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Everything posted by Xalteva

  1. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Wrong ! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crusades Wrong ! http://quran.com/5/32 Religions were never about rational thinking ,it has always been about belief :)
  2. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Politicians need religion ... it's a variable they can play with and manipulate it as they wish ! we still have in our world religions from 10000 years ago :) Islam is no different ,it has many good/bad aspects that can be manipulated according to the context !
  3. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Nigeria has fancy ressources ! gold, diamond and uranium but also expensive woods :)
  4. Xalteva

    Libya today

    ok! i believe you ...
  5. Xalteva

    Libya today

    ehm ?! when did i talk about US-jewish conspiracy ?! I am realistic ,i don't believe in fantasies ! i believe in interests and people using uncommon methods to protect them :) What's happening in Lybia is simply chaos !
  6. Xalteva

    Libya today

    Now everyone can sneak from behind and take his share of the best quality oil in the world :)
  7. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Believing that everything is a conspiracy is most likely wrong ,but thinking that there is no conspiracy at all is stupid :D
  8. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Great ,US not moving a finger for its citizens ... I will say it again, there are forces out there that want/need IS to exist for their own profit ! But yeah, you can still believe this is some kind of "religious" matter ...
  9. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    This suggests that the human race should have disappeared a long time ago :D When politicians finish doing their plans they go to the loo take down their pants and s*** a huge thing that we call the "news" ! and it smells baaaaaad :D
  10. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Yes, good question ! this is the issue with the majority of people, they hear things on the TV and they emit judgements based of their very light understanding of concepts, i used to be like this too ! until i started doing my own researches ... Anyway, the funny point about them stealing "paper" money from a mosul bank is that in a "normal" islamic state ,the use of a currency that doesnt contain its value within itself is forbidden, during the previous islamic state and the caliphate before it, they were using "Dinar" wich is a piece of gold and the "Derham" which is a piece of silver ! that was their currency, and this is one of the major basics in the sharia's economic model ! Here's one of the few english videos i found talking about the subject : Not talking about punishement of stealing in islam which ofcourse everyone knows ... I am sure if i dig into that video,and with a deeper research, i can come up with a lot of contradictions with the previous "islamic state" which ,by the way, was ruling the world with science and economy and ofcourse conquests ,not with this savagery. But,i agree on most of what you have said in your first comment :) Actually every religion or ideology was made to gather people ,politics is what exploits religions to create fights ! 55 million people died in the WW2 and it was not a religious war ! i can come up with more examples ... We are all enforced to follow some law actually ,aren't we ? maybe the way it is done is more elegant ?
  11. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    This alone should make anyone sensible have doubts about this oganization, an islamic state based on stolen "paper" money ! sorry ,but i can't stop laughing. And yes, it's compeltely chaos there , no wonder that some people start going nuts and doing crazy things ...
  12. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Yeah, i was not saying they came from another galaxy :D ,i think they are being used politically ,but i can't see clearly the reason behind that ! all i know is that USA has the technology and the power to send these guys and their jeeps to oblivion,but no one is doing a s*** or simply not willing to, meanwhile there are masses of refugees wherever these extremists are ! it's also noticeable that these terrorist organizations are always tied to areas where natural ressources exist ... that's where the conspiracy maybe is :D ! and come on please,human being is capable of such things :) In the video above,there are many subliminal ideas which are being passed to the viewer ,like linking daily muslims rituals (which are far from being extremist) to IS activities i am talking about charity,praying and even the "isba" (control of prices and quality of products) ! which are actually good aspects of islam ! in other words,a guy who has never heard about islam will think those things are part of terrorism,like it actually happened with the word "sharia" ! i hope it was not meant to be insalubrious. Anyway,a guy wearing prada glasses ,holding a M16 rifle and yelling that he will kill all european infidels can only convince brainless people ! those civilians all look terrorized and just repeating what they are being told.
  13. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    And here's the full documentary ! A small comment on this : i think that IS will disappear within the next months,but what would be the reputation of Islam after this ?! these guys are far from what the "average" muslim is and that's for sure. This smells like a dirty conspiracy (you can bash my face now).
  14. Xalteva

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Well because they were inexistent ... i have some huge doubts about IS origins ! i feel that they want to look "bad" on purpose ...
  15. Can someone please remind me how we should review our missions/addons following the 1.63 new changes,it was something about "spawn" command which i can't really remember . Right now i get a lot of script errors.
  16. Xalteva

    Are we at the brink of World War III?

