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Posts posted by Siege-A

  1. Hello all, first post on this website for some reason....been playing the series since OFP and a member over at Armaholic, but never here. Strange. Guess now is better than never. In any case, on to the point of my post, I have been designing a mission and was trying to simply add a picture and description to my custom made folder which is displayed in the Scenario screen for SP (Parent folder with mission inside). Now only reason I posted here was I noticed the tutorial mission for TMR has a parent folder with custom picture and description, and missions listed after opened.

    Also, I didn't just senselessly post without properly searching first, and trust me...I searched vigorously on this topic but never finding anything useful (Foxhound would be proud). The only link which had any value was a wiki page telling how to export the mission as an Addon PBO instead of Mission PBO where you could define the parent folder in the config.cpp. Now I tried the method as described, without binarizing it, using binPBO, but no luck...reloaded A3 after placing pbo in addon folder but no folder or mission displayed in Scenario screen. Maybe I'm just doing something wrong.

    Sorry for the off-topic post, just thought it would be more relevant to add it in here rather than create a new thread. I appreciate any advice you guys could give me because I'm sure it's something simple that I'm missing. (Remember I am speaking of the parent folder overview and not the mission overview itself.)

    ** Nevermind, got it working. Didn't realize that you also needed CfgPatches in the config.cpp in order for the addon to work.
