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Everything posted by jandrews

  1. jandrews


    How could I take some code from that and make it a seperate code snippet for a PvP we play. I am only looking for the brightess and longest burning flare there is. may be even attach a parachute to it to slow it down. The Flare_82mm_AMOS_White seems the biggest, using his adjustments could I just change that in to a server script being run from a trigger from say the SL and radio call. May be adding it to description.ext. class CfgPatches { class KLS_FlareFix { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F"}; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class FlareCore; class FlareBase; class Flare_82mm_AMOS_White: FlareCore { timeToLive = 80; brightness = 200; intensity = 1000000; }; class F_40mm_White: FlareBase { timeToLive = 80; brightness = 200; intensity = 1000000; }; class F_20mm_White: FlareBase { timeToLive = 80; brightness = 200; intensity = 1000000; }; class F_Signal_Green: FlareBase { timeToLive = 80; brightness = 200; intensity = 1000000; }; }; // nul = ["markername"] execVM "flare.sqf"; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _rndpos = getMarkerPos (_this select 0); _chute = createVehicle ["NonSteerable_Parachute_F", [(_rndpos select 0), (_rndpos select 1), 400], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _flare = createVehicle ["Flare_82mm_AMOS_White", [(_rndpos select 0), (_rndpos select 1), 400], [], 0, ""]; _flare attachTo [_chute,[0,0,1]]; _flare setVelocity [0,0,-10]; Unfortuately, this idea is not working, for "Flare_82mm_AMOS_White" doesnt even spawn and "F_40mm_White" doesnt respond to adjusted code in description.ext. I would like to just use the code, we play with 80+ players in PVP for friday night fights with my group. We do a lot of night ops and NO NVG's this would enhance gameplay by far if I / anyone else could help get it working w/out client side addon. Any help? Side bar: Any groups want to partake in PvP with 80+ players check us out. thanks! http://bravoco.us/fnf/
  2. jandrews

