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Everything posted by flakerumia

  1. flakerumia

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

    Hello guys. I love Air Control mission, however I've found a something to improve. I've unlocked FOB Casino, however literally 800meters away from base random APCs, tanks and infantry AA are being spawned every time I'm closing to the base. No matter if I destroy them once, they keep coming back every few minutes. It's very frustrating. Can you improve the script to spawn enemies outside certain radius of friendly FOBs? UPDATE: I think I know the problem: It turned out that village next to FOB Casino is also an objective: But it's really too close.
  2. flakerumia

    co10 Escape

    Hey guys, could you give me a tip how to change fractions? I have ported this mission into new Livonia map. However units are default NATO vs CSAT. I would to make mission LDF VS Spetznaz or something. I know there is a file called unitClasses.sqf but have no idea how to change it. Is it generated by some tool or manualy created... 😭 ? EDIT: Since LDF is independent is it possible to work it out? Or this mission is limited to fight betweend BLUFOR and OPFOR? Cheers, Ariel