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Everything posted by terrence

  1. Architect's Debugging Panel V1.1 @file Version: 1.1 @file Name: Architect's Debugging Panel V11 @file Author: THumbert https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/1280x720q90/819/lbyo.jpg (110 kB) http://imageshack.com/a/img844/1779/n0xm.jpg (280 kB) Description: The Architect's Debugging Panel allows the user to: Spectate any unit in the mission Kill any unit in the mission Teleport anywhere on the map Enable Gode Mode Open the Functions Viewer Open the Config Viewer Change View Distance Settings Change Grass Quality Settings Change Shadow Distance Settings Spawn any weapon or item in Arma or your favorite Mod Spawn any Vehicle in Arma or your favorite Mod Spawn pretty much anything ie. Buildings, Signs, Lights Displays all class of anything you spawn along with magazine class if applicable ADP can watch up to 8 variables simultaneously ADP has 3 Execute lines that can be executed locally, globally, or on the server Changelog: -------------------------------------------- +Completely rewrote the spectate script. +Added Player information during spectating +Added an exit button "SPACE BAR" to ext spectating +Adjusted the time to 3 minutes but now you can exit anytime by pushing spacebar +Changed the Player list text to correspond with the player side +Adjusted hpp files to allow easier access of using multiple addons that use CfgFunctions +Added subclassed for Scrollbar +Changed install intructions +Other small improvements Download Link: Download Links Installation: Place ADP Folder and ADPInit in your mission directory PLACE THIS IN YOUR DESCRIPTION.EXT #include "ADP\Dialog\defines.hpp" #include "ADP\Dialog\ADP.hpp" class CfgFunctions { class ADP { class DialogControl { #include "ADP\Dialog\functions.hpp" }; }; }; if class CfgFunctions already exists in your description.ext then put class ADP{class DialogControl{#include "ADP\Dialog\functions.hpp"};}; in it. Like so: #include "ADP\Dialog\defines.hpp" #include "ADP\Dialog\ADP.hpp" class CfgFunctions { // //Whatever your other mods are // class ADP { class DialogControl { #include "ADP\Dialog\functions.hpp" }; }; }; -------------------------------------------- PLACE THIS IN YOUR Init.sqf -------------------------------------------- [] execVM "ADPInit.sqf"; **IF RUNNING ON A SERVER PUT YOUR UID IN THE ADPInit.sqf! ------------------------------------------- Bug Reports: Please let me know of any bugs @ http://offgaming.us/forums/viewforum.php?f=12&sid=c820be690b16
  2. tylerhimself, Check you ADP_F_OpenPanel.sqf in ADP/Functions line 16 should read createDialog "ADPLoading"; If that doesn't work PM me and we'll figure it out. BTW is this v1.1 or 1.0
  3. Go in to ADP\Functions\ADP_F_OpenPanel.sqf and go to line 9 where is says: if (_KeyCheck == "21") then //Checks if Y is Pressed and change "21" to the key code you want. You can put this in your adpint to find out which codes go to which keys: moduleName_keyDownEHId = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "hint str _this;"]; Note: I believe the second variable the code kicks out is the code
  4. It can be changed in the open function if i remeber right. What key do you want it to be ? When i get on my computer ill be able to give you an answer and exactly how to change it:) Sent from my HTL21 using Tapatalk 2
  5. ADP Updated to Version 1.1. Sorry for the wait just didnt have enough time to work on the panel as I wanted
  6. Hi all I'm currently writing a basic scripting tutorial. To help get somebody who has never seen a sqf get to a point where their comfortable writing small sqf and functions on their own. I don't claim to be an expert at scripting but I feel I know enough to help somebody out. There are tons of pages of tutorials of scripting for Arma 2 and older but no real Arma 3 tutorials that Ive found. Ive noticed new players to scripting will shy away from anything that doesn't say Arma 3. I know I did in the beginning. Note I just found Mikie Boy tutorial its great but I kinda want to go a little more in depth with certain parts. This post isn't ment to promote my tutorial just to see what the community thinks :cool: My question is do you think this will be helpful to the community and what are your suggestions for: topics, what I should go in depth to, and what I should shy away from. Here is a link on what Ive started on. Note it is nowhere close to being finished. I plan to break it into about 10 parts for the basic section. Possibly going to indeterminate or advanced in the future depending on community support. If anybody with scripting experience that would like to help please send a pm
  7. Thanks armatec. Didn't realize there was a sub class for scrollbar :)
  8. Thanks Delta and Foxhound. Found the problem and will fix on next patch. If you would like for both of them to work or any other script that uses CfgFunctions before the patch this is what you do: Delete class CfgFunctions out of APD\DIALOG\DEFINES.HPP class CfgFunctions { class ADP { class DialogControl { #include "functions.hpp" }; }; }; and put this in your Description.ext class CfgFunctions { class ADP { class DialogControl { #include "ADP\Dialog\functions.hpp" }; }; #include "taw_vd\CfgFunctions.hpp" //If your using TAW_VD }; Making your description.ext looking something like this: #include "ADP\Dialog\defines.hpp" #include "ADP\Dialog\ADP.hpp" #include "taw_vd\dialog.hpp" //If your using TAW_VD class CfgFunctions { class ADP { class DialogControl { #include "ADP\Dialog\functions.hpp" }; }; #include "taw_vd\CfgFunctions.hpp" //If your using TAW_VD }; respawn = "BASE"; respawndelay = 5; disabledAI = 1; respawnDialog = 1; respawnTemplates[] = {"MenuPosition"}; saving=0;
