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Posts posted by Siege-A

  1. Did that mate. I am not new to scripting I have some knowledge. Infact I have more knowledge than I need about scripting.


    Just as Road Runner explained, the gear randomization script is coded to the units, so changing anything cfg wise isn't going to do anything for the loadouts. But, just as Warlord suggested, if you add a delay to your own loadout script, then you should be able to set your own up with no issues. The script the units use is called at the very start of the mission (of course), so anything that has a delay should allow them to get their gear from the script....then wipe it all out to reassign them new gear. Not sure why this wouldn't work, as I have done it myself before. Anyhow, I'll look a bit into it and see what's going on with it.

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  2. Well the good news is, we're getting shit squashed. We did alot of error/bug fixing last night, and made some great progress for the day. Don't wanna speak too soon, but I believe we've sorted the issue with the fastpack materials. Still a little more to go, but now more or less it's mostly just small cfg errors that we're going through, hopefully the major stuff is done.


    And I agree Hvymtal, the ops-cores in this pack are second to none in my book, and admittedly, probably my favorite part of this pack. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the entire mod, everything is so well-done and polished...but jesus, those helmets are gorgeous. Anyhow, back to the grindstone.  ;)

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  3. I appreciate it, but feel like I've played a small part compared to most of the others that have contributed assets to the mod, alot of credit needs to go their way. And I'll agree with both of you that this truly is a one of a kind community, regardless of some of the trying times that it's gone through. It's one of the reasons I became motivated to get involved more where I could, since there can be many little things that alot of mods miss in development that can make it more appealing, not to mention function better. Definitely won't say I'm an expert, because there's still more I learn about it day by day, but at least know enough to contribute.


    The good news is, everything seems to be coming together. With all the efforts involved, I have no doubt it's going to be something Hawaiian and DaveGary can be proud of, and of course the rest of the community.  ;)

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  4. I've been chatting with Hawaiian today on skype, doesn't appear to be a major drama really :D , one that even a couple of days re writing configs wont sort.


    Well, I hadn't spoken to him since last night when he was having issues with getting it packed, so that's the only reason I decided to make an effort to help him get it sorted. Figured its better to jump in and help instead of throwing out theories on what he could do. But if it's not anything major, then I'll leave it be...was under a different impression. And I'll take that jab, the whole cfg fiasco was a bad idea this late in his mod's development, but I was only providing suggestions on ways to make his stuff more organized and suited for the long run...guess next time I'll just keep suggestions like that to myself. Contrary to most, I'm more interested in seeing his mod flourish in a complete and professional way, instead of just making a point to be able to play with it as soon as possible...but I understand not everyone shares these same views.

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  5. I stopped using A3 addon maker as it's very unforgiving and had been using A2 BinPBO for a few years and since it's been working fine on A3 stuff didn't feel the need to change, same with A2 Bulldozer/O2


    It's funny because I already had BinPBO installed, but for some reason I quit using it awhile back..before A3, can't remember why. Coulda swore it had issues when packing addons, but seems to work perfectly now. Many thanks on the info, this will help greatly. May very well be the solution to this whole issue.

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  6. Windows 10  A2 tools BinPBO zero issues


    Rgr that, Road Runner. Much appreciated, I will have a look now and see if it works on my end as well. Do you have a link handy? If not, I'm sure a quick search can find it.


    And Adacas, could you post what is listed under 'List of Files to copy directly' in addon builder, since you still have the default settings. I have changed some of the fields there in mine, so just need to know what was there by default.


    EDIT: Okay, just tested BinPBO, and just as you said, worked flawlessly. Signed the addon, all contents are there, and even binarized. Good deal. (This was only a test addon, not Hawaiian's Rangers for people wondering.)

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  7. Windows 10 user. Didn't had any problem with Addon Builder. Also haven't changed any of its default settings besides what to binarize


    Good to know. I have a feeling it has something to do with his Options in Addon Builder, under the section 'List of files to copy directly'. I too use Win10 and after trying just a moment ago, haven't had any trouble with Addon Builder packing.