    FIA Site Modules

    I only added to line 155 and then below for behavior and combatmode. BIS_occupySiteBuilding = compileFinal" _building = _this select 0; _site = _this select 1; _faction = _site getVariable 'faction'; _coef = 1; if (count _this > 2) then {_coef = _this select 2}; if (!isNil {_building getVriable 'occupied'}) exitWith {}; _building setVariable ['occupied', TRUE]; switch (_faction) do { case 'Blue': {_faction = 'BLU_F'}; case 'Red': {_faction = 'OPF_F'}; case 'Green_army': {_faction = 'IND_F'}; case 'Green_para': {_faction = 'Guerilla'}; }; BIS_getRelPos = { _relDir = [_this, player] call BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo; _dist = [_this, player] call BIS_fnc_distance2D; _elev = ((getPosASL _this) select 2) - ((getPosASL player) select 2); _dir = (direction player) - direction _this; [_relDir, _dist, _elev, _dir]; }; _buildings = [ 'Land_Cargo_HQ_V1_F', [ [-89.3972,5.45408,-0.724457,-89.757], [160.876,5.95225,-0.59613,-0.245575], [30.379,5.37352,-3.03543,-32.9396], [49.9438,7.04951,-3.03488,1.15405], [109.73,7.20652,-3.12396,-273.082], [190.289,6.1683,-3.12094,-181.174], [212.535,6.83544,-3.1217,-154.507] ], 'Land_Cargo_HQ_V2_F', [ [-89.3972,5.45408,-0.724457,-89.757], [160.876,5.95225,-0.59613,-0.245575], [30.379,5.37352,-3.03543,-32.9396], [49.9438,7.04951,-3.03488,1.15405], [109.73,7.20652,-3.12396,-273.082], [190.289,6.1683,-3.12094,-181.174], [212.535,6.83544,-3.1217,-154.507] ], 'Land_Cargo_HQ_V3_F', [ [-89.3972,5.45408,-0.724457,-89.757], [160.876,5.95225,-0.59613,-0.245575], [30.379,5.37352,-3.03543,-32.9396], [49.9438,7.04951,-3.03488,1.15405], [109.73,7.20652,-3.12396,-273.082], [190.289,6.1683,-3.12094,-181.174], [212.535,6.83544,-3.1217,-154.507] ], 'Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F', [ [84.1156,2.21253,-4.3396,88.6112], [316.962,3.65801,-4.14061,270.592], [31.6563,3.61418,-4.13602,-0.194908] ], 'Land_Cargo_Patrol_V2_F', [ [84.1156,2.21253,-4.3396,88.6112], [316.962,3.65801,-4.14061,270.592], [31.6563,3.61418,-4.13602,-0.194908] ], 'Land_Cargo_Patrol_V3_F', [ [84.1156,2.21253,-4.3396,88.6112], [316.962,3.65801,-4.14061,270.592], [31.6563,3.61418,-4.13602,-0.194908] ], 'Land_Cargo_Tower_V1_F', [ [99.5325,3.79597,-4.62543,-271,3285], [-65.1654,4.17803,-8.59327,2,79], [-50.097,4.35226,-12.7691,2,703], [115.749,5.55055,-12.7623,-270,6282], [-143.89,7.92183,-12.9027,-180,867], [67.2957,6.75608,-15.4993,-270,672], [-68.9994,7.14031,-15.507,-88,597], [195.095,7.46374,-17.792,-182,651], [-144.962,8.67736,-17.7939,-178,337], [111.831,6.52689,-17.7889,-271,5161], [-48.2151,6.2476,-17.7976,-1,334], [-24.622,4.62995,-17.796,1,79] ], 'Land_Cargo_Tower_V2_F', [ [99.5325,3.79597,-4.62543,-271,3285], [-65.1654,4.17803,-8.59327,2,79], [-50.097,4.35226,-12.7691,2,703], [115.749,5.55055,-12.7623,-270,6282], [-143.89,7.92183,-12.9027,-180,867], [67.2957,6.75608,-15.4993,-270,672], [-68.9994,7.14031,-15.507,-88,597], [195.095,7.46374,-17.792,-182,651], [-144.962,8.67736,-17.7939,-178,337], [111.831,6.52689,-17.7889,-271,5161], [-48.2151,6.2476,-17.7976,-1,334], [-24.622,4.62995,-17.796,1,79] ], 'Land_Cargo_Tower_V3_F', [ [99.5325,3.79597,-4.62543,-271,3285], [-65.1654,4.17803,-8.59327,2,79], [-50.097,4.35226,-12.7691,2,703], [115.749,5.55055,-12.7623,-270,6282], [-143.89,7.92183,-12.9027,-180,867], [67.2957,6.75608,-15.4993,-270,672], [-68.9994,7.14031,-15.507,-88,597], [195.095,7.46374,-17.792,-182,651], [-144.962,8.67736,-17.7939,-178,337], [111.831,6.52689,-17.7889,-271,5161], [-48.2151,6.2476,-17.7976,-1,334], [-24.622,4.62995,-17.796,1,79] ], 'Land_i_Barracks_V1_F', [ [66.6219,14.8599,-3.8678,94.6476], [52.0705,10.0203,-3.86142,4.09206], [11.4515,6.26249,-3.85385,1.42117], [306.455,10.193,-3.84314,0.0715332], [294.846,14.2778,-3.83774,-91.0892], [7.04782,1.86908,-0.502411,-90.3917], [86.3556,7.98911,-0.510651,129.846] ], 'Land_i_Barracks_V2_F', [ [66.6219,14.8599,-3.8678,94.6476], [52.0705,10.0203,-3.86142,4.09206], [11.4515,6.26249,-3.85385,1.42117], [306.455,10.193,-3.84314,0.0715332], [294.846,14.2778,-3.83774,-91.0892], [7.04782,1.86908,-0.502411,-90.3917], [86.3556,7.98911,-0.510651,129.846] ] ]; if (!(typeOf _building in _buildings)) exitWith { }; _paramsArray = (_buildings select ((_buildings find (typeOf _building)) + 1)); _finalCnt = round (count _paramsArray * _coef); while {count _paramsArray > _finalCnt} do { _paramsArray = ([_paramsArray, floor random count _paramsArray] call BIS_fnc_removeIndex) }; if (_finalCnt > 0) then { _newGrp = createGroup ([EAST, WEST, RESISTANCE, CIVILIAN] select (getNumber (configFile >> 'CfgFactionClasses' >> _faction >> 'side'))); if (isNull _newGrp) exitWith {}; { _pos = [_building, _x select 1, (_x select 0) + direction _building] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, ((getPosASL _building) select 2) - (_x select 2)]; ([_faction, ['Marksman','Grenadier','rifleman', 'autorifleman','Rifleman (Light)','Team Leader','Combat Life Saver'] select floor random 4] call BIS_pickSiteUnit) createUnit [_pos, _newGrp, 'BIS_currentDude = this']; doStop BIS_currentDude; commandStop BIS_currentDude; BIS_currentDude setPosASL _pos; BIS_currentDude setUnitPos 'UP'; BIS_currentDude setBehaviour 'SAFE'; BIS_currentDude setCombatMode 'YELLOW'; BIS_currentDude doWatch ([BIS_currentDude, 1000, direction _building + (_x select 3)] call BIS_fnc_relPos); BIS_currentDude setDir direction _building + (_x select 3); } forEach _paramsArray; _site setVariable ['garrison', (_site getVariable 'garrison') + [_newGrp]]; ['[SITES] %1 garrisoned by %2', typeOf _building, _newGrp] call BIS_fnc_logFormat; _newGrp selectLeader BIS_currentDude; BIS_currentDude = nil; };";
  3. jandrews