  9. You need to define the class scrollbar in you listbox class. Trying to get you a link to listboxs on the biki but can't seem to get on it. When I get on my pc in the morning I'll post what it needs to look like.
  10. terrence

    Looking For TvTs

    Check out TacBf mod Theres about 13 servers hosting last time i checked. They have around 25 missions. Sent from my HTL21 using Tapatalk 2
  11. Just wanted to say thanks to the guys at TacBF. Only had enough time to play a couple hours of the game. Kinda steep learning curve but once you get it down its a lot of fun.
  12. Ya go ahead man just here to help :)
  13. Ya no need for the loop if you use the EH. The code will run the activate.sqf when you first join and every time you respawn so you should always have your menu.
  14. Just a suggestion but you could get rid of the loop if you used a Respawn EventHandler like so: init.sqf if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["YOUR UID HERE USE COMMAS FOR DIFFERENT UIDS"]) then { execVM "admin/activate.sqf"; player addEventHandler ["Respawn", {_this execVM "admin\activate.sqf"}]; }; and in the activate.sqf waitUntil {alive vehicle player}; act = player addAction ["Tools",{execVM "tools.sqf";}]; Should get rid of the double menus also : )
  15. Just wondering why it works 90% for all clients. If the players couldnt call iniDB function when the init through the server wouldn't it fail everytime? So are you suggesting having the load function to be called on from onplayerconnected.sqf ran by the server? BTW I upgraded to inidbi and it seems to have fixed the problem.
  16. I think I found the problem. I was trying to read playerxp as a array when it should have been a Scalar. Not sure why this wouldnt give me and error everytime but Ill do some testing and post my results Well that didnt fix it. I logged in and out 8 times and on the last one it didnt load my stats. But I relogged quickly and the load worked. Got two errors in the rpt:
  17. Just a quick question was any work done with the dll or just the pbo? The reason im asking is im looking at upgrading my hosted server from inidb to inidbi but dont want to go threw the hassle of getting the server host to upload the new dll. Thanks
  18. Well its a hosted server and it works 90% of the time for all clients. Well I have all players calling on load on during init. I realize that _loadpos is local and should represent the player calling on it. Just wondering why it works 9 times out of 10 for everybody but once and awhile it just fails :(
  19. First off just wanted to say thanks inidb works great 90% of the time but sometimes when a player joins who already has a db file looses all his progress everything is reset to 0. I think I kinda know where the bug is but have no idea how to fix it Server rpt I believe its referring to the inidb pbo init file more specifically the iniDB_Datarizer function This is my load Function and my save function Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. If you need any more info please let me know. Thanks
  20. What is Command and Control. Command and Control is a Sector Control Team vs Team deathmatch. Your team gets points by capturing the objectives. The standard winning score is 1500 points. There are 3 objectives in each match. Two side objectives which each give your team 3 points per 5 seconds. The main objective gives your team 5 points per every 5 seconds. Attacking and Defending the objectives, and killing enemys earn your player XP. Which is used to unlock air vehicles and different loadouts for your player. Each rank unlocks a new loadout for your player to use on the battlefield. Once you reach Captain you are allowed to pilot Helicopter and Jets. Your XP will be saved to the server database every 90 seconds. The current ranks and xp requirments are as follows: Private = 0 Corporal = 100 Sergeant = 300 Lieutenant = 600 Captain = 1250 Major = 2500 Colonel = 5000 We currently have 3 levels = Pyrgos, PowerPlant, and Rodopoli. We are working everyday to better the mission and to release new levels. Once we get a good player base and around 10 levels we will be releasing the mission to the public via Armaholic. We are currently using a modified Digital Weapons Script from by Iceman77 @ http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23384 and PVPFW - Object Cleanup Script by Conroy @ http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23604 and inidb from SicSemperTyrannis @ http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150293-iniDB-Save-and-Load-data-to-the-server-or-your-local-computer-without-databases! Come check out this new gamemode. Always looking for great players to join in on the fun. Filter OFFGaming or Command and Control to find it in you MP Browser. Jump in TS and give me you suggestions on how to make this a better gamemode. I'll keep this thread up to date with the current change log. Any bugs found can be reported here http://offgaming.us/forums/viewforum.php?f=16
