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Everything posted by ProDomo

  1. ProDomo

    TMR Modular Realism

    Hey Tao, I am experiencing some problems and, although I'm not entirely sure if they are related to this mod, I have the feeling it is highly possible. Occasionally on loading a savegame picture is getting completely blurry to the same degree as your mod simulates the tunnel vision while looking through a magnifying lense. Also, while not entirely the same issue, sometimes the same effect persists when switching optics mode from magnified to collimator sights. The last case is not that much of an issue. I must say I'm not even sure if blur or no blur is intended while in collimator mode. In the first case however the game is nearly unplayable unless I restart it/load a different scenario. Thanks for this mod! Hopefully you can help me sort this out. P.S.: I will happily provide any additional info you might need. Just tell me.
  2. That's really a huge relieve. Your work so far is definately too well done to be abandoned. Most of my missions depend on it in fact ;) Hope to see the URB pattern soon! Keep up (pleeeease)!!!
  3. well the title already gives nearly all information. I apologize if it's been posted before, but I extendedly searched and found no related topics. green and brown NVGs have their related icons in the inventory UI but the black ones seem not to have. is there anything to learn about that? mod related (i.e. interfering mods)? Thanks!
  4. Thank you WarLoad554! I know bumping is considered spam. You may have noticed that I've been waiting patiently for 4 days before I did it. What other chance did I have? I could've called it differently, adding another question via a new post in my own thread.. Still I wonder if I am the only one seeing the wrong pic.
  5. EDIT: Sorry to have bothered... dr shame on me^^
  6. If you do so, please make it configureable. I'd rather HUD would show hostile/not-hostile only in red/white respectively. Though I have no idea how such a recognition-system would work in reality, I much prefer manual target-validation (without wanting to abolish the future-flavour completely). I'd go so far as to advocate for malfunctions or a chance of erronous tagging. just imagine a hostile rabbit peering over a knoll xD
  7. ProDomo