  8. Just to clear some things up for all the questions being asked: Yes, Will is currently using Steam A3 Tools to try and pack the addon, Addon Builder to be more specific. This is the program that he is having issues with. I too have had to switch over to A3 Tools since most other older programs don't seem to function quite right on Win10. There are plenty of other programs that pack the addon with no problem, but for some reason, most of those programs won't binarize the files...at least not since Win10. Try to avoid throwing out names of programs unless you can confirm that those work with Win10...it's probably even more frustrating for him if he goes downloading 15 different programs that people have mentioned, only to find out that they all don't work with his operating system. Furthermore, I seriously doubt he will upload anything for someone else to pack for him, as that leaves a bunch of models unbinned, and that could be a huge security risk for him considering that some of those models have been donated to him from other authors. Not anything personal, just not a very good choice from a developers perspective.


    What would help here is if we can work together to figure out, A: What is wrong in his settings for A3 Tools (there must be a reason it is leaving these files/folders out) and B: People that have Win10 to help with finding a program that will pack the addon and binarize the contents. This will make his life a hell-of-alot easier if we eliminate alot of the guess-work that he has to go through.

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  9. Everyone just calm down and take a breath, no reason for any heated conversations over who knows what ranger green really looks like. In my own opinion, I could care less if the vest was hot pink...since it is well-known in this community that once something new gets released, the retex-jockies will make it into every camo/color variation you could hope for....not to mention I'm sure Hawaiian will be releasing his own different colored variations after release (maybe, maybe not). But, I think at this point, most of the people following this mod aren't all that concerned with how accurate the color-scheme is, they just want to get their hands on it. And one thing I'm certain of, all jokes aside, Hawaiian has been working his ass off on this mod and needs positive reactions to keep motivated. Not saying that anyone is being rude towards him or his work, just saying let's leave the criticism to the side until you have had an actual chance to see/test it ingame...screenshots don't always tell the whole story. It kinda drags you down when you've worked so hard on something for so long, only for people to tell you its wrong before it's even released.


    Be calm, be patient, and most of all...don't piss the mod developer off.  :P

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  10. I don't think Denver is going to beat the Panthers... they have put together quite the team. 


    Being my home team, of course my cards are on them, but I think it will be one hell of a game considering Denver is no push-over, and with this possibly being Manning's last season, he's gonna be after that ring some kinda bad. But I will agree, the Panthers have put together an amazing team.


    Living in Ireland, I have absolutely no idea who the Panthers are.But you seem quite excited so I wish them well in whatever their particular sporting profession is... Go Panthers! Maybe ?   ;)


    It's football....or should I say, 'American Football' as the term football has a different meaning in terms of the sport internationally. But many thanks for the support, gonna need it.  ;)


    Now enough with this football nonsense, let's get back on topic... :D

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  11. Well, the randomization script is complete and has been passed on over to Hawaiian, so he can implement it on the rest of the units. I have been using this script for quite some time for my own projects, and have been very pleased with the results that it produces. Definitely not your typical civie style randomization script, a lot of thought has been put into each option that the script delivers. In any case, the main reason I wanted to bring attention to this is for the testers. I have never tested the functionality of the script in MP, so there could be some errors/desync. If possible, I would like to ask that testers do what they can to check the script over multiplayer, and please take note to any issues that are experienced, so that it can be fixed if need to be. My biggest concerns are for respawning and spawning of units that use the script while the mission is in-progress. Any issues discovered should be posted here and we will do what we can to get them sorted out. This is not meant to suggest that the mod release is imminent, but as a heads up for the testers when they get their hands on it.


    Off-Topic: The Panthers are headed to the superbowl! 2nd time in the team's history, and very excited to see how it plays out as they have had an outstanding season this year. Sorry, just had to share some of my excitement.  :P

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  12. hopefully Siege-A's free for the next few days, he is helping with the Ranger gear scripts, if we can get some done in the next few days the addon will be ready to try out by Friday, or the weekend....


    No worries, I'll definitely have some time to get those scripts ready. Wouldn't want anyone up here to die from over-excitement. BTW, I like how you pin the pressure on me now, lol, well played.  :P

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    edit CJ i seeee you lol....


    lol, dammit, can't even spy on your thread without you spotting me. Very, very sneaky. Anyhow, guess since you blew my spot up, I might as well chime in on the conversation....Yes, active life across the maps would be amazing, especially if it could be done without a major performance hit. TPW mods are excellent, and by far a must have for me whenever I play SP. It adds such an immersive level to missions/maps, makes the whole thing actually feel ALiVE....try mixing TPW and Alive...and you have one hell of an experience.