    What we "need" is some comet hitting the earth to start a new game ! it's lagging and bugging hard right now ...
  17. Dominant Phrygian ! i like ;)
  18. Xalteva

    Israel General

    Guys,i am tired of this thread ! i give up the discussion ... feels like smashing a sandbag. Have fun !
  19. Xalteva

    Israel General

    I don't see why we are discussing vilas' fantasies about muslims ... it's irrelevant to this discussion ! he can go to forums dedicated to that,and he can debate with muslims,they will know how to answer him ! he has claims that only muslims can answer ... what tells me that beheading gays is an islamic teaching ? or punishing people for drinking beer or eating pork ? (this is a rhetorical question please don't answer).
  20. Xalteva

    Israel General

    Ok a bunch of unknown guys did 2 videos that haven't exceeded 42000 views in which they attacked people in the streets in the of Islam or whatever ! make of all muslims in britain a danger to the nation ?! what tells me it's not made by someone just for troublemaking ? You remember that black guy in england who ,in a video was saying allahu akbar, after stabbing a guy in the street ? well,it appeared after that it was just a car accident and the black guy went to the scene holding a knife and claiming he killed the atheist in the name of Islam and the blood on his hands (not present on the crime scene) was just made using video editing tool ;) I ask you for serious proofs from holy books proving that what they were doing is 100% legitimate,proofs that you can use against any muslim (since you claim that islam is the problem) ! And please stop accusing me of things,i havent said ... i didn't say your links were fake,but rather biased !
  21. Xalteva

    Israel General

    Yes,because they radars and satellites to send GPS guided missiles ...
  22. Xalteva

    Israel General

    When then Hamas won't have as much sympathy as it does right now !
  23. Xalteva

    Israel General

    You talk about Hamas like if they were IDF's equal ... explosions made by Hamas rockets are like that explosion from Breaking Bad's famous scene (This is not meth!!) ! ,i even start believing that those rockets were just made to scare ,there is a huge difference between intentions and what's actually happening ! Palestinians see in Hamas the last defensive power they have,ofcourse they are using "uncommon" methods to surive ! Sheikh Yassin was killed on his wheelchair near a mosque by a missile ! they most likely don't want to trust Israel's fariness after that ;)
  24. Xalteva

    Israel General

    Dwarden,let me explain one thing about my way of thinking ! I never defend politicians,they are unstable ,unpredictible and most likely unreliable ... like ABu Mazin right now who can't even go to the court to claim Israel's crimes in this war! Husseini bet on the wrong horse and allied to the Nazis,he failed ... Yasser Arafat played too much on the defensive line and gave up many times to Israel,as far as i am concerned,he brought nothing to the palestinian cause ! Concerning USA donations,currently Israel is on the top ! @Variable Yes,at the begining they were selling lands but how do you justify current demolishing of palestinians houses and colinizing their lands !
  25. Xalteva

    Israel General

    Not to mention that during the mongol invasion of Europ (looking for a link on the How),muslims played a major role stopping them ! otherwise ,it was going to be a huge genocid ! the battle of Mohi is an example of what was waiting Europ at that time : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Mohi I lost any hope in having a fair discussion with vilas ! he posted links on Apostasy in Islam,that's good ! even though,i'd like to hear something from a muslim scholar about it ! But many of his statements are based on just feelings,hatred and "my friend in London like" arguments ... bring proofs and i will shut up ;)