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Posts posted by ofp_comissar

  1. 14 hours ago, danny96 said:

    When you're talking about that Cold War stuff, addition of stuff like T-80 would be sweet.. I mean we have T-34, T-55 and all these beasts, but T-80 is still active AFAIK

    T-80 and T-64 are still active, but both have limited usage, comparing with T-55 and T-72.

    T-62 is much better choice, because it was mass prodused and wide-spread, and this tank can be equal opponent for M-60, but it would be too much hard work for CUP team to make completely new model.


    I think, that it would be much better to add some modifications of T-55 and T-72. With ERA and AA Guns, like T-72B,


    T-55MV and etc and etc.


    Some of those modifications was already in use during Cold War in the late of 80s.


    Besides, it would be really cool to add some "rebel" versions of those tanks with junk or sand bag "armor". Yeap, it would be just cosmetics, and can some variants be maked just with using AttachTo command, but it would be much easier and less buggy to have it as one unit.




    Besides, i was very happy, when CUP team added legendary MTLB. This "working horse" have a lot of official and "frontline" modifications, wich can easely (relatively, of course)  be added into the game, and, IMHO, best candidates are


    ZU-23 Variant (yeap, it can be easily maked by attachTo command, but it would be better to have united unit)


    S-8 rocket pod variant (from Mi-8/Mi-24)


    With turret from BTR-82 (GAZ Vodink already have such type of turret in the CUP Vehicles pack)


    And Grad-variant.


    Almost all those variants was in common use during Soviet Aphganistan War in 80s. And in the Operation Flashpoint setting those beasts will be quite authentic, IMO


    • Like 3

  2. Thank you very much for the update! Really a lot of tasty stuff. Spetial thanks for MLTB - so widely used in IRL vehichle so rare in games.And for Leo 2 too.

    (BTW, it is possible to change german cross to sigh of another country , using Leo (or some fictional country forces, like AAF) with commands like SetObjectTexture? Just interesting)

  3. Hello!


    I'm trying to make a huge and long battle, where bots dinamically creating as waves, and sometimes both sides launch artillery and air strikes to the random choosen enemy target.

    Method of choosing the target is simple.

    I set big trigger on the map (wich covering area of battle), and choose randomly as


    Target = list Trigger1 select _rndm;call{[Target] execVM "L39CAS.sqf"}


    Command DoartilleryTarget makes artillery strikes pretty easy, and i have not problems with realisation.

    But i can't to make airstrike;


    I tried to make something by this method:

    1)I created mission on the VirtualReality map, and manually maked airstrike as pilot. And i wrote each "step" by this script


    _plane = _this select 0;
    _string = "";
    while {Zapis} do {sleep 0.001;_arp = [velocityModelSpace _plane,vectorDir _plane,vectorUp _plane];_str = format[",%1",_arp];_string = _string + _str;};
    copyToClipboard _string;

    This _string was copied into separate file "bombrun.sqf". It is a huge array with vectors in each part of time. Size around 240 Kb.


    2)I set trigger with activation "Radio Alfa", and initiation. It must run the script, when palyer witch into binocular on the tank or building, and call airstrike by radio

    call{[CursorTarget] execVM "L39CAS.sqf"}
    _target = _this select 0;
    _pos = getpos _target;
    _posA = getposASL _target;
    _h = (_posA select 2) - (_pos select 2);
    _ha = 500 + _h;
    _y = (_pos select 1) - 5000;
    _x = _pos select 0;
    _pl = [[_x,_y,_ha], 0, "CUP_O_L39_TK", EAST] call bis_fnc_spawnvehicle;
    _plane = _pl select 0;
    {_x setBehaviour "Careless";} foreach crew _plane;
    call{[_plane] execVM "manevr.sqf"};
    _grp = group driver _plane;
    _wp = _grp addWaypoint [[_x,_y + 5000,_ha], 0]; 
    _wp setWaypointType "MOVE";
    [_plane] spawn {sleep 29;while {true} do {[_this select 0, "CUP_Vmlauncher_S5_veh"] call BIS_fnc_fire;sleep 0.02}};
    [_plane] spawn {sleep 28;while {true} do {[_this select 0, "CUP_Vacannon_GSh23L_L39"] call BIS_fnc_fire;sleep 0.05}};
    sleep 60;
    {deletevehicle _x} foreach crew _plane;
    deletevehicle _plane;


    Sub-sqript "manevr.sqf", wich forces plane to make writed manuver

    _plane = _this select 0;
    _array = call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "bombrun.sqf";
    _count = count _array;
    _m = 0;
    hint format ["%1",_count];
    while {_m < _count} do {sleep 0.001;_vel = (_array select _m) select 0;_dir = (_array select _m) select 1;_up = (_array select _m) select 2;hint format ["%1",_array select _m];_plane setVelocityModelSpace _vel;_plane setVectorDirAndUp [_dir,_up];_m = _m + 1};


    3)I run this on the Virtual Reality map. And it's working pretty well on this map. Each time created planes hit the target, choosed by player with binocular.

    4)I copied it to the mission on Altis. And it is not work.Plane just shaking a little bit, but flying straight forward.

    What's a problem?

    I'm not very experienced in the sqripting, and i can miss thothing in the command behaviour.


    Thank you for your attention and help!


  4. Hmm.  What about to make SLA sign on vehicles optional?Those vehicles like MTLB, MIG-23, M-46 are extrimely flexible, and can be use in Chernarus, Takistan, Cold War scenario and etc, and not only from OPFOR side. 

    Are you planning to add T-12 AT Gun in mod?It is a retro gun, wich still in use, even in Russia. And, of course, i do not demand it, i just give an idea)

    Anyway, can't wait to try those old good beasts in game. Good luck, guys.

    • Like 1

  5. On 05.05.2018 at 7:41 PM, Alwarren said:

    There has been NO ARMOUR UPDATE yet. All of the tanks require a complete overhaul of hitpoints, armour, SLAT and ERA etc

    Ok, exuse me, i just didn't noticed that. I just saw, that mod updated in steam lancher, and started to test.

    Are you planning to make variants of CUP T-55 and T-72 with SLAT and ERA armour in future? Just interesting.

  6. Glad to see the progress.

    Modernizied old armour usually is backbone of 3rd world countrie armed forces, where Arma games setting usually placed. And those unuts are extrimely useful in a large variety of scenarios.

    Are you planning to make those tank in the others camo types (sand/winter) and are you planning to place mod in workshop?

  7. Amazing mod. Chineese are both very good as East/OPFOR allies, and as third side.

    Only problem is lack of compability between VME and RHS vehicles. This problem is very painful for CUP too.

    I hope, something will appear after Tanks DLC. In my dreams i want to see in Arma something like Man Of War tank damage system, but you know...we get owr bipods, we can wait another 13 years:evil:
