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Everything posted by christian2526

  1. christian2526

    Ingame 9Liners & Notepad

    Indeed, i`m not saying its a bad idea to being able to drop it and pick it up, but maybe its possible with another system?
  2. christian2526

    Ingame 9Liners & Notepad

    I dont like the idea of an id system, which would (as acre and tfar do) mess up the arsenal system, when you use (as we do) a restricted arsenal, which is needed to prevent players from using arma 3 content. Also, i dont think an After Action Review/Report Formular is needed, because (correct me if i`m wrong) you`ll be posting it in some forum. If Chief adds a AAR Formular then i would like to have a function to either export it into pdf (or any other format) or some function to export it directly to a website.
  3. christian2526

    Ingame 9Liners & Notepad

    Thanks for the quick update, enjoying it! For your question, i would like to have some key which switches the control over to the vehicle/character but still allows you to view at the dialog. That with you could conduct or assest operations while planing.
  4. christian2526

    Ingame 9Liners & Notepad

    Looks good, thanks!
  5. christian2526

    Ingame 9Liners & Notepad

    Works good, Question: Can you add the CAS Check-In Brief (http://www.fas.org/irp/doddir/dod/jp3_09_3.pdf Page 154) and the Special Operations Forces Gunship Call-For-Fire Brief (http://www.fas.org/irp/doddir/dod/jp3_09_3.pdf Page 218)?
  6. christian2526

    British Ridgback PPV

    Hey cleggy, thank you for this great addon, we had a blast playing with it today. We`ve also made some videos and pictures. The Mission was played in Sangin Province with serval other mods as well. Pictures: http://imgur.com/a/ty0hR; http://taskforce47.de/gallery/userImages/8c/253-8c73b934.jpg Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eo3PAsoepw8 Chris
  7. christian2526

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    We cant really find the error, we haven`t encounterd any errors since the last patch, no need to enforce it on the clients afaik. I only start up the mods in that way and it works.
  8. christian2526

    TF47 Launchers [WIP]

    Heya, as i build the missions and manage our public servers at taskforce47.de, i can say that we have no problems using both at the same time. The thing is that you have to load @CUP first, then load some other addon and then load @tf47launchers. In that order you can prevent cup from overwriding anything. For example, this is a modstring out of tadst: "-mod=@cba_a3;@allinarmaterrainpack;@agm;@Arma2NET;@asr_ai3;@task_force_radio;@asdg_jr;@ares;@caf_ag;[color="#FF0000"]@CUP[/color];@clf_mods;@dg_british_aircraft;@dar_mtvr;@ewk_m1151;@fa18_a3;@hlc_ar15;@fhq_accessories;@hlcmods_ak;@hlcmods_core;@hlcmods_fal;@hlcmods_g3;@hlcmods_jsrs;@hlcmods_m14;@hlcmods_m60e4;@jakdo;@kyo_mh47e_a3;@stkr_bi;@mef;@zbe_cache;@rds;@rds_ag_comp;@realarmor;@rhs_afrusaf;@rhs_usf3;@rhs_afrf3;@sma;[color="#FF0000"]@tf47_launchers;[/color]" Hope that will help you, Chris //edit PWS will automaticly load cup first afaik
  9. christian2526

    Clothing Mod 0.1 Alpha

    That looks good, the boots look a little weird. I love the Patriot, i wear it everyday (Mine is black).
  10. christian2526

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    We play with 13.5 gigs of mods to have a playable game, we dont use any Original Arma Content exept some pistols and the hunter. Anyways back to topic.
  11. christian2526

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    If you want to we could work together, but i use quiet a lot of mods (44 in total) to have all the us army, marines, airforce and isis equipment. I`ll have the main part of work done till next week saturday.
  12. christian2526

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    In our version i already removed all Markers off the map and BTC Revive, the FOB is placed to another point and we wont use any vehicles on the map for now. I think with the right starting point and no vehicles it can be fun. The SFP Editor was meant for the op, maybe that with he can have a whole team working on the map :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?187612-SFP-Multiplayer-Map-Editor-Atlas
  13. christian2526

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    This is defently a good map with the right mission thanks to ericj! Have you yet tried this to speed up your work, as you can edit the map in multiplayer.
  14. christian2526

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    Sure thing. We might design one someday ourself.
  15. christian2526

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    Thanks EricJ. Would you mind if i (and our team @ taskforce47.de) modify it heavily?
  16. christian2526

    Kunduz, Afghanistan [10km] v1.20

    @EricJ, porting Insurgency shouldn`t be hard. I love this map as well and will put some mission set together until next weekend, when i`m done with testing i`ll upload something. Question: Does this map support ALiVE already? Anyways imma go and call-in some gbu31`s!
  17. christian2526

    Marine Expeditionary Force Mod

    Have u seen the pm i send you?
  18. Then Update asap, we need this for an event which is running atm and jips cannot connect with broken files :(
  19. @Sonsalt, SIx Version is bugged. Addon AiA_Hotfix_Config requiered addon Sara.
  20. Heya, First, Thanks for the great Addon. I`ve noticed that with a Speed of 300-500 it can happen, while turning, that the F-16 gets into a Stall and falls down from the sky`s. Is that normal or a bug? Chris
  21. christian2526

    Thank you Tonic. ArmA3 is now a casual game.

    What is wrong with you? There are alot of ArmA Milsim Communitys and its seems like you have never used to be part in any of them. If you only want to play milsim then do so, dont care about all the life servers, i dont like life aswell, but do i hate them, NO! The point is that they did a really good job on their addon and you can play it if you want, if not dont play it.
  22. christian2526

    Marine Expeditionary Force Mod

    Check your pm`s.
  23. christian2526

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Yea kinda, as i said it is only being said not teached or whatever because the world largest AirForce is the US Air Force and the second largest Airforce is the US Navy Aviation. They dont even maintain the Anti Air Tanks anymore, they only use Stinger now (and ofcourse patriot and laser guns :D )