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About voidbyte

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    Private First Class
  1. yay, thank you for this hint!
  2. Hello, is ACE Still in developement or abandoned? Because ACE Medical has the same state then in the first ACE 3 Beta. Still no broken Bones, no Airway problems/solutions. Still the all-mighty-wonder-PAK (instead of Defibrilator or something like that.). Is it planned to complete that one day or a loose end that will never be completed?
  3. Hello, as we had several Respawn problems, and figured out that Respawn is tightly connected to JIP, I tried to rework it. these are the current settings: respawn = 3; respawnTemplate[] = {"ace_spectator", "menu_inventory"}; respawnButton = 0; respawnDelay = 20; respawnDialog = 1; respawnOnStart = 1; saving = 0; I have a mapmarker with "respawn_west" and ACE settings enabled for: - Automatic delete corpses. - Save eqipment. What we want is: - After slotting, mission start and everyone spawns where I placed him in Editor. - If a medic cant rescue an player, he should go to the respawn menu. After this, he respawns at a total different location (where an logisticteam is waiting to organize an "reinforcement transport"); - JIP player always start at the logistics. What we have is: - After slotting, mission starts and everyone just see the respawn screen. - After respawnscreen, everyone respawns at logistics.. even ZEUS. Does anyone know what I did wrong here?
  4. Hello, since.. ever.. we use a framework for our missions. There is an: disableAI = 1; inbuild. Yesterday, we got the actual Patch. Now, all missions instantly fail on start with "Mission failed!" screen. So we start investigation what possibly could have gone wrong. After several hours, we found out that disableAI is causing this missbehavior. So we stop using it. Now.. we have several follow-up problems. 1. Login as Admin on Server an click "Disable AI" Button while slotting: --- Result 1: Sometimes AI spawns. And don't care about the option. --- Result 2: The AI don't spawn. Wich is nice. --- Result 3: The AI spawn.. walk around for about 10 seconds and fall down to death. 2. JIP don't works anymore. All late-comers start as birds that aren't able to move or click. 3. Respawn is not working if AI walk and die. Because their slots are dead and can't be occupied anymore. This behavior only apply on the dedicated Server. In "Local Multiplayer" (play -> Multiplayer) everything works like a charm.
  5. Hey Dedmen, thank you for that. At least we are one step further.. Now i got: as output. Next question is: Why don't he get the correct positions... EDIT: OK... for my next Test, I used those wierd MapMarkers. And guess what: it works perfectly. Sadly those mapthings are not usable for me, because I want to spawn Enemys inside buildings and whereever I want. Is there a workaround?!
  6. Hey, this also just give me back an "invalid number in expression" Error. I made a quick video, that show all the steps i have done so far. Maybe that helps to see where my mistake is. Hopefully my english is understandable :D
  7. I have a simple trigger. When a BlueFor walks over, execVM "scripts/spawndrop.sqf"; will be executed. And in this file is a copy and paste of your code contained. Quote it out and write "hint "Hello"; works fine. so the trigger is working. But i have those Mods installed: TFAR CUP Aliabad Ares BWmod Carter CBA (All CUP extras, like Terrains, Units, Vehicles etc..) Lingor Pandora Wakeisland Ace AceX Do you see any that can inflict a missbehavior?
  8. Hey, thank you for the help. But your code also don't do anything. It does not spawn units nor throws it an error. I begin to think that the problem is not the code but something else.. maybe the trigger, maybe mods...
  9. Hello, since hours now, I try to spawn units with a script. Thought that might become the easiest part ever. But it turns out that this is much more challenging then everything else ive done so far. Background: I want a reusable script, that, if working, can be ported to headless clients (later) In the end, I want to make a new mission, place a few "whatever" (I used "Marker_GetIn_ACR" for this) and give them names like: "redfor_1", "redfor_2", "redfor_3"; and the Script will identify these "whatevers" as marker positions to spawn redfor units of a given kind. Means, I want to develop it once and can easy reuse it. My first attemp was something like this: // for test purpose, just a few static positions _sLocations = ["opfor_0", "opfor_1", "opfor_2", "opfor_3", "opfor_4", "opfor_5"]; "O_Survivor_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos _sLocations]; Expected result: I spawn a suvivor at all the _sLocations positions. But that failed. Fixed it, failed again and again and again... what ever I change to the code, adding groups, sides, direct coordinates.. it always have a new error. So I think spawning a whole array dont work this way. Will do it with an ForEach later. Lets spawn a single unit on a single postition. And that is where it become redicolous. I tried: _grp = createGroup west; _grp createUnit ["O_Survivor", (getmarkerpos "opfor_0"), [], 0, "NONE"]; That does exactly nothing. It dont spawn anything nor give it out an error massage. So I cant do anything better without a hint whats wrong here. And because of this, i looked again in the CreateUnit BIS-Reference. They say the command has this scheme: Ok, I think, lets do exactly whats in there: _type = "O_Survivor_F" _here = "opfor_0"; _group = createGroup west; _init = ""; _skill = 0.5; _rank = "PRIVATE"; _type createUnit [_here, _group, _init, _skill, _rank]; And again.. error over error. Whatever I change, a new Error pops up. Tried like this will result in a "0 Elements given, 3 expected" error. And even in BIS own examples they dont follow their own scheme. So im out of options here. Google the problem always lead to people who post super complicated scripts for mass crowding, patrolling etc.. And I thought that spawning a single enemy on a simple position would be easy... If you see whats wrong, i appreciate your help.