    TMR Modular Realism

    I have been using TMR from the very beginning but in a most passive fashion fully trusting in the great features it provides. However now I am back to creating missions and wondered If there is a short description of each module avalable somewhere? Like "tmr_nlaw.pbo" and "tmr_nlaw.pbo.TMR.bisign" -> changing reticule; providing target tracking; changing NLAW to be a one shot not-reloadable weapon. That would be great. Just now I am looking for the module that is responsible for the realistic silencers (making "muzzle_snds_H" incompatible with all variants of "arifle_Katiba_ACO_F"). Whats the classname of the Katiba-silencer btw? I hope not to have bothered anyone with an already answered question
  8. hey IndeedPete, extrem gelungene Atmosphäre! I will go through your campaign again starting today and intend on giving you the most detailed feedback. I already have one suggestion at hand: I would much enjoy if you would implement an option to sell looted stuff. This would only work if you raised the prices on an overall factor of 5-10 times as to not compromise the experience (most gear is rediculously cheap btw; an NVG of the ingame quality costs between 5k-7k euros IRL as of now, and I don't see the PMC shop to give a special discount, more like the opposite ;)). I am afraid it also would demand a very strict limitation of loot and the most rigorous erasing of vehicle stashes content. I hope you find this idea as interesting as I do :D Be prepared for a probably lengthy PM EDIT:
  9. I did a fresh restart of a SP campaign mission Thank you. I will do that and let you know of the outcome. Here you go: CBA_A3_beta5 FHQ_Accessories_v1.4 @A3_FreeAim_Fix_02 @compassfix_v11 @full_nvg_v11 @JSRS2.1 @tao_foldmap_a3-2.5.1 @tmr- asdg_jointrails-v0.8 ASDG_Attachments_v010 JumpMF_0_3 Mag_Repack_v3.1.0 bCombat-0.16 The moduload button has this far never been greyed out for me. When I press the button, at least one mod stopped working instead of reloading (tao_foldmap_a3). Yes, the button does show up. I was definitely playing ArmA3 stable. I Don't even know the other two you mentioned. I am pretty sure my Computer was turned on, since -although I fancy myself quite the imaginative type- I am pretty sure not to have made up playing the game and seeing things on my screen. A horse shoe is a device of metal. It is designed to protect a horses hoof from wear. There are several other disambiguations referring to other uses/symbolic meanings of a horseshoe or metaphors using the word "horseshoe", which I am not inclined to list up here completely. For me to be of any help in this matter please see these two links: Horseshoe disambiguation AFAIK there are no horsesocks, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I was until now READING you.
  10. Hey Outlawled While ModuLoad it is certainly a very good idea, it fails to deliver according to it's actual purpose in my case. I thought it would enable me to use MagRepack in re-loaded SP missions but it does not. Ask me what you need to know about my specs/mods
  11. Hey Fabrizio_T, First I must say I totally love bCombat. It provides some painfully missed "intellect" to the AI and thus gives a much more believable feeling to the whole of the game. Now to prevent you from drowning in praise (it must suffice to say I would rather not play ArmA3 without your mod from now on), to the point at hand: Just for you and others to note, in the Campaign pt.2, mission "breaking even" your mod seems to set the AI to a level of alertness, that breaks some mission script. Whatever you do in the beginning of said mission (hold fire/open fire), it makes no matter. Whether you stayed fire or opened fire, the radio goes "dammit Omega...", either because "Slingshot" thinks you shot to early or not in time. There seems to be no way to fullfill your initial objective whatsoever. After I deactivated bCombat (and bCombat alone) all went as intended, so I'm pretty sure it is directly related to your mod. Please do not take this as any form of criticism. I just wanted to have this point noted so others need not wonder... I am very curious reagarding the further developement of bCombat. All the best!
  12. thank you very much for responding that quickly. I read the readme but was unsure where to put the call exactly. I thought it to be running automatically after some adjustments where made for each specific unit. well then there seems to be a place for my script after all. If only it would work as intended yet^^
  13. damn you and thank you the same time VKing! Me as a complete scripting novice was working on something quite similiar for the past 2 weeks... now it seems I should've spent my time differently... Can you pls provide some more information on how to apply your function correctly? where to put the *.pbo to begin with and how to implement the markers in mission-editing? Thanks for your work and time!
  14. I encountered another small thing you seem to have overlooked PomiGit: In the PGS "Showcase Mission" you left the old MX classnames. I guess you put them into the crate at the shooting range manually?
  15. Since that touches the very heart of the script it will take me sometime to figure it out. But I have the vague feeling, that this point was covered before somewhere in this thread. Don't pin me down on it though
  16. Thank you Pomigit fo the quick heads up. Concerning my last post: disregard. I left 1 stupid rifle in the cargo of a vehicle :rolleyes: Everything working just fine now. EDIT: You could use those weapons before the patch, but it seems you've had to allow them especially in the VAS config. Below is my VAS_PGS-ONLY config.sqf, containing a reasonable loadout for our Mercs of choice^^
  17. Nice Update. finally no more error for the missing thumb^^. I need to mention one thing though: Is it possible that the units still refer to the old rifle classnames? I loaded a mission I had created using the prev version, and now I am getting an error for "arifle_MX_blk_pointer_F" and the same for the GL version.. I re-placed all PGS soldiers just to be sure