    FIA Site Modules

    So here I go again. Breaking stuff!! Sry for the wall of code. Still learning this updated forums. Cant find spoiler tab yet. I am attempting to update this code. I added more units and am trying to change their behaviors while "dostop" and "commandStop". But am getting an error. { _pos = [_building, _x select 1, (_x select 0) + direction _building] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, ((getPosASL _building) select 2) - (_x select 2)]; ([_faction, ['Marksman','Grenadier','rifleman','autorifleman','Rifleman (Light)','Team Leader','Combat Life Saver'] select floor random 4] call BIS_pickSiteUnit) createUnit [_pos, _newGrp, 'BIS_currentDude = this']; doStop BIS_currentDude; commandStop BIS_currentDude; BIS_currentDude setPosASL _pos; BIS_currentDude setUnitPos 'UP'; BIS_currentDude setBehaviour 'SAFE'; BIS_currentDude setCombatMode 'YELLOW'; BIS_currentDude doWatch ([BIS_currentDude, 1000, direction _building + (_x select 3)] call BIS_fnc_relPos); BIS_currentDude setDir direction _building + (_x select 3); } forEach _paramsArray; I guess my questions are am I able to adjust the units behaviors much here with dostop and commandstop orders... and I really hate how the units here just stand around even when the other units around same buildings are being engaged. I see why now with the dostop and commandstop to keep them in place. Is there a simple way to have these units patrol around in the positions or react better to fire without having to use an AImod? I dont mind the AImod anyway but just wondering? if(typename _pos == "OBJECT") then {_pos = getpos _p> 10:08:28 Error position: <_pos == "OBJECT") then {_pos = getpos _p> 10:08:28 Error Undefined variable in expression: _pos 10:08:28 File A3\functions_f\geometry\fn_relPos.sqf, line 21 10:08:28 Error in expression <, 'BIS_currentDude = this']; doStop BIS_currentDude; commandStop BIS_cur> 10:08:28 Error position: <BIS_currentDude; commandStop BIS_cur> 10:08:28 Error Undefined variable in expression: bis_currentdude 10:08:28 Warning Message: Bad vehicle type 10:08:28 Error in expression <; _dir = _this select 2; Other scripts/code: Des.ext class CfgFunctions { class myTag { class sites { class siteModuleUpdate { preInit = 1; file = "scripts\siteModuleUpdate.sqf"; }; class pickSiteUnit { preInit = 1; file = "scripts\pickSiteUnit.sqf"; }; class pickGroup { preInit = 1; file = "scripts\pickGroup.sqf"; }; }; }; }; BIS_pickSiteUnit = compileFinal" _faction = _this select 0; _unitPref = _this select 1; switch (_faction) do { case 'red': {_faction = 'OPF_F'}; }; _ret = ''; switch (_faction) do { case 'red': { switch (_unitPref) do { case 'rifleman': {_ret = 'O_G_Soldier_F'}; case 'autorifleman': {_ret = 'O_G_Soldier_AR_F'}; case 'Marksman': {_ret = 'O_G_Soldier_M_F'}; case 'Grenadier': {_ret = 'O_G_Soldier_GL_F'}; case 'Team Leader': {_ret = 'O_G_Soldier_TL_F'}; case 'Rifleman (Light)': {_ret = 'O_G_Soldier_lite_F'}; case 'Combat Life Saver': {_ret = 'O_G_medic_F'}; case 'AA_battery': {_ret = 'O_G_Offroad_01_armed_F'}; } }; }; _ret "; BIS_pickSiteGroup = compileFinal" _faction = _this select 0; _grpPref = _this select 1; _ret = grpNull; switch (_faction) do { case 'Red': { switch (_grpPref) do { case 'sentry': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'east' >> 'Guerilla' >> 'Infantry' >> 'IRG_InfSentry'}; case 'fireteam': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'east' >> 'Guerilla' >> 'Infantry' >> 'IRG_InfTeam'}; case 'squad': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'east' >> 'Guerilla' >> 'Infantry' >> 'IRG_InfSquad'}; case 'motorized': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'east' >> 'Guerilla' >> 'Motorized_MTP' >> 'IRG_MotInf_Team'}; } }; }; _ret ";
  4. jandrews