  21. Thanks DNK. I was on my IPad when I threw up the first post and kinda forgot to update it lol.
  22. Looking forward to a public release in the near future :) Command and Control Changelog v0.1 * Fixed mortar sectors dominance issue * Fixed mortar sectors points * Rewrote the XP requirements for all of the Ranks * Fixed - Put Civilian Vehicles in the levels * Fixed - Give Mortars more shells on reCapture * Fixed - Put in hints about score limit and flagpoles * Fixed - Change the deserted vehicle distance * Fixed - Get Database working with XP * Fixed - Give players points for killing * Fixed - Rewrote the missions sqfs to make it easier to change rank req and max score * Fixed - Added hint for Server save * Added - PowerPlant level * Added - Pyrgos Level Known Bugs - Fix Halo Jumps killing Players Disabled Halo for now - Vehicles Respawning Bugs Waiting for the Module to be fixed
  23. Hello, Last night I thought I got my MPKilled script to work on my TvT server, but the more I looked at the script the more I thought this wont work for JIP. :confused: I searched for over an hour on the fourms and google but couldnt find a answer. This is My Init.sqf if (isServer) then { { _x addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {_this call ADDXP_Function}]; } forEach allUnits; }; ADDXP_Function = { if (isServer) then { _victim = _this select 0; _killer = _this select 1; if (_victim != _killer) then { _tempxp = _killer getVariable ["playerxp", 0]; _killer setVariable ["playerxp", (_tempxp) + 5, true]; }; }; }; The way I understand it is with this script the server is going to only assign eventhandlers to the players that are in the match at the beginning. Im still pretty new to scripting for mp missions so if somebody doesn't mind just letting me know if im right or wrong about this issue. Thanks! ---------- Post added at 01:28 ---------- Previous post was at 23:58 ---------- Well its confirmed it doesnt assign to players who JIP. Does anybody know how I would have the server assign a MPKILLED EH to a JIP player? ---------- Post added at 02:28 ---------- Previous post was at 01:28 ---------- The only thing I can think of now is write a script for the server that checks to see if any new players have joined and if so remove all players EH and reassign them? ---------- Post added at 04:14 ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 ---------- Will do some testing after work this is the simple script I came up with while {isServer} do { sleep 30; { _x removeAllMPEventHandlers "MPKILLED"; } forEach allUnits; { _x addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {_this call ADDXP_Function}]; } forEach allUnits; }; I know this is probably a terrible way to do it but its all I can think of.
  24. Yea it looks like im just going to use the killed eh as Giallustio and GDSN suggested. Larrow I had isServer in my function but I was still getting double points when testing on a dedicated server which confused the crap out of me lol. Thanks for all the help!
  25. Thanks for the suggestions guys. Correct me if I'm wrong here but I thought it was best for the server to assign the mp event handlers to each player. Due to the fact that if each player assigns his own event handler when it's fired all clients including the server exec the code, so if you have 4 clients connected and the dedicated server the code would be exec 5x. I haven't been able to test this extensively due to my work schedule. But with my limited testing I noticed I revived double the "Xp" points when it was just me on a dedicated server with an AI. When I used the client to assign the variables. Guessing because my client would exec the code and so would the server. I'll do some more research tomorrow, but for now I'm headed to bed. again thanks for the suggestions:)