  10. Cheers grumpy... yeah.. thats pretty straight foreward. Give me some time to understand what I see. Because for 80% of this.. I have NO Idea what it is doing. Or more specific: Why is it doing.. As I sayed.. im a beginner in SQF and just work with the command-reference from bohemia
  11. damnit... i tried that a hundret times.. an now i just copy your line and it works.. Thank you man! (Whatever I did wrong, now it is solved :D ) There is indeed a reason for this. The person is some kind of spectator and get this actionmenu from a special item (phonebox.. because.. TELE-Port.. you get it? :D ). But those boxes not hanging around everywhere. Whenever the team on sea level pass a trigger (to compensate their progression) a new phonebox popping up and allow the spectator to jump to the next part of the parcour. So I prevent that the Spectator is giving spoilers to the team and be able to reuse the system for further missions. Sure they would be other methods.. or more elegant. But this is in my (SQF rookie state) the easiest.
  12. Hello, atm I use this to teleport around: private ["_telePorter", "_caller", "_telPos", "_playerrank"]; _telPort =_this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _playerrank = [0] call isBoss; if (_playerrank == 1) then { removeAllActions _caller; _caller addAction ["Kontrollraum", { _this select 0 setPosASL (getPosASL (tele_porter_Hauptquartier));} ]; _caller addAction ["Turm 1", { _this select 0 setPosASL (getPosASL (telPort_Parkour_tower1));} ]; _caller addAction ["Turm 2", { _this select 0 setPosASL (getPosASL (telPort_Parkour_tower2));} ]; _caller addAction ["Turm 3", { _this select 0 setPosASL (getPosASL (telPort_Parkour_tower3));} ]; _caller addAction ["Turm 4", { _this select 0 setPosASL (getPosASL (telPort_Parkour_tower4));} ]; _caller addAction ["Turm 5", { _this select 0 setPosASL (getPosASL (telPort_Parkour_tower5));} ]; _caller addAction ["Turm 6", { _this select 0 setPosASL (getPosASL (telPort_Parkour_tower6));} ]; _caller addAction ["Turm 7", { _this select 0 setPosASL (getPosASL (telPort_Parkour_tower7));} ]; } else { hint "Dieser Teleporter ist leider nicht für dich!" }; Now, the Problem is, that this action menu wont dissapear. I know, i could write 8 indipendent Scripts for each teleport location. And after every line "removeAllActions _caller;" but that is a bit... ugly. Also i could make trigger areas in the target location and perform an removeAllAction on Enter. But thats also .. ugly. Is there no elegant way to just do something like: _caller addAction ["Turm 1", { _this select 0 setPosASL (getPosASL (telPort_Parkour_tower1)) && removeAllAction this select 0;} ]; or any type of: if (_caller choose option x) then {removeAllAction _caller}; or any sort of timer, like a self delete after 2 seconds after choose has been made? Thank you for your answers.
  13. gosh... you made my day! Thank you for that!
  14. Hello, I am kinda stuck actually. I have a function. And I want to set a default value, if the function is called without paramters. The reason behind is: There is no need to use a parameter if you dont want to return a specific answer from the function. So I tried to make my life easier with this: private ["_isBossTrue", "_setBoss"]; params ["_adminPlayer"]; if ( isNil {_this select 0}) then {_adminPlayer = 0;} _adminPlayer = _this select 0; if (_adminPlayer == 1) then { ... so trying to call the it with: _whatPlayerIsIt = [0] call fnc_checkPlayer; works fine. _whatPlayerIsIt = call fnc_checkPlayer; does not. This function might grow up.. and I dont wanna end up with pen and paper, writing down what params I have to use, even if they are not necessary. Any ideas?
  15. Hello, I am working on an re-usable Teleport-Script. But I can't get it to work. Here is what it should do: Point A should allow people to spread out to point B, C, D, E But B, C, D, E should only allow people to return to Point A. I used an Infotable as Teleport Object. When using the inBuild Script: this addAction ["Visit the Medics", "portScript.sqf"]; and write this into the script: _telPort =_this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _caller setPos (getPos (telPo_Medic)); it works without problems. So I tried to outsource the script to make it reuseable and easier to edit. I made the same Infotable and gave it: this addAction ["Teleport", "portScriptTest.sqf"]; and into the portScriptTest.sqf I wrote: _telPort =_this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; _caller addAction ["Visit the Medics", _caller setPos (getPos (telPo_Medic))]; _caller addAction ["Visit the Basement", _caller setPos (getPos (telPo_Base))]; _caller addAction ["Visit the Airport", _caller setPos (getPos (telPo_Airport))]; ... When using the Table, I get immediately teleported to telPo_Airport. No choices no menu. Can someone tell me what I did wrong?