    As far as BI not adding females....well, I could have some thoughts on why they would have left that out....but I might be considered crude if I give my answer, lol. Anyhow, great work bro as always (as if you don't hear it enough already), and quit slacking and get this thing released already.  :P

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  14. is this mod still being updated with new patches?


    Sure is, and sorry for the late reply. I was wanting to get the update released before xmas...but don't think I'll have time for it. Been extremely busy right here around the holidays, so haven't had as much time to work on any of this as I would like. In any case, the mod is not dead by any means, as the next update is already looking to be the biggest yet...and very near completion. Just hope I find some time before xmas to get it released...but if not, then surely it won't be far after. Thanks for the continued interest.  ;)

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    And I wanted to ask what the "aid requests" mean. I had several marked on the map. Drove there but didn't find anything


    Should have 3 diff colored 'aid request' markers on the map, each color indicating the difficulty/threat level of that request. There is an aid truck parked at the FOB that is in a town (can't remember the name of it off the top of my head). You take this aid truck to one of the locations marked on the map for rep points among the population. Higher risk means higher reward. Sorry if I haven't been more specific, but that's the best I remember from last time I played it.

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  16. Alright, with the approval of Hawaiian, I just wanted to share a few of the patches that have been made for the 75th Rangers addon. I didn't go too crazy with this, so don't expect to see 10 million patches in this pack, but I did add a nice little variety (roughly around 50 patches) to give players their choice of ranger/morale patches. Many of these patches will be exclusive to this addon, so won't be seen in my own USP Patches pack. Hope you guys enjoy. (Remember, these are just a sample, more are included in the actual pack.)




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  17. Awesome work on the vest so far, putting those patches to good use.  ;)


    BTW, been getting sidetracked all week, but I should be wrapping up the work I'm doing for another mod team later today, and I'll get those patches over to you this weekend (hopefully). And don't let the ignorance bother you, seems there's alot of that in the community these days. Keep up the great work, brother.

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  18. The problem is that those organisations are sponsored by US and EU allies, some of them being in NATO : i mean Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.

    They are doing nothing against IS, and even being part of the so called coalition, they just pretend doing something, trying to be the less efficient possible.


    Agreed. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I also have a feeling that the US falls in line with the 'less-efficient' crowd. The air campaign they launched in Syria against IS was a joke, and Russia proved after only a week of their own campaign, that the US was doing very little to actually affect the situation there (almost like they weren't really trying). But, I feel this also falls in line with the US having a determination to get Assad, rather than attack the real threat. Just my opinion though, so please don't judge me too harshly for saying so.


    Vilas, point well taken. I'm from the US, that's why it's hard for me to comment on the situation in the EU, as there is probably alot more going on there than I'm aware of. And I don't mean to sound like Mr. Know-it-all, because I know when to admit I'm wrong, and in this particular scenario, I guess there really is more going on behind the scenes than I realized. Don't worry about the English, I can understand you just fine.  ;)  And you are correct, OFP-veteran here, so I am familiar with the mission you mentioned (even though my memory can be a bit hazy).


    The main point I feel I was trying to stress, is that regardless what the focus is for eliminating this threat, the world should stand together on this, not divided. This threat is plaguing us all, not just a select few. But then again, with corruption and hidden agendas comes distrust and unwillingness to cooperate. So, I could see where some will refuse to act due to certain circumstances that they don't agree with. I understand where you are coming from though, and while its easy for someone like me (who isn't fully up-to-date on the situation there) to say 'come join us in our fight', I can understand why it is more difficult than that. Thanks for giving me more of an inside perspective, because here in the US, the media doesn't like to fill us in on all those 'dark' details. What concerns me, is even if you hold off on fighting them now, in order to remove the ones that are already in your society, then much time is spent in this area. Which means more time for them to prepare, advance, and further spread out. How can we remove them from our society if when we remove one, another comes in to replace them? It seems like a never ending process, all the while they continue to fortify themselves and recruit more members. That is where I feel that we should still strike them as soon as possible, and we can't be afraid of possible attacks by them within our borders, it is for our government/military/police/whatever to prevent and protect us from these attacks (I know, I know...not very reassuring). But if we live in fear that they will strike us at home, then nothing will be accomplished. Once efficient measures are taken against them in THEIR home (their safe haven), it will reduce their ability to move their men into our borders, which will make it easier to remove the ones that are already here. Anyhow, that's all just speculation from my end, it seems this matter is much more complicated than I had originally imagined. Because even if you remove the ones that are already here, there are still people (even our own native citizens) that are willing to convert to their cause, which makes matters even more complicated.

