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Posts posted by IT07

  1. I should really worry about the cpu and internet connection speed.

    And if I am correct, you want to host your own server without renting one?

    If so, you need to have a lot of knowledge of hardware and software if something goes wrong.

    But I still want to help you: make sure the cpu is a strong piece of tech and not a dual core.

    I should rather think of a good Xeon to run ArmA3 with. Memory amount isnt that important really, just make sure it's at least 4gb to give it enough head-room if needed. A3 also seems to use a lot of bandwith so a dedicated connection that is not being used by anything else other than the server would be optimal. You should be safe with at least 50Mb/s. Speed does not say it all though. Stability and reliability is also very important.

    Hope this helped.

  2. Hi peeps.

    At the moment I am working on my own MP COOP06 mission and was wondering about how the unitPlay function would behave in MP.

    What I am worried about is that people with slower PC's will fire the flight path later than others that are in the same mission, which could result in serious sync issues. Here is the situation:

    start of mission > all players in heli > heli flies to extraction point using unitPlay > players get out > heli flies away.

    More detailed info: the chopper that is flying the path has the unitPlay command in it's init field, and of course, the flight path is in the mission.

    So my question is: is it true that (depending on client's PC speed) the chopper could end up on different positions at everyone their screens?

    If so, I would like to know how to avoid that.

    Also, if it is true, I was thinking of a publicVariable setup:

    unitPlay.sqf > isNul heliStarted > heliStarted = 1; > *flightpath script* > } else { hint"someone else in the mission is already making the heli move???"; };

    I know that the script above is total nonsense if the unitPlay is being synced to all clients even if they all execute it.

    Anyways, could someone enlighten me on this function? Thanks in advance.

    Best regards,


  3. Hey all.

    So, here is what I am trying to make:

    DayZ Dedi server > dayz_mission > init.sqf > compiles.sqf > fn_selfactions.sqf > this script:

    // ---------------------------------------Server menu---------------------------------------------------
    _mags = magazines player;
       // IT07's Server rules menu based on Krix his self-bb script
    if ("ItemBandage" in _mags) then {
           hasBagItem = true;
       } else { hasBagItem = false;};
    (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ['KeyDown','_keyDown = _this select 1;
    if((speed player <= 1) && (_keyDown == 0x41) && hasBagItem && _canDo)) then {
           if (s_player_servermenu < 0)) then {
               s_player_servermenu = player addaction[("<t color=""#f2cb0b"">" + ("Server Rules") +"</t>"),"functions\spawn_rules.sqf","",-1,false,true,"", ""];
    	if (s_player_servermenu2 < 0)) then {
               s_player_servermenu2 = player addaction[("<t color=""#f2cb0b"">" + ("Server Info") +"</t>"),"functions\spawn_info.sqf","",-1,false,true,"", ""];
    	if (s_player_servermenu3 < 0)) then {
               s_player_servermenu3 = player addaction[("<t color=""#f2cb0b"">" + ("Player Tips") +"</t>"),"functions\spawn_tips.sqf","",-1,false,true,"", ""];
    	if (s_player_servermenu4 < 0)) then {
               s_player_servermenu4 = player addaction[("<t color=""#f2cb0b"">" + ("Credits") +"</t>"),"functions\server_credits.sqf","",-1,false,true,"", ""];
       } else {
           player removeAction s_player_servermenu;
    	player removeAction s_player_servermenu2;
    	player removeAction s_player_servermenu3;
    	player removeAction s_player_servermenu4;
           s_player_servermenu = -1;
    	s_player_servermenu2 = -1;
    	s_player_servermenu3 = -1;
    	s_player_servermenu4 = -1;
    // ---------------------------------------END of Server menu--------------------------------------------

    I know that the code above does not work but this is how far I could get with my scripting knowledge.

    But here is what it should do: check for bandage in inventory > if yes then > check for player speed, if 0 then > if keyDown == 0x41 > display all addactions.

    Hopefully someone can patch this for me or tell me how to.

    Thanks a lot in advance!

  4. Hi all.

    New to the forums :)

    Anyways, I was trying some stuff with BIS_dynamicText but could not figure it out completely because I am starting to learn how to code.

    Here is the situation:

    [format["<t size='0.6'>Hello world! I am %1</t>",(_playerName)],0,0.8,0.5,0,0,8] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
    // But this makes it show waaaaay to quick, it's like gone in 1 second.

    How do I change the code so it shows longer? Can I also attach a _onScreenTime to the script and then define the speed in that value?

    Btw, not very important; but can someone explain me what the ,0,0.8,0.5,0,0,8 values do? I think they have to do with the position of the text, but not sure....

    Thanks a lot for help in advance.

    Best regards,


  5. Thanks for testing this.

    So, if you and your friend are not seeing the color banding, and my players on my server DO see it, then there has to be one cause which does this: The server.

    I am hosting with DayZ.ST so I will contact them if you think it might be the server.

    ^^^^^^DISREGARD THIS^^^^^^



    Here is the solution:

    The image I have included here and which you tested, is a full size, max quality jpg.

    That means: NO color banding.

    I was just checking if you might get the color banding while I did not with the image you tested.

    Means: test successful.

    Why it shows color banding: do NOT save your loadingscreen as "save for web" if using Photoshop.

    Just save it regularly as a jpg and set the quality to 8.

    That is the best value for quality versus file size.

    If you think that setting 8 is still too large in terms of file size, try 7. It shows a tiny bit of banding which can only be noticeable by good eyes.

    Thanks for testing this with me, I have found the solution now :)

  6. Hey there,

    Since I have been admin of a DayZ Server I like to make awesome looking loading screens for my players to enjoy :)

    But I ran into several problems which I find very annoying.

    First problem:

    When using JPG, the image has very ugly color banding on it.

    If the actual image is opened in a image viewing program, the color banding is not visible.

    For now, JPG is the best option for me because paa outputs HUGE file sizes.

    So my question is, can I avoid the color banding by saving it differently or is it just the game?

    Thanks in advance.