  18. Yes that's the right file. This is the complete content of it Note that I have yet to find a way to have the markers be invisible BEFORE EOS is set active. Any Ideas on that are very welcome! The parts of it I marked red are the usual config lines to set up EOS to your liking; marked blue is my little editing. Of course you can insert any other condition you prefer instead of {!alive _target}. The same goes for (triggerActivated trig_arrived). This was just from my testing mission. I believe though, if you take an activated trigger for the first condition, you might end up with an endless spawning of units, because once a trigger is activated it will be activated forever unless it is on purpose deactivated by any means. this is the sole reason why I put in 2 conditions at all. Most likely you did not have the trigger "trig_arrived" in your mission. In my setup both GN needs to be dead AND the trigger "trig_arrived" needs to be activated. EDIT: I just re-read your post and there is no need of the trigger you have set. If GN is dead, the scipt will notice that already
  19. Ok ignore my last post. I have found the location to insert a loop. I just could well use some help with setting it up. I want to create a loop checking for an activated trigger. if the trigger is activated the 3 calls below should be executed ONCE, if not the loop should continue the check. I tried some things out. first I did it like this ... waitUntil {sleep 5; triggerAcivated trig_EOSon} exitWith { null = [["EOSinf","EOSinf_1"],[0,0],[2,1],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0,0],[4,0,250,EAST]] call EOS_Spawn; null = [["EOSmot_1","EOSmot_2"],[1,1],[1,1],[2,2],[1,0],[0,1,1],[1,0,250,WEST]] call EOS_Spawn; null = [["BAS_zone_1"],[1,1],[1,1],[1,1],[1,1],[0,0,25,EAST]] call Bastion_Spawn; }; }; resulting in endless spawning of units (repeated calling of EOS_Spawn). Then I thought of using IF and ELSE, but then I'd need the script to jump back and run anew. Don't know how to do this.. Any help will be greatly appreciated. EDIT: I DID IT scopeName "deadGN"; waituntil {!alive GN}; if (triggerActivated trig_arrived) exitWith { null = [["EOSinf","EOSinf_1"],[0,0],[2,1],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0,0],[6,0,250,EAST]] call EOS_Spawn; null = [["EOSmot_1","EOSmot_2"],[1,1],[1,1],[2,2],[1,0],[0,1,1],[1,0,250,WEST]] call EOS_Spawn; null = [["BAS_zone_1"],[1,1],[1,1],[1,1],[1,1],[0,0,25,EAST]] call Bastion_Spawn; }; sleep 5; else breakTo "deadGN" "GN" is an hostile Officer BTW
  20. If you use the dev build, replace the content of the EOS_UnitPools.sqf with 7th_Serf's post above. Make sure to not override the last 2 lines //hint format ["%1",_tempArray]; _tempArray (unless it's an empty variable, which I haven't checked. Of course you have to insert the according case for each faction in the call. Excerpt them from 7th_Serf's post above. Thanks again (publicly) for your help 7th_Serf.;) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ To other matters: 1) Is there a comfortable way to really accurately place the grid markers [50, 50]? I get a little fustrated by blinking gaps between markers on the map + it's really tedious work to place them neatly. 2) I am trying to delay the execution of the EOS script until a trigger has fired. So far I have tried to replace 1 marker called "sec_EOSinf" with another marker called "EOSinf". To my dissapointment I have already problems doing so. this is what I put to the on act field of the trigger (just for testing purpose I picked a Marker that doesn't meet the requirements of EOS): EOS1 = createMarker ["EOSinf",[getMarkerPos "sec_EOSinf" select 0, getMarkerPos "sec_EOSinf" select 1]]; EOS1 setMarkerShape "ICON"; EOS1 setMarkerText "replaced"; EOS1 setMarkerType getMarkerType "sec_EOSinf"; EOS1 setmarkercolor "ColorRED"; EOS1 setMarkerDir 360; EOS1 setMarkerSize [[getMarkerSize "sec_EOSinf" select 0], [getMarkerSize "sec_EOSinf" select 1]]; deleteMarker "sec_EOSinf"; I am not sure what causes it, but the "EOSinf" is instantly inserted at the mission start and the secondary one is as well instantly deleted. I would really appreciate if someone would be so kind as to take a look on that. Thanks in advance! EDIT: Stupid stupid me! Trigger condition missed "this" on the condition EDIT2: so now that I have the marker replacing working using EOS1 = createMarker ["EOSinf",[getMarkerPos "sec_EOSinf" select 0, getMarkerPos "sec_EOSinf" select 1]]; EOS1 setMarkerShape "RECTANGLE"; EOS1 setMarkerType getMarkerType "sec_EOSinf"; EOS1 setMarkerSize getMarkerSize "sec_EOSinf"; deleteMarker "sec_EOSinf"; I get what I already expected: EOS not recognizing the newly spawned marker. So here is my request: Please add a loop in EOS to check for markers. It should have a reasonable 'sleep' of course. I read somewhere in this thread that the original author of EOS doesn't support it anymore? Maybe someone else is capable of trying to help me with this EDIT3: So now I've been looking on the front page of this thread and found [["E1","B1"]] call EOS_Deactivate; So I thought what can be deactivated can be reactivated as well, but unfortunately this seems not to be the case. The deactivation call simply changes the marker color, so the marker gets permanently unrecognized by EOS. Seems I am stuck at this point :( EDIT4: The logical next step now would be to reverse the effects from the function EOS_deactivate.sqf if (!isServer) exitwith {}; private ["_mkr"]; _mkr=(_this select 0); //hint format ["%1",_mkr]; { _x setmarkercolor "colorblack"; _x setmarkerAlpha 0; }foreach _mkr; Since I am an absolute novice on scripting I can do nothing but try and err. So I changed EOS_deactivate.sqf and saved it as EOS_reactivate.sqf with the following content if (!isServer) exitwith {}; private [_mkr]; _mkr=(_this select 0); hint format [%1,_mkr]; { _x setmarkercolor "Default"; _x setmarkerAlpha 1; }foreach _mkr; this doesn't work... It would be enormously helpful to know what the lines 2-4 do. I commented out /*_x setmarkerAlpha 0;*/ in EOS_deactivate.sqf but the only outcome was that the markers went ColorBLACK instead of vanishing completely
  21. What sorry? I AM SORRY for possibly putting things on your list! My points are to be ignored until you got absolutely nothing else to do :) Thanks again for this amazing Camo
  22. ProDomo

    African conflict a3

    I must say this is awesome. Especially if combined with PMC mod. Feels like Jagged Alliance in 3d :) Thank you for this Massi! I have one request to make: Is it possible to have these Factions from your mod in the Sites module? I'd love to quickly fill a village or town with them.
  23. ProDomo

    R3F French Weapons Pack

    Given the amount of work and passion you invested yet, I was from the start ;) Nice to see there are already potential approaches to solve this!
  24. ProDomo

    R3F French Weapons Pack

    same here. no scopes on "srifle_LRR_SOS_F". No scopes attachable to it manually. additionally I have the same problem with other mod weapons e.g. any variant of Christian1987's MP7. w/o R3F weapons there are no such problems. Still this is a very nice mod.