  19. As I said once already, I fully agree with you in terms of the mass migration issues. It is a problem and it needs to be handled better than what they have been doing, allowing refugees that have no documentation to simply come in and call it their new home, is unacceptable. Here in the US, Obama is trying to bring as many as he can in, even without proper security checks or measures in place....which further proves my idea that he is trying to destroy this country before his term ends. So, in respect to your argument, I'm on your side here...there are bigger problems at hand than only taking on ISIL. Hell, there are 30+ state governors here that have rejected the proposition to allow syrian refugees into their states, but the problem is...how much power do they have over the president? But, with that said, I still feel we have to take the fight to ISIL as soon as possible, or they will continue flooding into our countries without slowing down. And not just a handful of countries should be committed to this fight, instead it should be a coalition force more powerful than the world has ever seen. If we all fight together, then we all bear the same burden together, and stand at the same risk as eachother. And once ISIL feels the pressure of the world bearing down on them, they will be unable to operate as freely as they have been. Airstrikes are great for destroying their infrastructure and safe havens, but isn't a means of eliminating them. Whereas a powerful coalition ground force would run them out of their hiding places, and force them to stay on the move...making it easier to track/locate them. If it is a ground war they are wanting, I think that is exactly what we should give them. Blood will be spilled, lives will be lost, and cities will be destroyed, but that is war, and freedom is just one of those things that has to be fought for.


    And once again, I really can't comment on the situation or politics in the EU, as my opinions could be far off from the truth of what is happening there. But I can say I understand your anger and frustration that comes with the things you mentioned. It isn't an easy situation, and the solution isn't any easier. But something must be done, we can't just sit by and wait until the trouble comes our way. Who decides to stand up and join this fight, will yet to be seen, but I don't believe joining this fight should be an obligation for anyone, but rather an opportunity to rid some filth from this world that doesn't have the right to breathe the same air we do. Hands-On training can be very beneficial to anyone involved, as it prepares you for all the terrors that these madmen are capable of, as well as knowledge on how to stop it. But I feel it is a very wrong idea to believe that you are safe as long as you don't try to attack them. These men are primal and barbaric, they will use ANY measures possible to create waves across the world, even if this means striking areas that have little to do with the opposition against them, as long as they get results and spread more fear. Finally, to answer your question, no I don't see the logic in many of those topics you posted, and I don't know what to say other than...sometimes we have to put aside our differences, political standings, or beliefs in order to do some greater good. That's not to say what is going on in the EU is right, but more or less, it still doesn't stop the fact that ISIL is spreading like a virus across the globe, and the longer we wait or for those that wish to do nothing for whatever reason, the more powerful they will become and the more their influence will be established. Oh, and I didn't say anything about allowing ISIS to grow, on the contrary, I'm the one saying we need to stop it before it grows any larger. I also don't see this as a cry from rich companies/organizations to get the world to help them while they profit from it, and while there probably are some hidden agendas in the whole mess of it, the idea of containing ISIL will benefit everyone across the globe, not just the ones hoping to make money. And as rydygier said, this doesn't just mean military action, but that will be the first step.

  20. No, I was simply being realistic. Saying 'Let's get rid of all jihadist groups all over the globe' is an unrealistic statement, and proposition. Not possible unless you know of some secret solution to this...? My comment was much more realistic, taking out ONE of those jihadist groups is a full possibility, and manageable to achieve. If you were going to take over the world, would you declare war on every country at once? Or would you start with one, and work your way until all have been eliminated? Starting at one sounds much more reasonable to me, wouldn't you agree? Or would you just say, 'fuck it, let's not attack any of them because we can't conquer them all at once.' Then you might ask, well how do you decide who to hit first? Well, I would say hit whoever is the most vulnerable and well-recognized, so you could send a shockwave throughout any who may follow in their footsteps and see the result of what happens to those that walk this path. ISIL is making themselves very well-recognized, as well as vulnerable, as they continue to try to make themselves look like a full-scale army instead of just a terrorist organization. That is where they are vulnerable...they aren't a full-scale army, and never will be, and if they try to stand toe-to-toe with a real army, they will fall. What good comes from doing nothing simply because you can't take them all out at once? BTW, you also mentioned that ISIL shouldn't be the main focus since there are tons of other groups like them all over the world....well tell me, how many of these other groups have had such an impact on the nation they reside in that it causes mass migration of the population there? Yes, I do believe they should be a primary focus right now, because they are causing the biggest impact globally. And that link that you posted, http://www.jihadwatch.org/, almost exclusively mentions Islamic State activities...what was the point in reading that?