    Urban Patrol Script

    Just hide the markers. I dont have code off top of my head but something with setmarkercolor 0; or something. Just Google it. Place it in the init.sqf
  5. jandrews

    FIA Site Modules

    So i tried this and its not changing the units. Let me post my code. desc.ext class CfgFunctions { class sites { class pickSiteUnit { preInit = 1; file = "scripts\pickSiteUnit.sqf"; }; class pickGroup { preInit = 1; file = "scripts\pickGroup.sqf"; }; }; }; scripts BIS_pickSiteUnit = compileFinal" _faction = _this select 0; _unitPref = _this select 1; switch (_faction) do { case 'OPF_F': {_faction = 'red'}; }; _ret = ''; switch (_faction) do { case 'red': { switch (_unitPref) do { case 'rifleman': {_ret = 'B_G_Soldier_F'}; case 'autorifleman': {_ret = 'B_G_Soldier_AR_F'}; case 'Marksman': {_ret = 'B_G_Soldier_M_F'}; case 'Grenadier': {_ret = 'B_G_Soldier_GL_F'}; case 'AA_battery': {_ret = 'B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F'}; } }; }; _ret "; BIS_pickSiteGroup = compileFinal" _faction = _this select 0; _grpPref = _this select 1; _ret = grpNull; switch (_faction) do { case 'Red': { switch (_grpPref) do { case 'sentry': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'west' >> 'Guerilla' >> 'Infantry' >> 'IRG_InfSentry'}; case 'fireteam': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'west' >> 'Guerilla' >> 'Infantry' >> 'IRG_InfTeam'}; case 'squad': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'west' >> 'Guerilla' >> 'Infantry' >> 'IRG_InfSquad'}; case 'motorized': {_ret = configFile >> 'CfgGroups' >> 'west' >> 'Guerilla' >> 'Motorized_MTP' >> 'IRG_MotInf_Team'}; } }; }; _ret "; I did modify it some to do what i want. Basically RED FIA.
  6. jandrews

    Site module opfor units

    hey thanks for the help guys!
  7. Anyway to edit the units spawned with site modules? For example from standard opfor to urban opfor?
  8. Wow that's really cool. A question I have is there a way to convert this into some kind of flare script. One that burns more bright like normal flares vs arma flares for cool night ops. Seems like most the work is done already just needing more of a single flare that gives off more light for longer time period.
  9. jandrews

    Site module opfor units

    Nice I presume I could use _x forceaddhelmet and backpack the same way too . and this goes in the initserver.sqf thanks
  10. jandrews

    [SP\MP] Dynamic Universal War System - Rebirth

    Any news on the dedicated server update? I have been looking into the init file and changing all to isServer that was ismultiplayer. Does anyone know what other files need updates? Thanks
  11. jandrews

    Random tasks\objectives

    I have not seen jshock here for a while. U have to edit his scripts in a few places to add those units. I doubt he would care. But doubt he has the time to help either.
  12. Anyone use this? Seems like the only module without an actual veh or virtual sync setup. Anyone able to give directions on using it?
  13. never mind. got it working. thanks again.
  14. I updated my code. this works some much better. thanks. I did get an error with this _units append (units _grp); So i // that line. I think it still works. will test. thanks again for example.
  15. jandrews

