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Everything posted by theevancat

  1. Oh, look at that! Back from training and going to school (with a laptop that can run... Uh, maybe Minecraft on low settings.) I'll be around to answer questions and talk about the mod (the future and what people would like to see) on a regular basis. Yeah, I honestly have no idea how that happened and I tried to fix it before I left to no avail. Once I get my hands back on the data over Thanksgiving leave I could try (or send it off to the successor dev so they can fix it.)
  2. theevancat

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    I mean, I made a pretty good CSAT woodland/jungle swatch. It works on existing maps.
  3. theevancat

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    I think they want to make the new Scorpion ACU the new unified uniform. Just change the name to like, Joint Combat Uniform or something like that and be good with it.
  4. theevancat

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    RHS needs those fugly brown BC glasses. I'd be laughing all day if they got pushed out in an update.
  5. theevancat

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    I wonder what the Army gets to do in the Pacific, or if we'll just be seeing Marines.
  6. theevancat

    Lack of content in vanilla Arma 3

    Especially since a lot of the core engine elements are down and the basic assets are finished, it frees up a lot of time and resources to develop assets when you're not focusing on making the game from the ground up.
  7. theevancat

    Lack of content in vanilla Arma 3

    I mean, release time is always busy fixing bugs and whatever. It has been a while since then, true. I'm not sure if they had the time but prioritized something else of if they just didn't have time period... I dunno. ---------- Post added at 13:27 ---------- Previous post was at 13:19 ---------- I guess with a storyline changearound they reused some assets but a complete change might have prevented more diversity. I guess they didn't really trash everything but I'm sure they had to sit around for a little bit and think about what needed to be done. So they took what they had and made the best of it. Stuff that was planned to be in the game (like our turretless Marshall and our KSG shotgun) but wasn't fully completed needed to be shifted aside to deal with the urgent priorities. Existing assets needed to fill holes, yeah. I'm sure we'd be seeing a lot more diversity if the development wasn't as troubled. Although why these weren't completed afterwards could be a case of like I said in the preceding post.
  8. If it still isn't working just let me know and I'll take another look at it. Maybe I missed something.
  9. Have you put in the DLC compatibility PBO for Marksmen into the main addons folder? That has all the stuff needed for the DLC including classnames and whatnot.
  10. Last release, just a small bugfix thing. Nothing too major. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pr4jyf9thvje4nq/CSAT%20Modification%20Project%20v1.5.3.zip?dl=0 And with this put out at the last minute, I bid adieu for now!
  11. theevancat

    Lack of content in vanilla Arma 3

    However, we have to take into account Arma's troubled development... They trashed everything in 2012. As far as we know, the expansion isn't as rocky as the vanilla game. Perhaps we'll see more assets just because there isn't a series of unfortunate events unfolding.
  12. theevancat

    ARMA 3 early access shot gun montage video?

    For one, it's a lot of work... It's probably coming, there just isn't a lot of documentation so people have to figure it out and then apply it to the hundreds of weapons they have built.
  13. theevancat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Banned in Iran but people still play it... I occasionally get Iranians trickling in to tell me my mod has some Farsi spelling mistakes. xP
  14. theevancat

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    CSAT is weird because it's written into their base class (O_Soldier_F) that they be tougher than regular soldiers, on account of their armor being the protected portion of their battle rattle (their vest is just a cloth harness.) So there's that. It plays weirdly with different mods.
  15. theevancat

    ARMA 3 early access shot gun montage video?

    I feel like they could've gotten around the whole pumpaction ordeal by using or inventing a semiauto, magfed shotgun. The ammo classes are there and seem to work. Why not just modify the KSG model to be semi?
  16. theevancat

    Lack of content in vanilla Arma 3

    I've been musing about some sort of competition where, if the someone wishes to build something like new faction turrets and donate it to the game, BIS and the community can vote on it and evaluate it and add it to the game. If you look at something like CSGO with skins and TF2 with hats, that's almost exactly what Valve does. However, CSGO skins are kind of optional when it comes to the grand scheme of things... On the other hand, it could controversial because it could be interpreted as BIS having other people make the game for them. Especially if there's payment for it (look at MANW's fallout, for example.) Just a concept and a couple of viewpoints that can be seen. I feel like that's a refreshing change from the usual subject. :P
  17. theevancat

    Looking for a few recommended Mods.