    As far as your comment about the mass migration, I totally agree with you. It needs to be handled properly, or canceled altogether. But as far as the rest of your comments go about the EU...I'm not even going to get into that, as that sounds like a whole other discussion all in itself. And just to be clear, no one here is demanding anything....I didn't demand that Poland should assist in this fight (nor would I have the power to), I was simply stating why they should, all within the form of my own opinion (even if my opinion is frowned upon).


    Every country in the world has its own dark history and corruption going on, so let's not get into a finger pointing contest here. All governments have their own hidden agendas, not known to the mass public, so let's leave all that talk for the people that really need to hear it. I'm not a fan of alot of my governments doings or actions, but as a human being, I understand what is morally right and what isn't. Ex: My friend is being picked on by a group of bullies. The crowd I run with is much stronger than those bullies. What do I do? A, Show my friend the support he needs and teach those bullies a lesson they won't forget. B, Stand by and watch since I don't want to get myself, or my crowd, hurt by getting involved. C, Do nothing and criticize anyone who tries to help my friend, as its none of their business and probably their fault this is happening anyways. Or D, hand a bat to some small kid and ask him to go beat up the bullies for me (even knowing that the kid will most likely fail). Now granted, this may be a horrible example, but relevant only in the point that I am trying to address here. Whether Poland acts on this crisis or not is totally their own decision, and no one elses'...regardless what my opinion is.



    The chance of the attack will be greater if we involve ourselves into direct action against the muslim fanatics from the IS (please listen to dr Szewko in vid below). It's horrid what is going there, but Iraqi and Syrian people must reclaim what is theirs by their own hands. Like minister Waszczykowski have said - why we would send our troops if young Syrians are having fun in Europe drinking coffee and browsing stuff on ipads? Really, I can't imagine my great grandfather, grandfather and his siblings sitting happily on emigration while watching their country plunging into ruin.


    With help of anti terror coalition forces (bombing, intel, supplies) and Assad's army it is possible. Kurds, Shia militias and Iraqi army are doing well by going piece by piece. I'd not mind if Poland would send material help to local anti-IS forces - firearms, older yet sturdy tanks and artillery (we still have those "preserves" of T55's and 2S1 guns...), medical supplies, food and warm clothing for soldiers and civilians. That's the help I'd like to see.

    We already had voices in Poland to send Polish men to Ukraine. Thank God that didn't happen.



