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Posts posted by Siege-A

  1. Ah sure, here it is. In this case I grabbed it from Armaholic.

    I wouldn't call it much of a problem either just a minor annoyance. Just thought it'd be a good idea to inform you of it regardless.

    Much appreciated, I probably would have never noticed this if you hadn't said anything.

    Siege, Loving the Update. the State patches are excellent. Looking forward to future updates.

    Thanks, the requests are always welcome.

    I have had someone report that the server key is not working. Could anyone that has tested the key, or can test it, check it and let me know whether there is any issues with it? I would like to know if this is a problem due to improper installation, or an issue on my end. Can't understand why it wouldn't be working.

  2. Many many thanks for the update, this is one of the most appreciated and HUGE updates so far ;D

    Especially for the Italian pbo...man, an entire pbo of italian patches. I almost cried like a little girl for the emotion !!!

    My pleasure, glad you enjoyed them. I still have many more Italian patches that will be in the next update, mainly covering air force and operations, but still a pretty big batch. ;)

    1300 insignias......

    Never enough.

    I have to admit that i' m a bit saddened by the fact that there is not a single french patch among those 1300 patches except the "Je suis Charlie" ones, but i have to be objective, awesome pack man. Some of the new morale patches are hilarious.

    No worries. Just please understand, I am trying to cover as many countries in the world as possible, and this is quite a big task when just ONE of those countries can have thousands upon thousands of patches. I usually try to bring in new countries with each update, even if small quantity, but each will be focused on in time and expanded greatly. The reason I did ones like Italy and Poland, was because people actually made requests for those...and requests are what I'm basing updates off of, if I get no requests...then I just focus on more US and morale patches, since those are what I need for my other projects. I just need to see that there is a demand (even if from just a single person), because if I waited until I was done with all the US patches before I started another country...that could be years from now, lol. I appreciate your comments though, and I will go ahead and take what you said as a request, and include French patches on the next update. :p

  3. Thanks Foxhound and Kecharles, as always. And thanks to everyone enjoying the pack, I really do appreciate the comments. I know it may sound dumb, but I had wanted to have more done for this update, mainly for the Russian patches. But that will be the focus for the next update. Also, much of the size of this was due to all the state flags and variants that were included from the US, which I would say is roughly around 400 patches.


    you made and configured 905 new patches

    Holy shit. Thanks a lot! :D

    Yes, configured 905 patches...and let me say, I think the config work took longer than making the actual patches, lol. Not to mention I had to update the readme file, which easily took just as long as the config work, since I had to update all the classNames as well as the full changelog. I've learned my lesson...always update config/readme as the patches are made, instead of waiting to do it till the end. ;)

    For some reason I've got seven different entries for this one in the Expansions menu after updating. Might be something you want to look into if possible.

    Could you please post a screenshot? I tested the addon numerous times before I released, to ensure everything was correct...but never noticed additional entries in the expansions menu. BUT, even so, it is probably due to the reason that the addon has been split into 7 separate addons...each standalone. I will have a look either way, and see what I can do to fix that. Also, what method did you use to download this update? Armaholic? PW6? Dropbox?

    EDIT: Pretty sure I've located the problem...not really a problem...but just uses the same name 7 times in the expansions menu, which still shouldn't cause any errors, only visual discomfort. Easy fix though, will create a hotfix and post it up sometime soon, just need to take a little break for now and enjoy the game. Just be aware, there will still be 7 entries in the expansion menu, as there should be, but will be named correctly after the fix. For now, I would just advise pulling out the .pbo's you don't wish to use from the UNS_Patches folder (move them into a backup folder or whatever).

  4. Can I match a patch request? The 007 James Bond Family Crest

    Orbis Non Sufficit - The World is Not Enough

    Absolutely. Will be included with the update, thanks for the request.

    Sorry for the delay, been quite busy. But, I'm pushing to get the update out by tomorrow sometime, should everything go right.


    Also would you be willing to post a youtube video/tutorial on your methods/how to make unit patches and clan patches? I would love to make some clan/novelty patches but I dont really know how.

    Not real sure about making a video tutorial, as there really isn't that much to show, and my time is thin these days. But if you go over to my thread at Armaholic, and scroll down on the first page, I have written a brief step-by-step tutorial on how to do this, the same way I have. Of course, that was when I first began doing it, so over time I've learned faster methods, but it will at least get you started. If you have any questions at all, feel free to send me a PM and I will help you through the process.

    Armaholic Thread: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=29033&d=0

    TO ALL: My apologies for not meeting up to the release date, maybe I'll be sure in the future not to make any early predictions. I understand it's only a patch pack, so not really something that people are dying to have, but still, I rather not make promises that I can't keep. I had thought about releasing what's already done, which is still a possibility, but I figured I would at least take this extra time this week to pack in some more patches and have it released this coming weekend (whether ready or not). Thanks for being patient and sorry again for the delay.

  5. Awesome release, love the MGS universe. Your work on the trailer was really great stuff, you remade the MGSV trailer in almost perfect detail. I've actually got a campaign in the works for an original MGS story, based within their timeline, in which I have sent you a PM about. This content will help greatly with bringing Snake to life, thanks again.

