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About The_JackaI

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  1. [TML] Vanguard PMC Efficiency and Speed come from Deliberate Action. How often are you playing a game with strangers and thinking to yourself, “man I wish these people would just work together”. Do you watch movies where high speed operators work together cohesively, and respond organically to support each other? Do you want to be part of a unit which takes their tactical mindset into whatever game they are playing? Vanguard may be the group for you. Plus… we have a theme song. Who is Vanguard? We are a group of like minded individuals who train to a standard mindset in order to be the most effective fighting force on any battlefield we find ourselves on. Vanguard exists within The Myrmidon Legion, a multi-game community with hundreds of people. Within TML, Vanguard stands out as the group which specializes in squad level tactics. We train real world US Marine tactics, and apply them, plus or minus game mechanics, to whatever game we are playing. Our primary training environment is Arma3, and we use it as our fallback game for operations when in a larger group. However, we’ve played and applied our tactics to games from Ground Branch, Ready or Not, as well as other shooters. Who's running it? SnipingViper leads Vanguard as its founder and leader, boasting over 30 years of experience in managing online communities. With a focus on tactical and Milsim groups, he, alongside Jackal, has cultivated proficiency in various gaming platforms such as CoD4, Planetside2, Battlefield, Arma3, and MMOs like Archage and WoW. TLDR; If you are looking for a community of like minded individuals with a focus on teamwork, tactics, and community, you’ve found your home. You can join our discord at Myrmidon.org, or reach out to either Viper (Discord: snipingviper), or (Jackal Discord: thrahg).
  2. The_JackaI

    Popup target control

    So i've got it working. I downloaded this mission www.rustyinplaces.org/armaediting/nopop_issue_fix.Stratis.7z. That mission has the workaround script to make the targets stay down. In that is a file called popuptarget.sqf with this code inside /* File: PopUpTarget.sqf Author: BIS Description: Script to make the pop-up target actually pop back up. Parameter(s): _this select 0: the pop-up target object. */ private ["_target"]; _target = (_this select 0) select 0; _target setDamage 0; scopeName "root"; if ((_target animationPhase "terc") <= 0) then { _target animate["terc", 1]; if (!isNil "nopop") then { if (nopop) then { breakTo "root" }; }; sleep 3; if (!isNil "nopop") then { if (nopop) then { breakTo "root"; }; }; if (alive _target) then { _target animate["terc", 0]; }; }; true in the mission there is a trigger with name poptarget, text popup target, then none, radio alpha, repeatedly with this in the condition Target1 animate ["terc", 0]; Target1_1 animate ["terc", 0]; Target1_2 animate ["terc", 0]; where each target is named "Target1" "Target1_1" "Target1_2" from there, you follow this thread to the letter, and they stay down and come back up on radio command; http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?158679-Targets&p=2435091&viewfull=1#post2435091 Thanks so much for the help. :cool:
  3. I know there are scripts out there to make pop up targets come up at random. I'm building a shoothouse with standing targets inside that my squad clears. I want the pop up targets to stay down after they're shot but to have an option attatched to a post that allows the instructor to pop them back up if they need to run it again. I'm not very good at writing arma script, but I can manipulate it well enough. I appreciate any help, thanks :)