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Everything posted by lkincheloe

  1. lkincheloe

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    I've been attempting to implement the latest version of EOS into my mission (coming from 1.9), and unfortunately it's been giving me fits. Spits out multiple errors in EOS_Launch and EOS_Core on mission launch, and when I get to an AO it either spawns nothing or the incorrect units which fail to cache. I should note that I get no such errors from the sample mission so I suspect it's a timing issue with using EOS as a module rather than in it's own folder. Any suggestions? Here's what I'm getting in order of appearance: Error in expression <_LVgroupArray],[_AVehGroups,_SVehGroups,_CHGroups,_CHgroupArray],_settings] exec> Error position: <_CHGroups,_CHgroupArray],_settings] exec> Error Undefined variable in expression: _chgroups File C:\Users\Lynn\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Kinch\mpmissions\co_36_resistance_b7.Altis\enemy\modules\eos\core\eos_launch.sqf, line 58 Error in expression <oups=_SVeh select 2; _CHgroupSize=_SVeh select 3; _settings=(_this select 5); _f> Error position: <select 3; _settings=(_this select 5); _f> Error Zero divisor File C:\Users\Lynn\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Kinch\mpmissions\co_36_resistance_b7.Altis\enemy\modules\eos\core\eos_launch.sqf, line 18 Error in expression < _debug=FALSE; _heightLimit=false; if (_side==EAST) then {_enemyFaction="east";> Error position: <_side==EAST) then {_enemyFaction="east";> Error Undefined variable in expression: _side File C:\Users\Lynn\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Kinch\mpmissions\co_36_resistance_b7.Altis\enemy\modules\eos\core\EOS_Core.sqf, line 17 Error in expression <t (floor(random(count _pool))); _unit = _grp createUnit [_unitType, _pos, [], 6,> Error position: <_grp createUnit [_unitType, _pos, [], 6,> Error Undefined variable in expression: _grp Error in expression <K_pos; _bGroup=[_pos,_bSize,_faction,_side] call EOS_spawnPatrol; 0 = [_bGrou> Error position: <_side] call EOS_spawnPatrol; 0 = [_bGrou> Error Undefined variable in expression: _side File C:\Users\Lynn\Documents\Arma 3 - Other Profiles\Kinch\mpmissions\co_36_resistance_b7.Altis\enemy\modules\eos\core\EOS_Core.sqf, line 98 Error in expression <entry = _this select 1; if ((typeName _side) != (typeName sideEnemy)) exitWith> Error position: <_side) != (typeName sideEnemy)) exitWith> Error Undefined variable in expression: _side File A3\functions_f\spawning\fn_selectCrew.sqf, line 25
  2. You could use them as placeholder sounds until the end if you want to find new sounds.
  3. lkincheloe

    moveInCargo Russian roulette

    Your best bet would be to group everyone together and then move the group into the heli when your loadout is set. From Kylania:
  4. lkincheloe

    COOP 32 - Resistance (FIA vs CSAT)

    The Titan issue sounds really bizarre, I'll have to hop on sometime to check that out in person. Line 231 of EOS_Core is in the Helicopter caching, so it's possible it might be freaking out that it can't find a heli to cache for whatever reason. I'll take a look at the rest of these errors when I get a chance.
  5. The only hitch I've found so far is it doesn't carry over on respawn, but in my case I only have a small handful of those so it's easy to correct on a per-case basis. Thanks for the assist all. :)
  6. In my mission I want the players to be able to use a repair script to "re-paint" captured enemy vehicles in a custom texture in order to differentiate them from non-captured vehicles. To do this I've been using SetObjectTexture within repair scripts to achieve this, however this is only done locally on the client initiating the script so it looks the same to everyone else. I've been trying to fix this by going through BIS_fnc_MP, but I get a rather vague "cannot find script" error when it reaches the call in the repair script. I suspect it's something silly I'm doing so I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction Here's the piece of code I'm using to call the function: [[_oVehicle,"paint_vehicle.sqf"],"BIS_fnc_execVM",true,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; and here's paint_vehicle.sqf, which currently is in the same folder as the script calling the function: _vehicle = this select 0; _vehicle setObjectTexture [0,"ambience\modules\images\fia_camo.paa"]; _vehicle setObjectTexture [1,"ambience\modules\images\fia_camo.paa"]; _vehicle setObjectTexture [2,"ambience\modules\images\fia_camo.paa"]; Any suggestions?
  7. lkincheloe

