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Everything posted by theevancat

  1. theevancat

    Food for thought, and a rant about "Context"

    Honestly, they should've had something like this in A3. It'd make sense... You need a platform that you can slap stuff on all quick-like so you can have an ambulance, a flatbed, a mobile antenna... Anything you need. The Hunter would be more for heavier-duty stuff and would work in concert with the smaller, more vulnerable vehicle while still maintaining somewhat of a logistics and training commonality (it's probably easier to learn to drive a MATV if you know how to drive a LATV if they have similar characteristics.) Besides, the LATV is supposed to be scalable... You don't need a ton of armor while tooling around Ft. Dead General, USA. I mean, they should've had a lot of stuff in A3. But MRAPs as the main vehicle for everything didn't really make sense. I'd be here all day if I wanted to throw my wishlist around!
  2. theevancat

    US Military Mod (80s 90s)

    I broke up with my girlfriend because of my woobie.
  3. theevancat

    US Military Mod (80s 90s)

    I'm not sure if ponchos even hide thermal signatures. They're just "water resistant" coats. Really, we just made hooches out of them because we have Goretex jackets and whatever for rain (obviously they'd be wearing them in the '80s.) The lean-to tent (a hooch) is pretty easy to make. Two sticks sharpened with your knife, some rocks to anchor the other end, some paracord, and a poncho and you're set. Nobody uses them in real life but they made us make them for training. But I still love the things. Plus I love the liner (<3 woobie.)
  4. As a general rule of thumb we use lasers (mostly because we don't really worry about the Taliban having NODs.) They don't give highspeed NV optics to everyone. I'm sure it'd be different in an actually contested night environment.
  5. And that's why we just use lasers. Much simpler.
  6. theevancat

    Tanoa Particle Effects

    Most explosions (like grenades) are generally disappointing puffs of dust... Except for the Claymore. That was pretty awesome.
  7. theevancat

    US Military Mod (80s 90s)

    Now you just need ponchos, because ponchos are the real MVP.
  8. theevancat

    US Military Mod (80s 90s)

    DBDUs and DCUs? Niiiice. I'd much rather be wearing that than this grey digital potato-suit.
  9. theevancat

    Food for thought, and a rant about "Context"

    In regards to command and control, I feel like a lot of that is lacking. I think it would have been cool to see that expanded upon as a feature. Command networks, communications, information technology, cyber countering... It's 2035, that stuff would definitely be there. Get into a network and, instead of crashing it, send out false orders that confuse AI subordinates. There's a lot more to radios and comms than most people realize... I trained at a very basic level on working radios (and then we also got the death-by-PowerPoint briefing on other various radio systems as well) that things like TFAR got pretty right and there are a lot of moving parts that could factor into a mission. All of this is something that would benefit both high-command styled missions as well as your basic squad or platoon stuff. Going back to my original scenario with the network hacking, you could be in one of those Invade & Annex missions and get an order to head to a certain area... You'd play differently if you knew that the enemy might have compromised your network and would be sending out false objectives to lure you into an ambush. You'd avoid certain terrain if you knew that your comms wouldn't work well through a giant valley instead of the side chat button doing whatever it does all the time. I agree about the military technology being geared towards a more asymmetric environment, but I think that just reflects current trends... We went into Iraq and Afghanistan with a military designed to outshoot Ivan in Europe. I can guarantee that we'll go into the next war with the perfect military for ousting insurgents in the mountains of Aghanistan... I think that they should have fictionalized it a bit more, especially being all future-war. Why not bring back concepts and equipments that make a game-changing impact instead of functionally-similar vehicles that look in-place for the time period? I think they tried that with CSAT and their Landwarrior-type gear, but there was no meaningful impact on gameplay. Their HUDs didn't do anything. They just look cool.
  10. theevancat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    The tugboat approves.
  11. theevancat

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    The SOAR came to give a briefing for us here at the Point and brought one of their MH47s. Pretty fun to walk around in. Those beasts are sure encouraging kids to sign up for aviation by the truckload.
  12. theevancat

    Soldier's Height?

    I've always guesstimated around six feet, so 1.8ish meters.
  13. theevancat

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yeah, because ACUs make you look like a potato!
  14. theevancat

    Challenges of Jungle/Marine Warfare in Tanoa

    I say we need malaria and trench foot simulation. That or blowing out your shoulder from carrying an MMG through the mountains.
  15. Really, a lot of it is head movement and not hand/arm movement. So the weapon is steady but you still need to get your face down and your cheek onto the stock, which is where the sights become misaligned (how you see the sights from your eyes, not necessarily how you hold it.) So you'll still have to line up your sights when aiming down onto a bipod.
  16. Is this only with iron sights or (I'm not even sure if it's possible, but I've never worked hands-on with optics so I'm not too sure) do you want to eventually try simulating the movement of the red dot as you move your head? The scripting might be the same but depending on how the red dot is placed on the model it might just be a fixed thing.
  17. theevancat

    Challenges of Jungle/Marine Warfare in Tanoa

    Of course we can win it... They don't even have seats in their vehicles. I mean, I can't see them anywhere. How do you even drive those things?
  18. theevancat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I mean, it was more of a joke than anything else. I'm aware of the armor the tactics and stuff (if anything, there are rumors going around that it was just an abandoned tank or something that they shot at.)
  19. theevancat

    Arma3 Watch brand

    They have special military watches? I've been using a $30 digital watch I bought from the PX with a broken backlight. Tactical!
  20. theevancat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Yeah, I assume that the FIA is using stolen RPG-42s... Not sure why they don't have stolen PCMLs as well. And yeah, I saw the video... Made me start to doubt branching armor after I'm done with the Academy!
  21. theevancat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Eh, it depends. A lot of people will be using this stuff until stocks run out. There are a lot of RPG-7s kicking around. Some people still make them. If they're cheap and they work, someone'll be using them. Granted, you're right: the OPFOR as a "professional" faction would probably be using something more modern to defeat our new, exciting armor systems.
  22. As far as I'm aware, I don't think they had hiddenselections. But my knowledge is old.
  23. theevancat

    Cheytac M200

    Backpacks are some of the easier "organic" assets just because the rigging isn't bad and the shape is still, by and large, squarish. The straps, yeah, take some getting used to. But bags are still a good bridge to start getting into that organic stuff.
  24. theevancat

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Huh, and here I am still using the leaf sight (in 2015) like an oldschooler because they don't make the new plastic sights for lefties.
  25. I mean, it's your standard-fare training stuff. Silly cadre games (if having your bed tossed counts as a game), marching, getting "corrected" for various things. Room inspections, uniform inspections... We did get to do cool stuff like rappelling and shooting but for the most part we're focused on transitioning to being a Cadet. The cool Army stuff, by and large, comes later after you're already broken in as a Cadet. Definitely not even close to regular enlisted basic. It's a whole different mission. Although during the school year I get to try out for clubs that'll do stuff like tacticool shooting (8/8 wud oper8 gr8 m8), military stuff, or SWAT competitions.