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Posts posted by Ink.

  1. Hi, so I'm working on a custom special mission and I'd like to make it so that blufor and opfor are still hostile to each other but they simply don't engage each other under any circumstances. Regardless how many of the opposing side gets killed or if there is an active engagement, neither side engages each other. But they're not allied so you don't get penalized as if you're killing friendlies.

    OR this but opfor vs indy.

    OR simply that if a team teamkills another member of the same team, aka opfor v opfor, AI doesn't turn on you for it.

    How can I script this?

    Edit - Meant for Arma 3 Mission Editing and Scripting section, misplaced post.

  2. Please try with only A3 vanilla and RHS. If you are still unable to open the windows of the M1025 as passenger and use your weapon report it to our Feedback tracker.

    So with all default Arma 3 + Bohemia DLC and RHS; all functionality for RHS works. Gotta be a compatibility issue with my other mods. Do y'all have a master list of known incompatible mods? Else, I might just have to test each individually. The issue is definitely on my end though, so that's good!

  3. You should be able to lower the windows (certainly works on the armed HMMWVs), and then shoot out of them. Same way it works with some of the helicopters.

    Very odd because they do not work for me. I've tried entering the vehicle as both blufor and opfor, and in no vehicles can I control any of the windows. It's quite weird lol!

  4. The HMMWVs that have FFV integrated are those which have solid doors or no doors at all.

    I assume the M1025 unarmed doesn't then. The game acts like the seat is a FFV seat, but weapons cannot be raised.

    I saw in a video of someone using the pack that they could raise and lower the windows. But I assume that's a scripting element they made for their mission.

  5. So I saw a video of people firing from closed humvees through the windows. They even had window controls for protection.

    However; I have the M1025 unarmed version spawned in game, and I can't do this. Is there a piece I'm missing? Could I have an old version by chance? I'm on 0.3.5. Or is this vehicle not a variant that can use this or?

  6. ALiVE always expanded my load time for me, even if I didn't have many mods installed. I ended up removing it since I didn't use it as much and my load times significantly increased.

    Anyway, I'm excited for the falcons and buildings.

    Question about the buildings, will they be all military based or will they be more general? The reason I ask is for example let's say I make a mission where UNSC is trying to raid an innie base or capture an innie HVT from his hideout, will there be any buildings that could decently accomodate this within the aesthetics of Halo?

  7. One of the mods I recently installed:






    Have caused a thing where my third person view has become fixed at a certain position, much closer to my character than wanted.

    I assume it's @A3L, mod files for Arma 3 Life. But I don't want to remove the mod, but rather I want to find the part of the mod that is responsible for this view, and remove it individually.

    Any idea what file it is or where to find it?

  8. I honestly think spartans could work if carefully balanced by the mission maker. If the players are the opfor and they are made aware of a spartan's insertion into the AO through one way or another, then the spartan could maybe become less of an unfair killing machine and more of a high value target akin to enemy armor. And if, say, the players are blufor and they have a spartan on their team, the mission could maybe be balanced so that the spartan's assistance is required to safely complete the mission. Obviously, it'd be pretty gimmicky and full teams of spartans or TvT with spartans probably wouldn't work well.

    I still think it could work to some degree.

    I mean, this definitely seems possible. In either case, it would be up to the creators of the mission(s) or the administrator(s) of the event/server to manage the balancing act of Spartans vs Non-Spartans.

    Personally, I think that it is better to have content that not everyone wants as opposed to not having content that some people wants. If you have it but don't want to use it, you simply avoid doing so. But if you don't and you want to, unfortunately you're out of luck.

    Another option would be allowing third party devs to create spartan equipment as an add-on to this add-on. But that would require capable people of doing so, permission from the EI team, and other factors. It would free the EI devs from the task, but it also brings complications, more than if they did it.

  9. First, I apologize for such a late response. My PC busted, and while I was unable to play/use I forgot about this issue. As I've come back, I've realized I still have it and it reminded me that I created this thread.

    Anyway, so the issues still exist, and I've tried both of the suggestions posted above.


    While i can't deliver a solution to your exact problem, i was wondering if anything stops you from de-grouping the units and make them all individual Units without a Group.

    If not, you can just do so, remote control each one and they should stay where they are.

    This might work. It makes it harder because when they're in a group, if I needed to quickly load a vehicle up I could just tell 2-# to get into the vehicle and they'd do it without me having to control each one to get it done. It also allows for quicker selection through the command interface rather than using team switch around.

    But that being said, it is a failsafe option if I cant find a fix/better option because though this requires a lot more effort, I can use this.

    You don't have to make all of the units playable to switch to them as long as they're in your group. In your command menu, when selecting a single soldier, you have the option to switch to that soldier. See if that doesn't help.

    This must not be the case anymore because the switch to unit button no longer exists and in replace is a greyed out "command unit" button, that cannot be used. Now, I can use team switch, but the same issue applies.


    A few notes, I have quite a few add-ons. Many of them are new units/missions/gear, but I do have addons like ALIVE and AGM, which is most likely what I think is causing it.

    As a side note, I've also tried playing with the ranks of the soldiers, and it seems that it's the same problem (regardless if my main unit has equal or higher rank and is squad leader or not)

