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Everything posted by dachs

  1. I have a strange problem where Radio Triggers created in Eden, can't be selected when playing the mission on a dedicated server. The Radio menu is greyed out. Radio Triggers made in the 2D editor works fine as usual. Tested by making a mission in both editors, with just one Officer and one Radio Trigger in it. Both missions Radio Triggers works as they should when hosting, it's only when running on a dedicated the problem show up..
  2. {alive _x && !(_x in thisList)} count [scientist, target1, target2] > 0 LOL, that is considerably more elegant than my attempt, and it works just like it should in hosted MP. However, the problem persists, the trigger still fires right at mission start, when running on a dedicated..? And, just so I can maybe learn a bit about code here; Am I right in saying the above code, counts the number of units alive and not in thisList, but should only count those units mentioned in the array?
  3. Thank you for this, it looks very promising! A couple of maybe stupid ? Just to clarify, the support vehicles has to use your own respawn script, correct? And, therefore support vehicle needs this inside its init field? null = [5,[50,300],true,true, "",true,this,true,true,false] execVM "TAC-Team\TAC_AddVpool.sqf"; in addition to this setVariable ["Taxi",[this,"Jumper"]]; Reason I'm asking is, I tried it without, and support vehicle didn't really respawn, however it was sort of blinking very fast, above starting point. And when trying to use the BIS vehicle respawn editor module, nothing was happening at all. Finally, is tbere a way to make a transport immune to enemy fire, maybe just "this allowdamage false;", or is there perhaps a better way somewhere in your script? Edit: Yes, "this allowDamage false" in the init field is working just fine. And, I think I spotted a tiny bug in the dialog, when requesting transport to move. When the transport confirms in the chat, it leaves out it's callsign. This is a pretty damn cool script, I'm well on my way implementing an extraction using this, in a mission.
  4. Are these latest updates going on Armaholic or some other place than Six? And thanks for the weapons, they are top class, I'll never get tired of the AI AWM with the reload animation.
  5. That got it working, thanks a bunch! I didn't have much luck with "allPlayers" though, so had to change it back to isPlayer and playableUnits. Hmm, I wonder if this could be the reason?
  6. I want to check if player group is in any unamed (air) vehicle passing a trigger area. It's to be used for triggering mission ending, when players use a helo to extract. Right now i use this this && {_x in heli1 && alive _x && isPlayer _x} count playableUnits == {alive _x && isPlayer _x} count playableUnits; The above in a trigger, with condition BLUFOR Present, works for the vehicle named "heli1". Is there a way to check any kind of vehicle, or maybe class useing isKindOf "air" somehow?
  7. dachs

    Extraction Example

    Just checking to see if anyone has managed to run this on a dedicated server? It's a really good script, that works fantastic in single or hosted MP, it's a bit of a shame really that it doesen't work on dedicated.
  8. dachs

    [SP] 360 Degree Training Course

    Great training tool, thank you for making this! I'd like to tune it a bit though, with a permanent 1000 meter range, but still with your target markers. Is there a way to accomplish that, for a scripting illiterate like me?
  9. Sorry for ressurecting this rather old thread, but wondering if there is a way to stop the player from respawning when he first joins the game? I guess it happens because of the code below getting run by init.sqf at the start, activating the script right away. Is there a way to not do it on mission start, but on all the following killed events and respawns ? Btw, using the version from BangaBob's last post above. [] spawn {sleep 0.5;null = [player] execVM "JIPspawn.sqf";}; xhandle = player addEventHandler ["killed", "_this execvm 'JIPspawn.sqf'"];
  10. Sorry, my original post could have been a bit more clear I guess. I was really just wondering if everything was running as it should. When taking a head shot, I fully expected to die, or in this case with Prevent Instant Death on, to go straight to the unconscious state, and stay there. So, when he got up again after spending 10 sec. or so in the unconscious like state, I started wondering if there was something fishy with my install? I was wearing a helmet, so that might have made the difference. Haven't played with ACE before, but getting more and more impressed as I discover new details!
  11. When ever my character takes a shot to the head, he goes down almost like when going unconcious, and then gets up Again after 10-20 seconds. When checking Medical options, I can see a headwound. Is this intended behaviour? This is using Basic Medical settings and Prevent Instant Death.
  12. dachs

    [COOP-8] Black Ops

    Hi, well it's LAN meet time again, and seeing how your mission was a great succes the last time, I want to prepare it again. So far I got the Arsenal running upon mission start, by running this in init.sqf: if (hasInterface) then { waitUntil {time > 1 && player == player}; ["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal; }; Now, reading the above posts makes me want to put Arsenal in the Supplydrop too. It seems this code did the trick, however I can't figure out exatcly where to put the code? Box1 addAction ["<t color='#2D8CE0'>Virtual Arsenal</t>", {0 = ["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal;}, [], 1, false, true, "", "(_target distance _this) < 3"];
  13. Perfect, thanks! We're having a LAN meet tomorrow, so timing couldn't be much better :)
  14. Hi, I just installed this pack, today, right after the 1.40 update, so I suspect that is what is causing the problems, but thought I'd ask here anyway, as it might be a known quirk afterall? Problem is, at mission start I start out with no magazines or other stuff in my inventory. Only a rifle and a pistol, with attached mags, and thats it. All required mods should be running, and I get no errors. Running on a dedicated server.
  15. this addAction ["<t color='#FFFF00'>Arsenal</t>", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal}]; I've added the above code to all the players init field, in the editor, so they can access the Virtual Arsenal. This seems to be working nicely, also on a dedicated server. However, I only want this to be available for 5 minutes or so, and then be unavailable for the rest of the mission. I've got a noobish feeling that this can be done with a timer somehow, maybe using a trigger, but I'm pretty much lost at the moment.. Will it work on a dedicated server, just by using the editor, or should it be scripted in .sqf files and whatnot? :confused: Hope someone is able to point me in the right direction?
  16. Thanks a lot man, impressive you could shake that out of your sleeve like, just like that. One day, I hope to be able to grasp a bit more of this coding stuff.. one day, most likely sometime in 2035, sigh.. @XoO Yup, I did delete the init fields, as I figured they would probably conflict. Thanks for making sure though! On a related note, when the script is activated, is there a way to put up a message like "Arsenal available for 5 minutes" on the screen?
  17. dachs

    [COOP-8] Black Ops

    That was fast, and an updated version on top even Aaand.. the VA almost works, using your code! It's working nicely in both editor preview, and when hosting a local server, but unfortunately it fails on a dedicated server. I get no menu item at all, so I'm at a bit of a loss again?
  18. dachs

    [COOP-8] Black Ops

    Hi, first of all, thanks for making this mission, it's really great fun! For a small LAN meet we're having, I was asked to see if it's possible to put in a Virtual Arsenal, in the insertion helo. However after having a look at the mission, I'm unable to figure out how to do that. My scripting skills are pretty close to none, so I was kind of hoping there was a helo on the map, so I could put this addAction ["<t color='#FFFF00'>Arsenal</t>", {["Open",true] spawn BIS_fnc_arsenal}]; in it's init field. Do you perhaps have a couple of hints you can throw my way?
  19. Brilliant, just what I needed to hopefully get my friends sold on Arma. Spawn on group has really been missed here, thanks alot :bounce3: And a big +1 on the inventory saving, that would really be icing on the cake.
  20. dachs

    =BTC= Revive

    Hi, I was wondering, is it possible to respawn inside the mobile hq vehicle? More specifically, I was hoping to respawn the dead players in a new Assault boat, somewhere off the coast, each time they choose to respawn. Any idea if that would be possible at all?