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About kennychr

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  1. I requested a merge with the repo Brebera put out as ive fixed a bunch of issues regarding the mod.
  2. kennychr

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    Question: We recently switched to ACRE2 and for some reason people who JIP seem to not be able to speak on 152\177F's but they can hear users fine. Tried switching from in-editor module(s) to scripted setup. Still 152\117F's break on JIP. Has anyone had the same issues and found a workaround ?
  3. Thanks for the input! I was aiming for a "small" fnc that read the player class and then ran the correct loadout on the player if it existed. The reason i was aiming for that is to lessen the "ohmygod so much text" for users that are not too familiar with code in the first place, i.e: x player wants to make their custom mission for a gamenight and want to have custom loadouts. English isnt my first language so its kinda hard to put down exactly what im aiming for with the function.
  4. So i have been trying to shorten the loadout script ive been using for our community and ive hit a dead end. It wont compile the call for the loadout at all. The idea of this fnc was to shorten the script lenght a whole lot as we had been using a very long file with if (player == class) then {run loadout}. And i wanted to make something more sleek and faster as this is intended to run on the client. basic idea of it is: Find player class, compare player class to the array of classes, run appropriate loadout fnc. It works if i substitute the call with a hint so im guessing there is something from with my call compile format part... thanks for any help! _caller = _this select 0; _playerClass = typeOf _caller; //To be moved to separete file _playerClasses = [ "B_Soldier_F", "B_Soldier_GL_F" ]; { if (_x == _playerClass) then { call compile format ["AW_fnc_%1",_playerClass]; }; } forEach _playerClasses;
  5. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setPlayerRespawnTime
  6. kennychr

    Arma3 Videos

    A short clip\trailer i made for the communtity im a part of.
  7. kennychr

    The Newcomers' Introduction Thread

    Just signed up for the possibility of replying to threads,have some sqf knowledge