    COOP 32 - Resistance (FIA vs CSAT)

    This is most likely what you're looking for: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.armaprofile
  8. lkincheloe

    COOP 32 - Resistance (FIA vs CSAT)

    Releasing b.57: http://www.mediafire.com/download/95fb0kbrvy54oeo/co_36_resistance_b6.Altis.pbo [*]Updated TCB Revive to latest version (should fix several issues that popped up in .55/6) [*]Added custom script to allow teleporting to Mobile from base flag [*]Added aeroson's Get and Set Loadout scripts to maintain inventories [*]fixed multiple little issues [/List]
  9. It's possible I may be asking too much out of the revive system in the mission. tcb_ais_realistic_mode is currently set to true, exec in init for each playable unit.
  10. lkincheloe

    COOP 32 - Resistance (FIA vs CSAT)

    Every now and again you get rushed and you make mistakes, so here's b.556 (pun intended) to fix said mistakes: http://www.mediafire.com/download/fie2jesbmo6ejf3/co_36_resistance_b5_6.Altis.pbo Changed Mobile Respawn to use the BIS method of respawn Added Fight9's VicMarker script to enable locating the Mobile Respawn on the Map Added Jacmac's Generic Vehicle Service to the FIA Base Added a special script by John681611 that enables Plain Offroads at base to accept static emplacements Added Bon's AI recruiting script package, note this is an Arma2 package so it throws errors regarding GUI graphics, functionally it behaves as intended. Defaulted to OFF for public servers.
  11. lkincheloe

    COOP 32 - Resistance (FIA vs CSAT)

    At some point I want to make the AAF bad guys and have them guarding Side Missions/Special Objectives, replicating their status as the smaller of the two forces occupying Altis in the SP campaign. And I'd love to give your script a shot, it sounds like a cool way to customize the lowly Offroads. Now, here's version b.55: http://www.mediafire.com/download/sz0rivt2b3uxihb/co_36_resistance_b5.Altis.pbo Changed Revive systems from BTC to TCB + Arma 3 Respawn Menu, airfields and bases now provide respawn points on capture. Added Patxitron's Mobile Supplies script, with two rearm points at base and the Mobile. Added Conroy's Performance Cleanup Scripts Added Grime's Crate Filler due to Conroy's Cleanup script eating the backpacks at base Fixed a few miscellaneous issues
  12. lkincheloe

    COOP 32 - Resistance (FIA vs CSAT)

    John & Numrollen - If you guys want I can send you both a work copy I have to test.
  13. lkincheloe

    COOP 32 - Resistance (FIA vs CSAT)

    Bringing in more polish with b0.54: http://www.mediafire.com/download/4p33d7uw84w6p1b/co_36_resistance_b4.Altis.pbo Added in the BTC Anti-Teamkilling script package at the request of several players Added Zealot's Repair Script (tweaked to not eat the Toolkit) Reverted to MAD T's Civilian Spawning Scripts Adjusted BTC Logistic in effort to avoid unloaded Ammo Boxes from exploding into flames Multitude of adjustments to improve the overall look of several features
  14. lkincheloe

    WIP...[FOCK]ers AI Revive (SP)

    Interesting, are you looking to make it a full Revive suite or just to make it a fair fight for the AI?
  15. lkincheloe

    COOP 32 - Resistance (FIA vs CSAT)

