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About jamison1234

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  1. jamison1234

    SetVehicleInit to BIS_fnc_MP

    I'm aware that it will call on every JIP. It has to be called because some vehicles/structures are created locally and some are not when it is played as multiplayer.
  2. I need help changing this: _x SetVehicleInit Format["[this,%1,%2] spawn Compile PreprocessFile (""Client\Init\Init_BaseStructure.sqf"")",_type,GetDir _x]; ...to work with Arma 3 (BIS_fnc_MP). So far I have this: Server_Init = { private["_object","_script"]; _object = _this select 0; _script = _this select 1; _object _script; }; [[_x,(Format["[this,%1,%2] spawn Compile PreprocessFile (""Client\Init\Init_BaseStructure.sqf"")",_type,GetDir _x])],Server_Init,nil,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; I know this is completely wrong but I would like to have it in this format. I have looked on the wiki and several other websites but nothing helps me to change this. I just don't understand BIS_fnc_MP.
  3. Arma 2 CO AI Air added.
  4. Well I wanted it like it was from the the original author but you have a point it could be considered plagiarism. I will try the tables. It will save some vertical space but horizontal space doesn't really matter.
  5. @Sari Yeah I was disappointed to discover that the original post was taken down. My guess is they took it down because of the release of Arma 3. The classnames on the dayz superhive site were incomplete and the ones I needed were the Men. So I decided to take on the responsibility of posting them all over again. The way that I am doing it requires a lot of flipping back and forth between the editor and Notepad++. If you know some HTML it would be excellent so we can conserve some space on this page.
  6. Other Posts Will Be Fixed Throughout The Week Men & Civilians Unit Name -------------------- Unit Classname BLUFOR OPFOR INDEPENDENTS CIVILIANS
  7. Armor Vehicle Name -------------------- Vehicle Classname BLUFOR OPFOR Independents
  8. Air Unit Name --------------------- Unit Classname BLUFOR OPFOR Independents Civilians Chernarus Mi-17 (Civillian) -------------------- Mi17_Civilian Parachute -------------------- ParachuteC Takistani An-2 (Aeroshrot) -------------------- An2_1_TK_CIV_EP1 An-2 (Taki Air) -------------------- An2_2_TK_CIV_EP1
  9. jamison1234

    Problem with Czech Republic DLC

    Completely close Steam. Then right-click and run as administrator. Last launch Arma 2: OA and it will begin installing ACR DLC.