in shtora for russian forces or not even in any kind of aps active or passive. Do you have all the source files from Bakerman? I still have them somewhere if you require them. Greetings ( If Bakerman gave you permission, which is assume, cause u were on dropbox too )
  5. zelectec

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    He, I read that part about AIS but as far as i know the development is dead or? Would like to know the status or get a pm from someone of RHS if it is true, cause some work in AIS is from me and i wasnt asked.
  6. Greatings Community, I was the guy doing the creative work in AIS, since this is now all gone im looking for someone who would be willing to pickup where Bakerman left. I allmost have none of his code, but i wont release in respect to bakerman. So the real problem is now, I have more then 28 different grenade-models, different retexture of vehicles, new sounds for vehicles, ballistic shields, and many other cray stuff. I will post some screenshots here and i hope someone is willing to pick me/it up. Sorry when i broke any forum rules as this is more of a request, but i only do it as i want to rescue the work that was done. http://imgur.com/a/lWA5N#0
  7. zelectec

    Armor Improvement System (AIS)

    Mainauthor left the modding community and im alone on AIS now. Im only the guy for models/textuires so all of his code is gone. I wont release any of his code since im not sure about his status.
  8. zelectec

    Community Ballistics

    Yeah i talked about all of this with him before......I told him he is doing "gods" work in sarcasm since the ticket got reviewed and he got so many good responses from the community in his thread. Your best bet would be to ask friendly some other guys here which allready downloaded it and try to reverse engineer. He shared all of his work so im pretty sure th ballistic calculator can stay with the community, but i wont release all of his AIS stuff. Im not sure what happened to Bakerman, but I hope he can clear all the stuff up that troubled him. One Suggestion would be......IF someone is willing to pickup where Bakerman left, then do it with the calculator you allready got from him and enhance the datasheets with more bullets/calculatons.
  9. zelectec

    The Ruins of AIS

    The real shit move was throwing 5 month of work just away with not even talking about it. Now im standing in the ruins and try to safe atleast something for the community.
  10. zelectec

    The Ruins of AIS

    Armor Improvement System which intended to enhance the armor gameplay
  11. zelectec

    Community Ballistics

    I dont have any info on this and im used to his dedication to realism, so im not sure where this is coming from. Lets close this thread, please and get over it.
  12. zelectec

    Community Ballistics

    Im sorry to announce that Bakerman has left the modding community. I dont know what was the problem, but he just deleted all shared files of AIS and other mods. He was a guy with talent and knowledge and was willing to help the community but this is the end.
  13. zelectec

    [WIP] USAF Air Asset MOD

    Like i said in a post before, i would help out with textures, but there was never an answer. If the uv-cuts are allready done and you can solve that problem with peter regarding the accusations, then i would be fine with helping out. Send me a pm for details if you want to discuss the topic. peace
  14. zelectec

    Community Ballistics

    Awesome contribution to the community and thanks for your credit.
  15. zelectec


    No offense, but I think you made the dummy version. The dummy version has a smaller bottom and top and is in black. The trainings-version is the same model as the real version, but in blue. The real flashbang has the bottom and top in the exact same diameter as the whole grenade. Dummy : http://store.airsoftarea.ch/images/TMC0813_2.jpg Trainingsversion : http://www.policeordnance.com/2004/CTS/7290T_147_5mm_M.jpg Real version and mini : http://policeordnance.com/2004/CTS/7290_Pair_Actual_Size_148mm_High.jpg
  16. So i thought public couldnt get any more shit with teamkilers, trolls and many many other stuff, but i was be proven wrong. I wont say the name of the player....but i will tell what happened. A friend of mine setup a new server for our whole group but since it was the first day he let it open and he didnt select anyone else to be admin too. He had to leave since he had to do some stuff in the "realworld" and so we had to play without him and couldnt reach him over steam or whatever. So we played battlezone on the server.....plenty of normal players connected, enjoyed the teamplay with evacs,extracts and other stuff but then this one player connected. this is what he did.... 1.Spawn. 2.Search for first vehicle close by and get in as driver/pilot 3. Drive into the ao without shooting or anything just let himself getting shot (vehicle destroyed) 4.Died 5.Rinse and repeat We encountered it was a bot after we teamkilled him atleast 50-60 times since he did allways the same stuff. It was a bot as a realworld gamer. The sole purpose was to destroy as much vehicles as possible and destroy the teamplay. This for me is the end of ever plkaying again on a public server.....i encountered many trolls which just went into the arty and shot mines into every city on altis to teamkill everyone. Its sad to see what for an turn the MP took from arma 2 to arma 3.
  17. zelectec

