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Posts posted by Siege-A

  1. Well as for the first method I posted, I doubt you will notice any type of performance impact from that, since it is all called from the config. The second method could probably result in some loss of performance, when you get into tons of soldiers all calling an external script for their insignias. But I will say, I've created some units that use a massive script to randomly generate insignias for them and other than a slight pause at the load of a mission, it runs fine, with no major impact to note...and that's with lots of units all calling the script at the same time. So, I think it would be safe to say that you shouldn't have to worry about any significant performance loss.


    As far as changing the insignia hidden selection from the config, I'm not sure. Never seen it done before, but that's not to say it isn't possible, so if you do discover a way to do that, please do share.  ;)

  2. Sure can. There are a couple of ways that I have done it with my own projects, both involving EventHandlers:

    class CfgVehicles
            class SOLDIER
    		scope = 2;
    		displayName = "Soldier";
    		class EventHandlers 
    			init = "[(_this select 0),""CLASSNAME""] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia;";

    This method would be the most direct approach, allowing you to define the insignia used straight from the config.

    class CfgVehicles
            class SOLDIER
    		scope = 2;
    		displayName = "Soldier";
    		class EventHandlers 
    			init = "(_this select 0) execVM ""ADDON\scripts\insignia.sqf""";

    This method would require you to create a script which would then define the insignia(s) to be used for the unit. Only reason to really do it this way is in case you wanted a randomized choice for the insignia.


    Hope that helps, and let me know if you have any further trouble with it.

    • Like 2

  3. I would be most excited to have Oceania. Especially Indonesia, it's military roundels and associated flags of dispute like the Morning Star flag, Maluku separatists, Islamic state of Indonesia and the rest. Thank you very much.


    Tanoa? south pacific?

    is time for indonesian Kopassus special forces


    Sounds like Indonesia it is.  ;)  Will be trying to dig up some good patches for their military and see what I can do to get them together for all the Tanoa fan-craze.



    Hi, havnt downloaded yet. Just checking. I see there is a 0311 USMC rifleman patch. Is it safe to say there are all the others, 0331, 0351 etc. Cheers, looks cool.


    Well, unfortunately, no. I do have tons more MOS patches saved, but just haven't edited them and put them in the pack yet. I threw them in just to see if there was any interest among players, but didn't get much feedback about them, so didn't really think anyone was interested in having MOS patches. But, I have no problem adding more of them in, so you can definitely look forward to a batch of them by next update. Can't guarantee I'll have ALL of them included (there really are alot of MOS roles), but I'll pack as many as I can.



    I deactivated all my mods right back to the Vanilla settings, and none of the patches, voices or faces show up for me in my VA..

    Any thoughts? I'm also running beta patches as well, but don't see that being the issue, maybe ACE3 conflicting as well?


    That is quite a strange issue indeed. I am running A3 v1.50, and even tested with the ACE3 mod, and had no issues on my end. Not quite sure why they aren't showing up for you. The only mod that I have ever found to conflict with this patches pack is Virtual Arsenal Anywhere. I would be glad to do what I can to help you get it sorted, just need some more information. What version of A3 are you running? Is the directory for USP_Patches.pbo correct? Where did you download USP Patches from?

    • Like 1

  4. I looked through the class list in hopes of finding patches for countries like in your World Markers addon but didn't find them. Do you plan to add all the national flags to your set as patches and insignias as well?


    For the most part, I have been just adding in new flag patches once a country has received its own addon. But I guess it wouldn't hurt to go ahead and start including more of them, so I will see what I can do by the next update. Feel free to let me know if there are any in particular that you are looking for, so they can be included if I don't get around to doing all countries by the update.

  5. My username has now been modified without my knowledge. The "m" was capitalized as "M" before, now all of a sudden it's not. I did not make this change, I didn't authorize anyone to make this change, and I can't seem to find any sort of option to edit it to fix it. Disappointing my account is being modified apparently without being informed first and without any obvious ability to revert or change what someone else changed without my knowledge.



    This issue is already known, reported, and hopefully being fixed. As you can see, my account was affected by this as well.

  6. Well, I was looking to reply to the topic Drongo started, 'These forums are utter shit', but looks like it was removed, so I will post here instead. I have to agree with Drongo here, these new forums are a pain in the ass to use...not so sure what was wrong with the last layout in order for it to have to be changed. Sure you have your reasons, but I sure hope it was worth the headache that will come with making this switch. I figured it wouldn't take long for people to say, 'anything new seems awkward, so you'll get used to it over time.' Well, can't really say I agree with that, if something is working do you break it and switch it all around just to see what result you come up with? And if the end result isn't what you want, do you just stick with it because it is new...so you will get used to it over time? I'm getting pretty sick of the forum telling me I don't have permission to do this or that, and kicking me back to homepage every couple minutes. Hell, just now I tried quoting someone elses post only to be told I have no permission....seriously? Not to mention, I can imagine released projects are playing hell for Foxhound and the crew over at Armaholic now that they have to fight with this new layout as well. 