    I think most AI mods should be ACE compatible if you remove the AI-pertinent PBOs in the folder. It's modular to support that.
  18. theevancat

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    I wonder if we'll be getting a future Osprey like our future Chinook? Hmm...
  19. theevancat

    New terrain reveal - Tanoa

    http://i.imgur.com/vwMin.gif (584 kB)
  20. Alright, so 1.5.3 is being worked on and I heartily believe that it is my last update, at least for a while. I know I've said that in the past but with my ship date on 29 June, obviously I'm making final preparations to bring it up to date and fix most of the bugs before I go. The next question is of maintenance. I do have someone in mind that I'm popping it over to, but I've made up my mind on how I'm going to do it: After seven weeks of Cadet Basic, we're issued computers for the academic year. Current regulations do enable things like Steam on the network (and I, like most Cadets, pay money for personal Internet access to do things like stream music while I study) and so I'll be evaluating several things. First off, this is a laptop built primarily for school so running games is going to be questionable at best (RIP ambitions of Fallout 4 -_-) if I even have the time at all to focus on something like this between all the studying and extra duties that come with being at the Military Academy. If I determine that I cannot work on this anymore, I'll send it over when I get back to my data over Thanksgiving leave (26-29 November.) I'll probably be poking around on the forums to address questions and stuff after reorgy week (10-14 August.)
  21. theevancat

    How To Repair Vehicles With Repair Truck?

    IIRC the limit is established, at least for vanilla trucks, as a config value that's something like 100000000 so it's practically in unlimited... I may be wrong.
  22. First off, if this is in the wrong section just let me know and I'll correct it. This seems to be the most appropriate section over the completed user missions. Greetings, all. I've been playing through several missions and campaigns and I've noticed that a lot of them that have a story don't do great things with the characters and writing in the like. That's understandable. However, because I and some of the people I know are interested in more immersive storylines and characters like what you'd see in a movie or a book, I'm offering to start scriptwriting (and the occasional voice acting) for peoples' missions. I feel like this is something that's needed. What does this mean? Mostly characterization. It feels eerie going out on a truck ride with everyone staring at each other blankly. Characters, if important to the storyline, aren't just names and guns: they're people. They're going to talk about movies or they're going to debate the pros and cons of Beyonce versus Shakira. As a hobbyist writer, I pay particular attention to the natural characterization. There's a reason why shows like Breaking Bad do so well, and it's because the characters have depth. In an Arma campaign? That's not something I see too often, even with BIS. Deeper immersion plays a part, too. Ambient dialogue like the frantic radio reports from different elements during a beach invasion make the game feel bigger. It lacks the "epic depth" if there's nobody saying anything when troops storm ashore and engage in firefights. This also provides an explanation to explain deeper into a story. CSAT is taking Altis because... why, exactly? Someone gets to mention that their brother is in the Iranian Navy and he's complaining that they're playing chicken with NATO fleets. Someone else muses that they should put antiship missiles on the place once they're done with it. It's the little details that make all the difference to a lot of people. The flavor and depth that comes with good writing is often appreciated but overlooked by a lot of people, and it's not even Arma's fault. The missions aren't bad without actual characters, but they just feel lacking. So if you're doing a campaign or mission that feels like it needs story, shoot me a PM or a mention here and we can take a look at it. If you like, I can throw up my writing samples and you can see how the style goes. Debate and discuss down here.
  23. Surprise. I've been busy so it has really taken me a month to do so little. But I figure it's about time. 1.5.2, changelogs and junk on the main page. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9iev2migo1jx0jf/CSAT%20Modification%20Project%20v1.5.2.zip?dl=0 Also, I do have a version on Steam that I'm running. Let me know how I'm doing with it since I'm quite new with Publisher. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=441854566
  24. Once I get some permissions figured out and learn to upload to the Workshop (apparently I can fit everything there now), 1.5.2 drops. Mostly fixes but there will be some new things.