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Everything posted by toxicsludge

  1. toxicsludge

    Flying bodies Physics Mod

    There is a daylight demo at the end. It was actually quite light ingame but Vegas rendered it quite dark. At least I know how to fix that now :)
  2. toxicsludge

    placing weapons on a table

    Does 'enableSimulation false' make them ignore gravity? Also, is there an easy way to determine what height the item should be at, or is it trial and error?
  3. toxicsludge

    EricJ Release thread

    I just did a little video showcase on these awesome weapons if anyone is interested
  4. toxicsludge

    Scope Mod A3

    I just did a little video showcase on these scopes if anyone is interested
  5. toxicsludge

    Flying bodies Physics Mod

    Gimmie 5...
  6. Wow, looking at the above responses, I feel like such a noob! I just change their damage value in the editor and remove their first aid kits so they can't heal themselves when they spawn :/
  7. Could someone tell me why this guy hasn't been banned by now? Read his posts, they are all obnoxious and rude to the people who are trying to help him!
  8. toxicsludge

    @RSPack_1 - Orca Reskin For Arma 3

    I looked at the pics first and thought, "man that looks like the westpac chopper!" Then I read the post :)
  9. toxicsludge

    Vehicle System (vSys)

    Is there a way to know which way the wind is blowing?
  10. toxicsludge

    FHQ Accessories pack

    I did a video showcase for these accessories, hope that's ok Alwarren :) They are amazing!
  11. toxicsludge

    FHQ Accessories pack

    Yep, me too...until now :)
  12. Dunno if its possible, but would there be a way to choose a heap of stuff that may be in there, but choose from that list randomly? Kinda like a lucky dip crate?
  13. Thanks, that's exactly what I do. Looks like I'll be using this from now on :)
  14. Thank you for making this easy to understand! I've been wanting to try this but got a bit confused when I read about it :PJust my 2 cents, this is what I use currently... http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19299
  15. I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but... I don't understand what a "headless client" is...I host my missions on my pc, and my friends join for coop. Will your system benifit me?
  16. toxicsludge

    Battlefield clearance

    Haven't you ever heard "Don't drink & code"? ;)
  17. toxicsludge

    Beerkan FARP Design 2.0

    This looks very cool, will be using it in my next mission :D Thanks!
  18. toxicsludge

    Arma3 Videos

    There has been a cargo plane come down somewhere in the swamplands. Rumour has it, it has just dropped a load of munitions to help the local guerillas overtake the island. We need to locate the crash site and retrieve the Black Box so we can find out where the drop was.
  19. toxicsludge

    Arma3 Videos

    How do you get out when you're stuck inside a rock? This is one way...
  20. toxicsludge

    Shall i install the game once more?

    Hell, I haven't UNinstalled the game since Alpha! No plans to either!
  21. toxicsludge

    A Small Request To The Community

    Uh, are you asking that we send you a new computer so you can play Arma 3? Yeah, no.
  22. toxicsludge

    Simplest way to record gameplay video?

    Does anyone know if there are any issues with video from OBS into sony Vegas?