    Now I understand things can get better as bugs are fixed, and I don't think I really have a choice in the matter, either keep using them or switch over to Armaholic's forums. Well, nothing to do about it other than ride it out, so here's to hoping that everyone can 'attune' to the new layout or watch the community start to find new places to make home for their projects (meaning less people aware of releases).

  7. Really hoping this project is still alive, assuming it is any chance you can add this patch in:

    Yes, this project is still alive, even though it's been slow getting this next update out. I've been working on several other projects as well, and busy with RL, so it's coming along...just a bit slower than I had hoped. But no worries, I will add in the patch you referenced. I've really been looking to make a release of some of my other projects at the same time I update this one, so that's the big reason for holding out so long. Rest assured, alot more patches on the way. ;)

    BTW, very nice quality patch, thx. Will look great in the new HD resolution.

  8. sorry to be a pain, but I cant seem to get this great looking mod to work. Do I add the line of code to the mission player init part? when I do that nothing shows up in VA. a step-by-step on how to install would be great for those of us not very pc litterate.....cheers

    No pain at all, but unfortunately the only installation instructions that I can provide you with are the manual installation steps that I use myself, and these steps aren't really for people that aren't PC literate. This simply involves installing the addon folder to the A3 directory on your hard drive, and then modifying your A3 shortcut startup parameters. I'll give a quick rundown if it helps, but if you still have trouble, I would advise asking around the community or doing a bit of research on how to install mods for A3, as this one is done the same as any other mod you download and install.

    1. Download the file from Armaholic.

    2. Extract its contents to your root A3 directory on your HD. The folder extracted should be labeled '@USP_Patches'.

    3. Now create a shortcut for the arma3.exe

    4. Right-click on the shortcut you just created and click on 'Properties'.

    5. Add this to the end of the target field: -mod=@USP_Patches;

    6. Launch the game using the shortcut you modified.

    If you wanted to run multiple mods using this method, you can simply add them to the target line, as described in Step #5, ex: -mod=@CBA_A3;@USP_Patches;@RHSUSF;@RHSAFRF;@DragonFyre;

    The line of code for adding insignias to a unit, are meant to be used in the units init field, just as you had said. You need to swap out the classname for the actual patch you would like to use. Once you are in VA, you should be able to click on the last tab, which is for insignias, and you will see the full listing of patches. Sorry if this isn't exactly the method you were looking for, but it's the way I do it, and gives me more freedom to operate A3 the way I please. Hope it helps, and feel free to message me if you encounter any problems with what I have described. If it still seems like too much for you, there are easier methods of installing addons that can be explained on the download pages for armaholic.

  9. Excellent mod guys, really love the new feature to apply the camo. Been hoping for something like this for a long time. :cool:

    I have a question/request, is there any way you would consider also releasing the camo faces which were included in the initial release? Only reason I ask is to be able to also use the camofaces with AI as well. Or is there someway to apply it to them in its current state? I have been working on some custom units which made use of the camo faces, and with not being able to select them now, makes the player the only one to be able to use it.

  10. Is it just me or are insignias and patches broken again in the arsenal?

    Not that I know of. I'm using v1.44 and all insignias and patches are displaying just the way they should. Please do be sure and check the game with no mods loaded, except maybe a single patch mod, and see if you still have issues.

  11. Thought I'd pop in and say that this mod is well done and adds quite some content, took a while to check through it all in the VA!

    Love a lot of it, can't wait to use it with friends and such. Great job, man. I was wondering if you've seen the "Death From Above" patch from Andrew Bawidamann? It's a patch I use personally this guy made and would love to know if I could ever see it in Arma? I did notice you had other pinup patches he helped design as well, which was cool.

