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Everything posted by nigrinus

  1. nigrinus

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Thanks for the reply. I am so looking forward to it and thank you very very much for your effort and energy put into this great mod.
  2. nigrinus

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Hey, video sounds great. I was just wondering if there is maybe a tad too much echo while having the source of riflefire or machineguns in close range..like in Min. 5:17 in your vid. Can you explain brief what the difference is in MP and SP? I always thought the sounds are the same. Or is it the script mainly handling the sounds for the Player? Exceptional work by the way and I am glad you are back on your feet.
  3. nigrinus

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    You share my vision and are much more capable of explaining things. Thank you for your existence
  4. nigrinus

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    No Audio related question!
  5. THIS IS THE BEST NEWS EVER!! Actually i was hoping for this to come. No more the same sound no matter how far you are from the source. AWESOME. Though I have the feeling that it will take another year until everything is implemented. Sound keeps me from playing Arma right now regularly.
  6. nigrinus

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Wait til the Witcher 3 release!
  7. nigrinus

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Sorry for not being in a war lately, basically videos is all i can get to say in which general direction sound development of weapons should go. No one said: "copy the exact sound of that youtube video"...jeez.
  8. nigrinus

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Havent posted on Dev Branch Feedback before but i really feel the need to do so now. I appreciate that you take on the sound overhaul. What the game really needs to get some immersion to the sound especially in firefights, distances and explosions. Right now in DevBranch the sound of a rifle fired at 100 meters is barely audible at all...looks weird when the snaps are louder and the guy shooting at me from 100 meters is kind a pantomimic. The distances need a definite rework. Also the explosions sound just fake. Grenades and all sorts of explosions are frightening when using JSRS Dragonfyre. These explosions scare the shit ouf ot me. Would be great if you get some inspiration from LordJarhead. The weapon sounds themselves in first person sound great now. I like where this is going. During a firefight though it seems to me that the sound of guns is ending so abruptly which sounds too artificial and the lack of echoes is weird. What this game needs is also different sounds for different distances. There are some nice sounds of different distances with a 50.cal. Nevertheless since 1.40 and the introduction of tails JSRS Dragonfyre is kind of messed up. Which stopped me from playing ARMA3 for a long time now. I can not bear the simple sound anymore. I really hope you get your visions of sound implemented into Arma3 which will be by then the best military simulaction game out there. It is just feedback from my own perspective.
  9. nigrinus

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    By the way are there any news on overhauling the distant explosion sounds? Also the grenades need some love. I would love to see a game finally give a more realistic approach to a firefight.
  10. nigrinus

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    Due to spawned explosions there are very muffled sounds for them, as we pointed out many times before, thats what we need this voted to be successful: Add the possibility of adding eventhandlers to ammunitions defined in cfgAmmo This would help me to realize certain features in JSRS DragonFyre, so please vote for this!
  11. nigrinus

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    *cough* Duke Nukem Forever *cough* We all know what that phrase meant :) Seriously though, I was excited when they said RC5 is close to release and then got sad when they found new bugs but hey...always better to have something work right than not at all. Pointing to you Rome 2 and Sim City...
  12. nigrinus

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    @LJ and Bakerman Thanks for clearing that up to me :) I am so looking forward to your new RC.
  13. nigrinus

    JSRS3: DragonFyre

    LJ Just a quick question concerning the status. There were so many posts here I got lost. RC5 is in testing and delayed cause you found some more issues? The light version is interesting, but what are the differences to the full version? What features are left out for example? You are doing a great job I thank you for that. Your mod enhances the fun in playing this game 1000fold. To be honest, I stopped playing before you released Dragonfyre because the Vanilla sounds are immersionbreaking. With your mod the firefights become more intense and you have the feeling of being on a real battlefield ... well as close as I want to be at least :) Keep up the good work and I wish you all the best for your future career.
  14. nigrinus

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Forget it, its working now.
  15. nigrinus

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    Wenn das rauskommt mach ich 3 Kreuze, 2 Salti rückwärts und brech mir dann hoffentlich die Beine dabei, damit ich nicht mehr arbeiten muss für 6 Wochen :)
  16. nigrinus

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    WOW. Now Arma 3 is going to be reaaaaaaally fun.
  17. nigrinus

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    Its mean that we have to play with the inferior JSRS 2.2 :) So far from the videos Dragonfyre is superior in any way and I stopped playing Arma until Dragonfyre is out. (And the multiplayer servers adapt to it).
  18. nigrinus

    JSRS: DragonFyre -- WIP Thread

    That was just mean. :( Please redeem us! :)
  19. Yes that was me McMartin is the ingame name. Did join and leave because of my mods of US and Russian weapons did not work. (i used Nato SF and Russian Speznaz weapons) No Weapons other than vanilla game showed up and i wanted to see if this was different on the other team, but the server wouldnt let me switch teams. I hope this was the right mod. I use play with six to manage all the mods for all the different servers.
  20. Yeah, would have been great, but getting a ban for no reason somehow keeps me from playing.
  21. nigrinus

    KGB Camo Faces

    BEARDS!! Pretty please.
  22. I used it in the campaign. How do i get it to work there again?
  23. VAS no longer supported? I wonder what caused this, because it was the easiest way to get all the gear, save loadouts, and it was working in SP! How do I get a VAS back into my game now? :(
  24. I really was confused :) Thanks for the explanation. I get it now. Yes I took a custom mod with an Ac-130 model. MCC found it and I was able to spawn it as CAS. (But it behaved like a jet) I did use this mod: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?159315-AC-130X-for-Arma-3 Maybe the modder gives permission to use his model in MCC dunno. But would definetly add immersion. Just to be said I love your work and I am impressed, keep doing what you do it is awesome.
  25. I did spawn it as a Close Air Support. Jou mean just spawn it as a unit? Will try that as soon as I get home. Tried to get an Ac130 into ArmA2 but it wont come up in MCC there :( So it did work back then?