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Everything posted by theevancat

  1. theevancat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    New piss test DLC featuring court martial!
  2. So, simple question for the ambulance vehicles in the game that display the red crystal - I want to change that to a red crescent, but I don't see anything in the config that notes a separate texture for a medevac vehicle. Now, I know that there's a red crystal .paa in Data_F, but how does this go onto the vehicle? How can I change it to something else and apply it to the vehicle?
  3. theevancat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I have heard stories from Rangers about how one guy in their platoon brought a tomahawk to Afghanistan with him. They all laughed at him... until he killed someone with the tomahawk. Then everyone bought one.
  4. theevancat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Yeah, modernized takes on equipment and gear is what I like to see personally, revised experimental designs (Comanche was pretty cool, perhaps should have been paired with a big and heavy attack helo like it was supposed to be in real life), and a variety of capabilities. It's what I try to do when I imagine and lay out a faction. I really do like the Arma 3 setting and, as I've said before, it's kind of wasted of its potential. I didn't mind the stealth airframes and whatnot, I just wish there were more of them. But at the same time I realize and respect the limitations of developing a game. So I just kind of tried to mod a lot of that variety and believable futurism in.
  5. theevancat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I would've preferred it if they had completely fictional/obscure experimental designs going for them. That way you wouldn't need to try and explain a Singapore ULCV, but just lampshade it and say: "Yeah, we designed this in 2030/revived funding for it."
  6. theevancat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    The future is just an excuse to use things that are aesthetically pleasing. Which is fine, so long as there's a backstory. Which is what this game lacks.
  7. theevancat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I would probably assume that another CSAT member state would be added instead of the current "not-Iran." Probably "not-China" like everyone thinks. They could be fleshed out unlike the current not-Iran, but who knows?
  8. Yeah, I haven't touched Arma in six months... No idea that there was an update that broke stuff until a few days ago.And yeah, the military's pretty alright. Barracks life is studying, cleaning, and copious amounts of Netflix. I'm bummed that I don't have access to my machine. But at the end of the day that's probably helping my grades and you have to study hard or else you get posted to Ft. Polk, Louisiana and nobody wants that. Ah, damn, you're right... Can't believe I never noticed that. It'll go on the list of things to fix.
  9. theevancat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    As a West Point cadet currently stuck in the woods for the 187th day of land nav, I concur that navigation by stars is useful. I'm almost home!
  10. The classnames for the Keftar are: TEC_VH_Helicopter_Keftar_F (the regular one) TEC_VH_Helicopter_Keftar_SOF_F (the black one) The Shahan just has one: TEC_VH_Plane_Shahan_F --- On another note, I've just finished handing off the CSAT Modification Project source data to someone so that he can keep the thing going. I can't work on it anymore for the near future and this is the first time I've been back to get the data. Expect to see developments soon (including new stuff and restored behind-the-scenes cut content) as well as fixes to what's about to be a six or so month old update. There'll be a new thread and everything. Keep your eyes peeled.
  11. theevancat

    A3 futuristic

    I've always been interested in the concepts of soldier networking, so stuff like Land Warrior back in the day where you'd have a little computer on your wrist where you could communicate between leaders and whatever in real time. Tap on the map and everyone in the company knows that your platoon is going to close in on a specific house. Tap somewhere else to give GPS coordinates for a MEDEVAC helicopter. What if you could use your networked stuff to see through a security camera in Kavala or something and find an enemy patrol just around the corner? Your platoon might have its own drone that feeds into it. Medics can put sensors on wounded patients so that they can get an alert if something happens like a drop in blood pressure. All of these are gameplay changing concepts that are a direct result of technology and could be used to differentiate Arma on a core level from before. We have experimental kit like this already, both canceled concepts and in development stuff. All of this exists either in practice or theory. Other soldier stuff like exoskeletons could be worth exploring in 2035, perhaps as a small SOF unit. Run faster, carry more weight, aim steadier? If CSAT has their device then it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility to lampshade a solution for the battery problems we have with current devices. Technology fielding in real life is limited by budgets, politics, and anything else. Here, you can take these concepts and have a bit of fun with them. Figure out how to use them to their full potential. Do something different.
  12. theevancat

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I used M16A4s for basic training at West Point, oddly enough. That's literally the only place anyone I've talked to has ever seen them outside of the USMC.
  13. Yeah, like Roadkill said, ACE changes some stuff related to default units. It may not be something as overt as changing the vehicle entirely, but it could be something like replacing the Ifrit with an Ifrit that has a modified config (I think ACE has a module that changes weapon and vehicle names, so the game actually considers that changing the entire vehicle.) Still a replacement. Try removing an ACE module that deals with default vehicles and see if that works.
  14. Yeah, I ran some prototypes of some stuff but found out that not everything can be retextured. I just left it as is to preserve unity. And yeah, I wouldn't know if anything has changed since I've been out of Arma for at least six or so months now.
  15. That's a known problem that I can't correct anymore since I can't actively work on the mod. I think it's related to the RHS Blackhawk glass or something, or at least that's what was discovered when I talked to the RHS devs about it. Luckily, the Keftar is more or less standalone.
  16. If you're using the replacement pack that includes everything (not the replacement pack with just infantry), then that problem is likely to occur when something else tries to replace the Ifrit as well. So like, if a mod replaces the Ifrit with an Ifrit that has different stats (like that vehicle enhancement mod or something) then there'll be a conflict. Try the alternate pack and see if that still gives you problems.
  17. theevancat

    US Military Mod (80s 90s)

    The leaf sight is bae. But maybe that's because I'm a leftie and can't function normally with the new quadrant sights.
  18. theevancat

    Objects for Tanoa

    They're pretty much just regular computers. Maybe just make the screen a permanent window of MS Outlook and you'll have the most realistic props out there!
  19. theevancat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I think this was about the early stages of A3. Remember the KSGs and XM25s in those screenshots?
  20. theevancat

    US Military Mod (80s 90s)

    If anything, it'd be them talking on their car phones or something. '80s and all.
  21. theevancat

    US Military Mod (80s 90s)

    You need a First Sergeant to police the thread. Maybe have people take their hands out of their pockets while they're at it.
  22. theevancat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I mean, I was being snarky. That'd be awful. Plus I don't want to deal with paperwork... I play Papers, Please for that.
  23. theevancat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    If they really wanted to realistically overhaul the medical system they'd add a feature where you could randomly twist your ankle on a rock and go on profile for three months.
  24. theevancat

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I may have been out of the loop for a while but what was the Nexus update?
  25. theevancat

    Food for thought, and a rant about "Context"

    That is true. I think we've geared towards heavier vehicles in the past and it's wise for a lot of things (I personally like my limbs attached to my body), they're not a one-size-fits-all solution. However, BI probably just added the base MATVs for gameplay and budget reasons. Most likely didn't have time to make a LATV-type vehicle to use. Honestly, I think the military is going for the MATV/LATV combo since they're very similar and both of them have their specific missions. There is a souring on the lightly armored vehicles but we still realize that there's a need for a vehicle that can be slingloaded or can actually cross rickety bridges that a full MRAP can bring down. So yeah, you're right. We don't want lightly armored vehicles anymore. But we still need "light" vehicles. Torch/sell/donate the rest of the bigger MRAPs and keep some in storage or special purpose vehicles (a MATV can't exactly replace a Buffalo, for example.)