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Everything posted by alias1001

  1. After the Helicopter lands in town now the "Hunter Vehicle is 270 meters from the LZ. If I run with the other Sgt. towards it it gives me a "Missing in action mission failed. I have verified the games files run it NO MODS and nothing works. The Hunter is always 270 meters from the LZ. Can you please fix this in the next update I am really enjoying the boot camp new missions. Cheer, Alias
  2. HAHA! Yea. But I do enjoy the new stuff guess I can always switch off dev branch an go back. Thanks for the laugh! Cheers, Alias
  3. I played through the entire thing with no problems! Great job gents! I even Jumped in my chair a few times it was THAT good!!! Keep up the AMAZING work.. Once again as with the very first OFP I have bought every single Title by BI and expansion and always worth every single penny! Thank you!!!!!:):):):):)