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Everything posted by LykosMactire

  1. LykosMactire

    Lykos' Lone Star Texas Mod

    Desert Camo vehicles And units have been made but will not be present unless i have a reasonable amount of votes (and at the moment are currently buggy)
  2. LykosMactire

    Lykos' Lone Star Texas Mod

    StrawPoll added (since i cannot seem to get a poll to appear on this thread) under mod logo on OP
  3. LykosMactire

    Lykos' Lone Star Texas Mod

    OP Updated with a screenshot of the current vehicles in the mod (the Reskins), yet to be added is the HEMMT reskin.
  4. LykosMactire

    Lykos' Lone Star Texas Mod

    Fixed and will consider
  5. LykosMactire

    Lykos' Lone Star Texas Mod

    so im going to set out the outlines for what to expect in the release (Release date is undecided at the moment) -Basic infantry (in US4CES Woodland variants armed with a mix of vanilla and ported weapons) Rifleman Rifleman (Off Duty) Rifleman(AT) Rifleman(Heavy) Rifleman(Light) Squad Leader Fireteam Leader Grenadier Marksman Sniper Spotter Helicopter Pilot Combat Medic AutoRifleman Machinegunner AA Specialist AT Specialist Explosives Specialist Engineer Officer MP Officer -Basic Vehicle Reskins of Hunter (M-ATV), Merkava IV (Slammer UP and regular) RAH-66 Comanche (AH-99 Blackfoot) A-10X (A-164 Wipeout) HEMMT Patria AMV (AMV-7 Marshal) -Groups ---Infantry Squad Weapons Squad Fireteam Sentry Sniper Team HQ Squad MP Detail ---Armored Merkava Platoon Merkava UP Platoon Armored Platoon (Combined) Patria Platoon Patria Platoon (Escort M-ATV) ---Mechanized/Motorized Mechanized Team (Patria) Motorized Team (M-ATV) Mechanized Squad (mix) What To expect in the future M1A2 Abrams, More Helicopters US4CES Desert uniforms More ported Weapons (Possible if maker allows upon release) Oshkosh J-LTV Police Faction (with SWAT) Texas Rangers Border Guard CSAT Based Cartels and gangs
  6. LykosMactire

    NEW MAP : Gunkizli

    2 words: Southern Louisiana xD also my only issue here is the ground being nothing but farmland in most places that aren't towns and forests
  7. LykosMactire

    Lykos' Lone Star Texas Mod

    I Think i found my issue, i'll give more info on results later -edit- Nnope, the SCAR-L works fine but the M240 wont engage AI until less than 100m away
  8. LykosMactire

    Lykos' Lone Star Texas Mod

    the Comanche will be in game as a scout heli like it was designed, the real Attack chopper may be something on the lines of an AH-64 or a modified variant to make it "2035ish" like the tail fan rotor. but idk about that
  9. LykosMactire

    Lykos' Lone Star Texas Mod

    So some of the weapons i've added are coming along nicely. (ie. M240 for MMG) but my main issue is AI wont engage while holding said weapons
  10. LykosMactire

    Lykos' Lone Star Texas Mod

    Oh i forgot to mention i plan on making a map to go with this but that will be revealed later
  11. LykosMactire

    Lykos' Lone Star Texas Mod

    UPDATE new image on OP I got it handled already with the help of my old partner Nunez/atinakiri. He handed me a SCAR from an old mod of ours and i updated it to make it compatible with the new optics from marksman and such
  12. LykosMactire

    Lykos' Lone Star Texas Mod

    if anyone can find me a guide on porting weapons from arma II to arma III with Bipod compatibility that would be nice
  13. LykosMactire

    Lykos' Lone Star Texas Mod

    I plan on having no requirements so most likely neither. As im going to be retexturing the arma 2 SCAR and such along with some A2 vehicles -edit- I also plan on having a friend of mine see if he can help me port over some uniform stuff from arma 2 like vests and helmets
  14. LykosMactire

    Lykos' Lone Star Texas Mod

    the first MATV skins have been added, pictures within a few days
  15. LykosMactire

    Lykos' Lone Star Texas Mod

    Scratch that, updated list of needs to do's medic sniper AT rifleman AT Specialist AA Specialist Crewman Heli Pilot/Crew Ammo Bearer
  16. LykosMactire

    Lykos' Lone Star Texas Mod

    Thanks, i dont know about that as i dont want the latin american community angry at me, Thats why the CSAT cartels are going to be basically CSAT members that moved to mexico (Covert Ops S**t). My main issue at the moment with the units is just getting them to show up in zeus and i still need to make the following Medic Marksman Grenadier Sniper Crewman Heli Pilot/Crew Ammo bearer
  17. LykosMactire

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP_Terrains

    please do not ask for updates as it is considered harassment in some terms. Just giving a heads up so a mod doesnt have to handle it. Looking great by the way. Very interested in seeing how this runs upon full release
  18. Issue: Bridges are not working for AI on NE side of map
  19. There will be no need as CUP is having it so it has complete backwards compatibility, Aka. If you used CUP-T on a AIATP required terrain it will still work, same goes for A3MP i presume
  20. Ok, Just saying its a beautiful piece of machinery and should have been in as the Humvee equal and the MATV(hunter) be its own MRAP section
  21. sweeeeeeeeet, also will other modders be allowed to (with credit) include these in their mods? Either as a requirement or included?
  22. LykosMactire

    Atomic Bomb - Module and Zeus (WIP)

    Wheres the download for the test?
  23. LykosMactire

    Zombies & Demons 5.0

    is there any way to make the zombie sounds go away? or make it so its not server side? (AKA so it comes from the unit like actual talking, instead of hearing it 5 km away)
  24. LykosMactire

    Community Upgrade Project - CUP_Terrains

    My honest opinion is to remove the small "Cutouts" that exist in the main maps already. Like the takistan cutouts and The Sahrani islands. would lessen the size and still work out in the end
  25. LykosMactire

    M1117 Guardian ASV [WIP]

    This vehicle should have been in arma III from the beginning, its design fits so well