    EDIT: By the way, I have some MSF and Diamond Dogs patches included in my pack which you could use for the soldiers in the video, if you would like.

  6. I had some few suggestions, if you like the ideas: a tactical beard patch (which would be badass with the tactical beard mod XD), some patches from some italian army forces like "Folgore", "San Marco" and Alpini "Monte Cervino" (I know peoples who would like them very much, and I would be very grateful to you for making them), and what about a Je suis Charlie patch ?

    Sounds good, and thanks for the suggestions...always open to more. I have a few different versions of the tactical beard patch already saved, so I will edit them and throw them in. Also, I wasn't planning to include the Italian patches (which I found a very good repository for) with this update, but since a request has been made, I will be sure to have some for you guys.

    I have a very big update on the way, definetly the largest since the packs release, so I think alot of people will be pleased with the content provided. I have discovered some faster and more efficient ways to edit the patches and get them ingame, so I have been able to pump out alot more than in the past (still with the same embroidered quality). Needless to say, many MANY more patches on the way. ;)

  7. Do you have any plans on doing all state flags? I know Texas is already in your pack.

    I actually hadn't planned to do all the states (just threw the texas one in cuz I know how important it is to those guys ;)). But I have no problem doing the whole set, I'll try to pack in as many of them as I can (if not all) in this next update.

    Hey man, great pack, thank You for releasing it - we're using it for a while now.

    IMO the only enhancement the pack could see would be making it modular. Sorting it by type \ theme \ country, etc. I guess not every US community needs Polish armpatches and our polish unit doesn't necessarily need for example, IDF's. You know, just so it's less cluttering in the Arsenal.

    I had a feeling it would get to that point eventually. In the beginning I was well aware that if the pack grew big enough, I may need to split it into separate addons to make it more modular, just as you have said. I'll see what I can do upon the coming update, I don't want to have a ton of addons all with a few patches a piece, but I will definetly try to break it down into something more manageable. Thanks for the feedback.


    Sorry forgot one! EOD patch too if not too much trouble.

    Roger. Funny, I thought I already had a couple in the pack...but no trouble at all.

  8. Quick question. Now that JSRS3 has implemented L_ES into their mod, and from what they said it will automatically disable L_ES if run alongside JSRS3...what will that mean for future updates to L_ES? Will JSRS3 also receive those updates, or will they remain with the same version they currently have now? Only reason I ask, is I'm sure alot of people love using your mod, and if JSRS3 isn't updated along with yours (when it happens), that puts people in a position to either use one or the other, since JSRS disables L_ES.

    Great work, by the way, this mod adds alot to the immersion of the game.

  9. The idea of insignia with the nickname

    Yes, I understand the idea that you are shooting for, but there's some problems with it that I wouldn't be sure how to solve. Firstly, in order to have a person's name displayed as an insignia, would require an insignia to be made for EVERY different name out there...which is a bit unlikely. If this wasn't done, I don't think there is anyway to get the game to create an insignia itself based off of a persons name (this would mean the game would have to create a .paa file of the insignia on the fly, to match the units name...which as far as I know, can't be done). It would be simple if you wanted to just create a bunch of insignias for the clan your a part of, making one for each individual player, and then making a script to detect who they are and which insignia to use...but not to a larger scale like what you have in mind, which is creating one for any player...not just your clan.

    So, as you can see, this is actually a bit more difficult than it sounds. In theory, the idea seems simple and doable, but when you get to the details of creating this...whole other story. I hope you understand, and I will still keep this in mind in case I'm ever able to come up with a solution for you, but until then...you may need to run it by someone a little more advanced with scripting.

  10. Done. I have made it as a standalone bonus addon which can be deleted once the update is released, as it will include these with it.

    Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/96mx615mpzmed2o/UNS_Patches_Bonus.7z?dl=0

    Patches Included & Classnames:

    Texas Flag Black & White: PATCH_FLAG_USA_TEXAS_BW

    Texas Flag Olive Drab: PATCH_FLAG_USA_TEXAS_OD


    St. Michael Alternate: PATCH_MORALE_PROTECT_US_ALT

    St. Michael Black & White: PATCH_MORALE_PROTECT_US_BW



    TK-421 Black & White: PATCH_MORALE_TK421_BW

    TK-421 Tan: PATCH_MORALE_TK421_TAN

    Please do not upload to armaholic or PWS, that will be done when update is released. Thanks and enjoy.

    Edit: I will touch up the Texas Flags for both the OD and Tan since they didn't quite turn out the way I wanted, and have them fixed for the update.

  11. Yes, the colored variant is already included, and I do have od and tan variants of it ready for editing, but haven't put them in the pack yet. I will make sure to include them with the next update, which may still be a little ways out. If you would like something to hold you over, I could create a small fix with those included and send it to you, but won't be releasing an update for this until more are ready.

  12. Yeah, this was actually the first time I had ever come across this issue...but I'm sure it's probably more common for folks that work with models alot. My fix, unfortunately, isn't really much to document on. I simply did some re-pathing and added a couple files that were missing for the models, but really not much to put on paper. Knew it had something to do with the models, so just had to dive in there and find what was missing. ;)
