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Alpha Whiskey Romeo

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Everything posted by Alpha Whiskey Romeo

  1. Alpha Whiskey Romeo

    Would you pay for "modern warfare" dlc

    Armee de Terre expansion, since we've had the UK, Czech's, Germany (kinda), and obviously the United States. They have the 6th largest military budget in the world, are rapidly becoming the dominate military power in Europe, and will eventually surpass the UK in power projection, technology and force-levels over the next decade. It's time they got some love. I'd also like to see a DLC/Expansion where the fighting moves to U.S. soil. It's the Armaverse after all, so anything is possible.
  2. Alpha Whiskey Romeo

    ADF Uncut

    The default A3 ACH/ECH is the helmet currently fielded by the ADF. Granted, it isn't covered with ARC Rails, but it's still the ACH. Have you considered contacting Alex Vestin? I'm fairly certain he wouldn't have an issue with allowing you guys to utilize his ACH, which is properly modeled I might add. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?158193-AV_IndUs-%28US-Army-inspired-units%29 If need be, I can take plenty of hi-res photos of my issued helmet (ACH) for reference purposes.
  3. Alpha Whiskey Romeo

    Funny & interesting videos

  4. Alpha Whiskey Romeo

    ADF Uncut

    So, uhh, what the deal?
  5. Alpha Whiskey Romeo

    ADF Uncut

  6. Alpha Whiskey Romeo

    ADF Uncut

    I noticed when I loaded ADF:U up, that you guys removed the ACH which is currently in service by the ADF, and went with the old school PASGT helmets that the ADF no longer use. Is this just a placeholder and if so, when are you planning a move back to the correct headgear? I was planning on using the units in a mission but that helmet is just too damned distracting. Love the addon BTW. Regards
  7. More - http://detcord12b.deviantart.com/gallery/
  8. First and foremost, this is my Division. It's the unit in which I currently serve. Given A3's timeline and associated units, I thought it was heavily lacking in the realism factor whence concerning the deployed forces. I tossed about utilizing the existing troops in the region - 173rd ABCT, 2nd Cav, and the 18th Engineer Brigade. I floated the idea of recreating said units, but ultimately decided upon my own. This modification/addon will not accurately depict any specific Battalion, Company, or unit, but will be a (fictional) recreation of a BCT or Brigade Combat Team centered in the Armaverse and the current timeline (kinda). The addon will use the default weapons and kit selection, and no custom weapons or configs will be utilized. As preferred, I'll leave the load-outs in the purview of the mission creators. DISCLAIMER: This modification is based upon Alex's addon (with permission). Nothing will be released without his explicit say-so. If he decides to shoot it down, it's on him to do it. I won't fault him for doing so and neither should you if said request is made. The final decision rests with him and this is simply a WIP. WIP Pics:
  9. Alpha Whiskey Romeo

    1st Infantry Division - BCT

    What a shit response. I've been using your stuff since A1, and it's rather sad to see progress to this level. If I ever utilized any of your assets, I'd let you know, period. But never have. Just close the fuckin' thread. I'm done.
  10. Alpha Whiskey Romeo

    1st Infantry Division - BCT

    Apparently there isn't enough interest in this project to keep it going. No one cares. Therefore, I'd like to ask a mod to close this thread. Many thanks and regards.
  11. Alpha Whiskey Romeo

    JUMP please!!

    You forgot to take into account ballistic plates, pal. Which the game simulates. I was hit once in the plate and a second round hit my left arm. I was still combat effective.
  12. Alpha Whiskey Romeo

    1st Infantry Division - BCT

    Work continues. Added a few memorial moto patches.
  13. Alpha Whiskey Romeo

    JUMP please!!

    Downrange we wear in excess of 150 pounds of gear, so you're not jumping over anything. :D
  14. Alpha Whiskey Romeo

    Tactical Battlefield - A PvP Modification

    Some of us played a few rounds. Really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, the time-zone differences are the biggest obstacle to really getting into it.
  15. Alpha Whiskey Romeo

    Iron Front as mod in Arma 3

    Looks great. I'd love to give it a try, but I can't be bothered to re-download A2 and OA all over again. Too bad the mod requires both the original A2 and the OA expansion, else I'd be playing IF right this minute.