    Real player loading boat to waste vehicles

    It is really funny how you think that you know everything but in reality you wasnt even there were we were when this happened. Yet you think you are a genius whihc can shit on every topic with his useless crap. I do not even read your posts anymore cause the sole purpose of your comments is to insult me....which just shows me that you arent here for helping others out as i do cause i try to inform the public arma gamers that such bots are in thw wild. The most stunning thing is that i need to argue with you.... When you would have just a single bit of knowledge you would know it wouldnt even be so difficult to write bots for the specific gamemodes. I could write such bot too....but do i want to? NO cause i do not want to destroy the public gameplay. So please stay away from further commenting cause you proved again with your second post your posts are all CRAP. Just try to see it from my side....I try to inform the arma players of such thing and there comes you insulting me, trying to shift sides and acting like gandalf the white with knowledge about everything. There are cheats with paket-sniffers and so on....so it isnt even a problem to read on the server were the ao is and send my bot there. Since arma is a open game cause its based on VBS i bet its even more easy to read that specific objects out of the mission and send the bot on the way. I ask myself if you have any social problems? But this topic isnt about you reallife problems mirrored into the BIS forum. NOPE ITS ABOUT A REPORt OF A BOT. so take you shitty attitude elsewhere and stay away from helpfull people cause you arent helpfull. You are a jerk. Really man what kind of problems you got when you have such a behaviour and attitude. Acting like you know everything even when you wasnt there to witness it and with your comments regarding coding such AI we now know you do not have knowledge about script/functions at all. Yet you try to blame me, try to shift sides and insult me....but allways with the attitude that im wrong and you are allways right. Its stunning....sounds like a real maniac in my world So you wanna tell me that what i described sounds like a intelligent AI. What is intelligent in driving a vehicle into the ao and get shot? Every stupid ai in every single game can do that....in arma you can even tell the ai to shot once you are in the AO. Yet this bot wasnt able to do this...See? You do not have any knowledge of scripts/functions and specially pakets-sniffers For everyone telling me this isnt possible. In every game with more then 2 or 3 cheatdetection modes you are able to sniff pakets to read 1.Where are players 2.Show a radar 3.automatic aiming and much more weirder stuff As a example you would be able to do this in bf3 even without every beeing dedected, when you wont sell the cheat. Its easy paket-sniffing.....This is possible to do in ARMA too, but since arma is a open-based platform with possiblities of spawning stuff straight into the mission this would be even more easier to read out of the server/mission. What this bot did wasnt even more advanced as the ai in arma. he never shot once....he only took a kit out of a ammobox and went straight for vehicles, drove into the ao and got shot. There is nothing in this which would be more advanced then the allready existand ai in arma. In battlezone once you took a ao its showing the new ao and selecting this ao with a marker, at this point i would sniff pakets to see where the ao is. Its so easy to do this
  18. zelectec

    Real player loading boat to waste vehicles

    Man i really dont want to sound like a dick but its really crazy how you argue. Think whatever you want....we tried everything to talk with him or so since im a native german speaker but learned basics of english and russian.... Think whatever you want....but this guy was a bot. You can try to shift sides as much as you want but it wont help anyhting. Its even sad to see that you try to blame me when i try to inform the arma community that bots are in the wild to destroy public games. Sounds like you enjoy wasting of vehicles, destroying everything you can just to destroy the treamplay on the server. Congratz for you and i hope i will never see you on a server. You really sound like a teamkiller and try to find reason why you can destroy the base. Even when there is a acitve pilot bringing everyone to the ao you find a reason to destroy the vehicles. See your logic here....cause there is none I hope you stay away from further commenting since you didnt read my post complete or arent able to comprehend what is written in the first post. i was even pilot and took every new player from base to the ao.... So nice how you argue there was no one helping him out since i wrote in my first post that we had a nice teamplay going. Someone like you got 4000 posts. Sounds like 4000 posts of utter BS Regarding your shifting of my comment of "he was russian". Its really ncie to see that you are the real fascist here.....why do you think im speaking russian? Cause i dont like them? Yeah.....again your logic.
  19. zelectec

    Real player loading boat to waste vehicles

    Nope it wasnt a noob player. His first steps after the spawn and what he did in the next minute or so were allways the same except with the different vehicles. he spawned.....went to the ammobox....went to a vehicle and took off. He watched allways in the same directions....walked the exact same footsteps and never reacted to us actually teamkilling him. we wrote/talked in group/sidechat to him without a reaction. We teamkilled more then 50 times and were able to see that everything he did was automaticly done and not manually from a player. Same with his behaviour in the ao.....he drove to the ao with tank/hunters/quads/littlebirds and went out of the vehicles and stayed beside the vehicles. There was no way he was a actual player. He was and is a bot. I know about all that with the server was controlled correctly but we couldnt do anything else so that isnt the point. I even told you in the first post the server was just up one single day and the actual admin hadnt time to setup everything correctly to setup other admins or so. This player was a bot...and i have more then 8 players which can prove that. We teamkilled him 50 times and everytime in a other step to see what he does afterwards and so on. I dont want this to sounds like a racial argument or so but he was russian, but i wont say his name.
  20. zelectec

    C-RAM for Arma 3!!!!

    Dont listen to the people telling you there will be laserweapons in 2035. The current systems arent good. They only can burn down uavs and some boats. They arent able to penetrate fast flying rockets, bullets and many other stuff. They are testing that kind of technic but im pretty sure they wont use it in the longterm. Bullets and rockets are still the way to go....and this will not change in the near future. Regarding nouber_nou and that script. He wont answer you questions....He is the author of acre and one of the contributors of ace. Pretty legendary that he never answers and so on. So dont even try your luck cause its wasted time.
  21. zelectec

    C-RAM for Arma 3!!!!

    Exactly. Give it time.....since im workin on a tow-vehicle allready i will do that kind of stuff at some point. Its even the same vehicle. :) md-3 tow tractor
  22. zelectec

    C-RAM for Arma 3!!!!

    Towing allready works. You would have to find the memory point to attach the trailer and then write a good towing script. The physics is allready there
  23. zelectec

    C-RAM for Arma 3!!!!

    Hi man, I would offer some time to work on the textures. If you want to discuss details or so, just hit me up on steam or a pm. Peace just found this. CRAM ARMA 2
  24. zelectec


    Small update. Status: http://imgur.com/a/lfU3e#0 70-80% done of the model. -missing most of the cockpit controls, wheels and some small details.