    Updated to version b0.53: http://www.mediafire.com/download/kc2z2n2wmacafz6/co_36_resistance_b3.Altis.pbo [*]Gave the Medics (player and AI) a Medkit per Killswitch's Suggestion [*]Replaced BTC Fastrope with ZLT Fastrope [*]Added Bake's GrenadeStop script in effort to prevent damage to the Base House. (Seriously, what do you guys have against it? :P ) [*]Reverted City AOs back to One Marker. More info regarding the last one: The Main reasons for this are to minimize player confusion when working these zones and the district format did little to ease server load. Given the current code structure of the mission I think it's possible to pull off a proper AO now, and hopefully Arma 3's code will improve in the coming months to provide better support for "Big Missions".
  16. Got a small request: Would it be possible to get a "very low" flight altitude (say 25-50m) for the Support Transport? Reason I ask is I tried to utilize zealot's Fast Rope script within ALiVE via support choppers, which works fine. Except I run out of rope before reaching the ground.
  17. lkincheloe

    COOP 32 - Resistance (FIA vs CSAT)

    Whoops, glad you spoke up. Was just about to release the next version without it. b0.52: http://www.mediafire.com/download/fci8d2ik86xirxb/co_36_resistance_b2.Altis.pbo Added Aeroson's Player Markers Added the ability to interact with Civilians in order to detect the naughty ones (based off of work by Kylania) Fixed a duplication glitch with the FIA Base fuel pumps Re-added the garbage cleanup script which was left out by mistake Fixed Objective markers displaying the wrong airfield name.
  18. lkincheloe

    ARMA 3 - Dropped out features

    Technically you're right, but I'm talking about it being offered as a built-in feature, and a uninformed media outlet picking up on it and running with it without knowing the first thing about Arma, what it's about or what the community does with it.
  19. lkincheloe

    ARMA 3 - Dropped out features

    I figure a few of the things they cut were due to the "Law of Unintended Consequences". Like wearing any uniforms or attaching explosives to vehicles. Okay sure it makes it a bit more difficult to do some of the things I want to do in my missions, but it sure beats a sensationalist headline like "Game Developer makes suicide car bomber simulator".
  20. Does this work on a server-wide or a per-player basis? More specifically, if I have two AOs far apart and a group of players attacking each AO, would the caching of the opposite AO mess up anything for either group of players?
  21. lkincheloe

    COOP 32 - Resistance (FIA vs CSAT)

    Could be possible that enemy AI are being stupid and abandoning their vehicles. In the meantime though, it's the First beta version. Starting from v.50: http://www.mediafire.com/download/2zgqiv9zj73wa3f/co_36_resistance_b1.Altis.pbo vB.50 Rewrote base code to MSO-style format Changed version numbering scheme Changed to BTC Revive to allow for future flexibility and for FPS improvements Added Parameter option to toggle preferred BTC Revive setting (Old vs. New) Adjusted Objectives to indicate importance of capturing Airfields Removed scripts and systems not being used (may be readded at future dates) vB.51 Added placeholder intro with music in order to find optimal timing for video-based intro Added Mission logo Added a Box with 10 NATO wetsuits in them at base, this is mainly to allow for proper diving since you can't wear CSAT wetsuits as BLUFOR.
  22. I want to say that if you built a really slick mission or campaign to showcase a terrain designed just for the contest, it wouldn't be much more effort to toss in a couple of new factions and submitting it to the Total Conversion category. So I think it's allowed, they're just wanting to encourage teams that make such an effort to go the rest of the way down the field.
  23. lkincheloe

    Not so fast...

    I get the impression that whatever wins this category will either become a DLC pack or be the framework to a new game. Either way 200,000 euros is 200,000 euros.
  24. lkincheloe

    COOP 32 - Resistance (FIA vs CSAT)

    Yep, on top of that the prototype system I made to check the objectives is flawed. Still researching for a solution.
  25. lkincheloe

    @A3CM - ArmA 3 Chernarus Mod

    Hold on, I think what the 2035 crowd is wanting is to have Chernarus but with more areas to interact with. Say making the towns a little bigger by expanding out the city limits and replacing a building here and there with ones from Arma 3, in other words make it look like people have been living in Chernarus for 20-some odd years and not locked into a time capsule like Chernobyl. At least that's my interpretation of their suggestions, but you're free to import Chernarus how you see fit.