    Thanks for the positive feedback, Snowball. And yes, I am familiar with Bawidamann, probably some of my favorite patches I've seen. As for the 'Death From Above' patch, I do have a few different versions of that one saved which hadn't been added yet, as well as some others from that same author. I will gladly add in the ones I have, as well as the version you posted, for the next coming update. And I have a special treat in store for this next update which I'm sure everyone will appreciate (which is the main reason this update is taking so long): HD-quality patches. I am revising the entire pack and upgrading all previous patches with much higher quality. But don't worry, I'm not waiting until all 1570 are upgraded before I release the update. Instead, I will be updating the old patches a bit at a time, while still releasing new patches, to keep things moving forward. I will say, I believe everyone will be very pleased with the results of the new quality, which is easily 10x better than before. :cool:

    Here's a little preview of some of the upgraded HD patches, so everyone can see the difference in quality. Smaller images are the old patches, larger images the newer ones.


  12. Sorry guys, I've been extremely busy with work so haven't had time to touch A3 in about a week now. But everything is back on track now.

    Hi Siege-A, many thanks for the update, the French patches and especially including the patch that i specially requested! You' ve done a great job man.

    In a future update i would be very happy if you could add patches for the following French units...

    Yes, I will try to include as many of them as I can, and I also still have many more French patches that didn't make it in the last update. Just keep in mind, I have to create patches based off of what references I can find, so if none of the units you mentioned have any images of their patches, then there's nothing I can do with them. I will dig around and see what I can find, and if possible, try to PM me some images of the patches you want (that would make it a ton easier from my end). And glad you liked the update. ;)

    Siege-A, I really like your mod and the effort you put into it!

    I have one question though, is there any way to get @STKR_BI StalkerGB's British Infantry mod, compatable with the use of your mod?

    As it doesn't show them now.

    Again, many thanks for your effort!

    Sorry, just as Jackal said, you would need to direct that question to StalkerGB, since it is a compatibility issue with his own mod. He hasn't coded the units to use insignias, which is why they won't display.

  13. Once I interrogate someone and they're arrested, how do I remove them from my squad? Is there some sort of jail somewhere on the map?

    I've driven all the way back to Olympus if that helps.

    Yes, there is a jail on the map, and I believe there should be one at each FOB. In order to have him removed from your squad, the arrested suspect needs to be ordered to stand in or near the jail building (or have him follow close with you as you look for the jail, make sure he's close by). He will need to stand in the 'jail' area for at least 5-10 secs, can't remember how long it took, and then a message should pop up and he will disappear.

    If you continue having trouble finding it, just say so, and I'll try to make some screenshots for you showing where the jails are. Hope that helps.

  14. UnderSiege Patches & Insignias v1.38 HOTFIX, released. 165 New patches added, 1570 Total. First post updated.

    As always, please use DropBox link until others have been updated. Keep in mind, this was mainly just meant to be a hotfix, so many patches were held back from this release for the coming 'motherload' update. Enjoy. ;)


  15. But at least your addon works independently of ASDG Joint Rails, and its been mentioned that as of the next version (can't remember if it was the next version of the addon, or after the release of 1.42), that Joint Rails wont modify the Arsenal function so you'd still need to perform your fix anyway :)

    Thanks again, Jackal, I wasn't aware of that. Either way, I've already put all this work into changing around the configs, so I'll release hotfix later today just in case some don't use ASDG-JR (As unlikely as that may seem). ;)

  16. Cool,all the members in my Coop unit are using your mod,glad to know this.

    Oh,and just wanna ask,after 1.40 update,many icons of the item in VA like ammos and tools became all black icons with no other color.Are there any link between these two issues?

    Not real sure, maybe someone else could answer that. But if it's only happening in VA, then good chance it could be related in some way.

    Yes, I already do it, and don't work.

    I wait for a fix, and like you said, that's coming right from BI like I think since the beginning.

    That is quite strange, I've tested my mod after 1.40 (and before updating with code to fix), and my patches were still present on units that had been configured through classname and init line, even though they weren't showing up in VA. Either way, I'm sure fixes will be inbound.

  17. So that mean this issue is anothe BIS' fault so far?And it could be fixed even in 1.40?

    Yes, it can be fixed for anyone that has created Insignia addons. Just add the line of code Jackal posted to each of your insignia classes. I know it is a fault of BI, but at the same time, it really isn't a critical issue (seeing now that one line of code fixes it). BI probably did this during their update to VA, maybe it was a mistake or maybe intentional, either way it's an easy fix and shouldn't be too much trouble for everyone to update their configs.

    I'm glad it worked. You could always do a find and replace and replace the author parameter with the author parameter AND the scopeArsenal addition. I think Notepad will allow adding two lines of code, and it will make work a lot faster ;)

    Yeah, I decided to take your advice and go ahead and create base classes for all my addons to ensure easier editing in the future (in case something like this happens again). But I appreciate all your help, and glad it turned out to be something pretty simple to fix.
