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Everything posted by thenach

  1. I'm using as "old" the same version that was included in MCC mission. When I get back home I can give you the date # . I think is the one post hotfix. Basically is the one that does not have the setting for who can revive.
  2. Good news! One question If I want to export saved server loadouts in version 32 the new version, how can I do it?
  3. Go to see more people having the same problem. I know there are at least 4 guys already posting this issue. FYI this issue does not happen with the previous version.
  4. IF you are using MCC's MP mission, yes and don't forget to comment the line in the init.sqf. (you have to open the PBO to do this) If you are using the MOD version of MCC, then what you need is to put the revive script that you want. (Don't forget to put a start point because if not you will respawn right by your dead body)
  5. thenach

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    The only problem with bCombat is that the AI is too slow to move in a conflict area and the engage distance. Usually they engage way to close and that is a killer against players. I will test this version and verify if this one works better.
  6. Psycho, Were you able to replicate the error that after the first kill some users become immortal? It show the "hit" effect but they never get know down.
  7. Look in pervious pages, Shay is already aware if this. FYI Also I put a work-around in how to solve it but it requires a little of knowledge in Arma mission.
  8. thenach

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    hey guys, anyone tested this with Zeus? I'm asking because most of the AI MODs does not work correctly as you need to have it in the server and also in the curator. Also should this script be initialise in the initserver.sqf / initplayerlocal or initplayerserver ?
  9. Thanks for the clarification Mikey! An eagerly waiting for that Zeus / Suppression work :D The video looks really cool!
  10. Hi, I have a few questions. Does this AI system works well with zeus? usually with other AI mods they need to run the mod in the server and also in the curator side. Other question does suppression works with this mod?
  11. I found a solution for the wounded system, for the JIP. I added a initplayerlocal.sqf and in it I initialise the A3 wounded script. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Event_Scripts initPlayerLocal.sqf: Executed locally when player joins mission (includes both mission start and JIP). See initialization order for details about when the script is exactly executed.
  12. thenach

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Cuervo / Raven This mod looks awesome ! Any chance to have a script version of this mod?
  13. Shay, Using the mission version Looking at the logs of the server: mcc\dialogs\mcc_3dTasks.hpp, line 139: '/MCC3D_Dialog/controls/MCC_3dTasksControls/Controls/MCC_3dTasksCompletedCombo.idc': Missing ';' at the end of line EDIT: On the mission the Revive does not work for JIP
  14. thenach

    ASR AI 3

    Hi, first thanks for looking into this. Yes I notice this when the server was upgraded to 1.16 I tried running the server vanilla and still have these errors. I think these are "client" side errors. Basically I have keys for VTS weapon resting / STHUD / SOS but these are not mods running in the server. I think this is related how Zeus handle the addons... if I use a mission without Zeus I don't have those errors and I know for a fact with the previous version of ARMA I don't have those errors.
  15. thenach

    ASR AI 3

    Sorry, you are right.. I forgot to add the log https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B78u404JZOsRbkZHS1dBX1BGTnM/edit?usp=sharing Here you have it .. for 6 hours of Zeus. I will do one with VTS that actually looks like the lines you pasted above.
  16. thenach

    ASR AI 3

    This is what I was trying to explain the 3 post I put about this. Zeus it seems it uses the Server params... because I also tried setting my local client at difficulty recruit and still are aimbots when I spawn in the dedicated server. The server ha in the user profile 0.78 as Aim TPWCAS (scripy) I know it works and for example bcombat also does.
  17. Thank guys for the update. I have a question though - I'm using the Mission version. And I don't want the roles. Do I still need the INIdb? Can be disable?
  18. thenach

    ASR AI 3

    Robalo I tested out with the debug enable in a dedicated server and is not working with zeus... and Actually the AI were all aimbots! When I'm not spawning units with Zeus the mod works... (VTS / MCC) There is a Thread in Zeus talking about how Zeus override the skill settings. If it working for you can you please let me know how you do it and also how can I test it? In the ASR userconfig I did enable the debug options but still does not show.
  19. Using dedicated with Zeus or With VTS and so far with 250 AIs my CPS never goes down... stays at 47
  20. thenach

    Why dont AI mods work on Zeus???!!!

    I think we need to understand what parameter use when you create a AI. Because I think is using the Zeus (Player) params and not the ones defined in the dedicated server. I have ASR and TPWCAS and is working fine locally but when I go into the dedicated server the AI behaves totally different.
  21. thenach

    Suggestion: Add speedmode to AI

    Cycle waypoints is already in Zeus... in the showcase it explain you how to do it.
  22. thenach

    ASR AI 3

    It seems when the units are spawned using the Zeus console they don't use ASR AI it used standard ARMA AI.
  23. thenach

    Mag Repack

    This... I have the same error. I'm using the script version in my missions.
  24. What I want is to be able to use Taskforce Radio ... VON is really bad in Arma. Not only that.. using "global or direct" will not cut it.. because Global it a real immersion killer ... the grunts do not need to hear why his SQL is asking for support. Impersonating a AI should do the same as VTS or MCC does... userswitch.