    Sorry to be that guy, but it sounds to me like your way of thinking about 'oh, it doesn't affect us, so why should we get involved?' is pretty ignorant. Yes, they haven't attacked you 'yet', and yes, they haven't attacked your neighbors 'yet', but is that assurance that they won't attempt to attack you at any point down the road? Regardless of your way of life and how you think your society treats muslims much better than the other evil western countries do, doesn't hide the fact that your country still stands alongside the western powers, and therefore will be a target of ISIL. Don't want to be a target? Then hopefully your country will completely break relations with the U.S., NATO, and any other western powers, if they want to sit on the sidelines and watch the rest of the world defend itself against a growing global threat. And when the smoke settles, you all can be thankful to all the other countries which DID stand-up and fight to ensure that you would never have to see this kind of terror within your own borders. It's one thing to say no to getting involved in a civil war that has nothing to do with your country (which the US has a bad history in this area), then its something else to say no to getting involved in a conflict that could potentially spread across the world if not contained. Fear is their weapon, and by your statements, it has already gotten the best of you....the fear of being attacked should you stand against them.
    Next, you mentioned sending Polish men to Ukraine as an example....a pretty poor example at that. That would have been something entirely different than the conflict in discussion, as sending troops to Ukraine could have possibly provoked a war against Russia....which in my thinking, is a WHOLE lot different than a war against terrorists. So yes, it is a good thing you all didn't send troops to Ukraine, but would be foolish of you to compare the two conflicts in that manner. In your same thinking, during WW2, would it have been better for US to just keep their noses out of it, seeing as how it didn't directly affect us at the moment, or our neighbors? Instead, we took the fight to the germans to ensure that they never would make it to our soil and to support our allies in need....the same could be said for Poland in the conflict against ISIL. If the whole world took on this same thinking, and sat back idle, letting ISIL fight against less capable militaries...then eventually, it would make its way home, becoming more powerful in the process.
    And no, the syrian military, iraqi military, and any of the other groups you mentioned are NOT an effective means to conquer ISIL. This has already been proven...not sure where you got off thinking that they are winning the fight. Last I understood, these militaries and militias are struggling to contain and push back ISIL movements, little-lone taking the fight to them. As it stands, without any support from outside powers, they are losing this war...and if no support is given, they will be overrun in due time.
    Finally, you would rather see Poland just give weapons and equipment to anti-IS forces....why? So that these weapons and equipment can be seized by ISIL and further empower their army when these 'anti-IS' fighters lay down their arms and walk away? How do you think ISIL obtained alot of the military grade weaponry they have now? Of course, some of it can be accounted for through their own purchases, but I'd bet money that alot of it was obtained when they seized it from various military facilities that they raided, where the local garrison was too afraid to fight and laid down their weapons and abandoned their post....or worse, they were killed and the weapons taken from them. The US already made the mistake of thinking you could arm the militaries there to fight ISIL, and everything would be fine....now it is evident that they aren't capable of defending themselves against this threat...no matter how you decide to arm them. So, you would rather your country further arm the forces we are trying to fight against? You talk about numbers of Polish vs number of Americans in Iraq....do you think ISIL is making a list of countries that only had a small number of troops in Iraq vs ones with larger numbers? Then decide, 'oh, we won't mess with them...they only sent 200 troops over.' I feel your way of thinking is pretty flawed and selfish, only thinking about yourself (your country) and your own self-interests (your countries self-interests), whereas many of the rest of us are looking at the global situation and how we can support countries that have been affected, or will be affected. Keep thinking that the fight will never make its way to your home...and when an incident like the one in France occurs in Poland, maybe then your people will stand up and say 'We have to track these bastards down and kill every last one of them.'
    And just as a news for note, it seems the fight is closer to home than you may think: http://en.abna24.com/service/europe/archive/2015/09/05/709236/story.html

  22. I'm not really a big fan of Steam either, but I don't think that's to blame here. It sounds to me like these life game modes would be more related to your issue, since they have brought in a massive crowd of underage children into our mix. Same thing that happened when DayZ dropped, only not quite to this scale. This is sure to happen anytime a game becomes more popular, as many new crowds are drawn to it. It's not the same military-sim community that we once had, so you have to pick and choose more wisely or settle with what's available. 

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  23. +1 to everything PuFu has mentioned.


    I absolutely despise Steam in general, and I really wish that one day users and creators will drift farther away from it rather than adopt it as a standard. Sure, for the average PC user that isn't real computer savvy, Steam might seem like a godsend, since it basically handles all the technical shit for you. But for those of us that actually give a damn about what goes on our computers (as well as what happens with the content we create), Steam just isn't the answer we were looking for. For me personally, its Armaholic until the day I quit playing, a community supported website that has been with the series since the start. Hell, I would even opt for PWS or something of the sorts before I would support anything from Valve. Steam wouldn't even be installed right now if it wasn't for A3. The main gripe I have with that whole upload system, is the fact that ANY user can upload someone elses content, regardless of whether they are the author or not, and they can package it all together in a way that its hard for the actual authors to realize that their content was used/uploaded. Why is it right for a user (you) to upload an authors (my) content without their express knowledge or consent? When you had absolutely 0% to do with the creation of the said content. Anyways, those are my thoughts on it, so for the day everyone hops on the Steam Workshop train, I'll be more than happy to keep my luggage with me when I don't hop on board.


    I wasn't trying to be picky. But I guess I'm just that naive that I thought OP was sincerely wishing and encouraging modders to use Steam by pointing out its good qualities.


    It's no problem at all to point out things that you like or wishing for things to happen, but my question is, why can't we retaliate with our own thoughts on its so called 'good qualities' and share our opinions on why we think this is a bad idea. There are also plenty of bad qualities that should be mentioned here as well as the good.

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