    safe position for vehicles

    this did the job. thanks for suggestions! _veh = createVehicle ["O_G_Offroad_01_armed_F", _markerPos, [], 150, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; createVehicleCrew (_veh); //[(group _veh),(_markerPos),(random(400)+50)] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; [(group _veh), (_markerPos)] call bis_fnc_taskDefend;
  16. hey all, am wondering how to get this. I have units spawning to a certain marker AND I want some vehicles spawning around that same marker but I would like them to spawn in a safePos so they dont blow up once they spawn. So i have tried the below. The units spawn in at _markerpos just fine BUT while attempting to use _newPos call BIS_fnc_findSafePos for veh's no luck. When I change back to _markerPos for veh's they spawn in not in safePos and blow up. lol. I have changed the veh's x,y however these are towns and random areas so most times they hit stuff and blow up. Is there a better way? private ["_side","_units","_markerPos","_newPos"]; _side = createCenter east; _markerPos = getMarkerPos (_this select 0); _newPos = [_markerPos, 10, 20, 10, 0, 0, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; _units = [];
  17. jandrews

    safe position for vehicles

    will that work in MP? Is it saved as getEmptyPosition.sqf? sry still learning this stuff.
  18. jandrews

    safe position for vehicles

    this is my result too. I changed _this select 5 to 2 and veh's are not even spawning.
  19. Ok, so thats the thing. the radius. it works now. For peeps wanting this to spawn in via scripting. I added some random radius hopefully and with some testing it works. So random 300 is 150x150 from center. I almost want it more to cover buildings farther out. But good so far. The units do double / triple up on spots when using false to place units one by one, evenly seems to spread them out more with LESS doubling. There is still doubling of units in same positions. Filling from top down seems to spread them out more too. _grp13 = [_markerPos, _side, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> "Guerilla" >> "Infantry" >> "IRG_InfAssault")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; nul = [(getPosATL leader _grp13),units _grp13,(random(300)+25), true, true, true] execVM "scripts\Zen_OccupyHouse.sqf"; {_units pushBack _x} forEach units _grp13; I guess another question is... would having units walk to position in place of teleport possibly change the doubling of units in 1 position?. I will test some more. after testing = NOPE!
  20. Not to take away from your scripting fun. But for these I would consider using EOS (script designed to do what you want, configured somewhat by your preferences and caches the units after AO is player empty to save resources)or bis_fn_spawngroup. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?153100-Enemy-occupation-system-%28eos%29 https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_spawnGroup
  21. I have tried these both and no results. units stand around. _grp13 = [_markerPos, _side, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> "Guerilla" >> "Infantry" >> "IRG_InfAssault")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; nul = [(getPosATL leader _grp13),units _grp13, 10, false, false] execVM "scripts\Zen_OccupyHouse.sqf"; {_units pushBack _x} forEach units _grp13; _grp9 = [_markerPos, _side, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> "Guerilla" >> "Infantry" >> "IRG_InfAssault")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; nul = [(_markerPos),units _grp9, 10, false, false] execVM "scripts\Zen_OccupyHouse.sqf"; {_units pushBack _x} forEach units _grp9;
  22. Hey. thanks for the response. code below. units do not move. _grp13 = [_markerPos, _side, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "West" >> "Guerilla" >> "Infantry" >> "IRG_InfAssault")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; nul = [this, units _grp13, 10, false, false] execVM "scripts\Zen_OccupyHouse.sqf"; //{_units pushBack _x} forEach units _grp13; RPT errors below. I // the pushback to see and no change. 21:36:19 Error in expression <ault")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; nul = [this, units _grp13, 10, false, false] ex> 21:36:19 Error position: <this, units _grp13, 10, false, false] ex> 21:36:19 Error Undefined variable in expression: this 21:36:19 File C:\Users\Andrews\Documents\Arma 3\missions\COOP_20_[episode_1_].Altis\scripts\OpforGuer.sqf, line 51 AND 21:36:29 Error in expression <lse { _buildingsArray = nearestObjects [_center, ["house"], _buildingRadius]; };> 21:36:29 Error position: <_center, ["house"], _buildingRadius]; };> 21:36:29 Error Undefined variable in expression: _center 21:36:29 File C:\Users\Andrews\Documents\Arma 3\missions\COOP_20_[episode_1_].Altis\scripts\Zen_OccupyHouse.sqf, line 100
  23. jandrews

    [60 TvT] Battle Grid

    not a bad idea. not sure the time it would take, but may be limit weapons and such to side specific player is on. DzireCML is your server public? i would like to join in some time and play this with a larger group.