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Everything posted by jdberg2003@gmail.com

  1. I use the following code while playing as the host and it works: if (_killed == BluCommander) then {sleep 7; [bluCommander] join BCGroup; sleep 2; BCGroup selectLeader BluCommander; 0 = ["Kill.sqf","BIS_fnc_execVM",west,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;}; When the BluCommander is killed he is successfully added to BCGroup, but he is not made the leader of that group. The code 0 = ["Kill.sqf","BIS_fnc_execVM",west,false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;} is just in there to confirm that everything is executing, and it is. I have the script set to execute on the host only, if (! isServer) exitWith {};, and this must be the problem because it works when I am playing as host (not playing on dedicated server). Thanks for any help you can offer :)
  2. Hello all. The objective of my multiplayer map is to kill the opposing side's MVP. However, I know that just about everyone who joins will inevitably kill their own faction's MVP at least once. It would be nice if I could just setDamage 0 if the MVP is killed by someone on his own side, but that does not work. I can script a workaround by creating another MVP, but I'm hoping there is an easier answer out there. Thanks in advance :)
  3. jdberg2003@gmail.com

    Looking for an easy way to reanimate a dead NPC

    Well, I ended up using the workaround. If anyone ever needs something similar, then shoot me an email.
  4. jdberg2003@gmail.com

    Responsible Game Development

    Bohemia Interactive: Did you really not test the latest patch before you applied it across the board? I understand that you have to optimize the game, but with this many people having the same crash problem I can only assume that you didn't do your homework... Typical of today's game developers. Can you please revert the game to a working version while you iron out the problems with the new one? - Someone who wants to play a game for which he has already paid.
  5. jdberg2003@gmail.com

    Responsible Game Development

    1) I don't mind that they pushed the product to release before it was ready - it was a working version, and I'm fine with that. 2) I'm not just venting because my game is broken - I'm emphasizing how bad it looks on their part and they should be more careful in the future 3) I'm proposing something real - that they revert the game back to the previous version until they get the bugs worked out with the new one. It's not a short-term problem anymore.